Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
11:00 - 21:00
Thu - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
香煎磨菇火腿意大利飯 煙肉什菌忌廉扁意粉 煙鴨胸沙律伴自家製意大利醋汁 賓尼迪蛋
Review (9)
話說前排有人向我提起好鐘意食egg benedict,加上近日外面落雨令我諗起某日喺尖沙咀避雨走進小巷發現既小小店!雖然本人仲未食到味道驚為天人既egg benedict,卻被小小店既價錢而感到驚奇想試!《Mr Chef Cafe》印象中只容納有4-5張高椅望牆,有經典既all day breakfast、egg benedict 同少量款式既意粉揀,surprise 從未見過咁既價錢($38 冇加一有餐飲)就食到!唔熱既現成超市包、at least 成功會流既蛋同淡味既火腿肉加上畫龍點睛既荷蘭醬!沙律菜係滿意既黑醋汁!而且咖啡竟然比想像好,對我來說starbuck 的焦糖咖啡已算過甜,較喜歡這杯不甜之余同時又嘗到焦糖跟咖啡既味道!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-28
Discovered this little joint serving Western style breakfasts when I was at a tasting recently.I was tempted to try it before but it was packed, there are 4 seats, 2-3 that you could possibly sit on if people don't put there bags on them.Anyway, I was in the area again so dined there.TST is not a place I usually go, but unluckily this place I wanted to try was closed, so luckily I remembered this place.I was skeptical at first because it was Chinese style Western breakfast so I tried the omelette. There was also eggs Benedict which I wanted to try but sitting uncomfortably on a narrow bench table put me off ordering it.The all day breakfasts cost around $34-$38. I ordered the omelette because it looked easy to eat without much effort.Unfortunately the drinks that come with it were Hong Kong milk tea or Coffee.I ended up choosing the coffee because I don't drink Hong Kong milk tea.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fresh grounded coffee:I don't drink coffee but I drank half a cup because it was quite nice and not too milky with no sour aftertaste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★green pepper and ham omelette:When I saw it on the menu, the pairing of green pepper and egg was rather odd because green pepper has this distinct taste.Anyway, when it arrived, I could smell freshly cracked black pepper that was sprinkled on.The black pepper and green pepper went surprisingly well with the omelette and the texture of the omelette was soft and fluffy with a slightly runny centre.It was just nice having the omelette with the toast and the side of salad was ok because it was dressed in sweet balsamic vinegar.The baked beans were cold so I asked them and they said they were served cold.I normally have my beans cold anyway because it tastes better.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $34Service: OKService charge: noYummy factor: okNapkins provided: yesPortion sizes: reasonableEnglish Menu: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
11月30號晚和表妹到尖沙咀逛街到了Cotton On的時候被我見到橫街那邊有賣Eggs Benedict,而且只要$38!!!那時候我超興奮的跟表妹說有Eggs Benedict耶!那時的我真的很失禮啊店前有一位小哥在派傳單,因表妹還想行一下Cotton On,所有我就先去霸位了我看到小店已經滿座,便跟店外的小哥說要兩位他安排我先坐店外的位置,若店裡有空位便立即調我入內表妹沒多久就來了,我叫她先看MENU,我就一定是吃Eggs Benedict啦~不得不提那位小哥真的很有禮貌,由安排我坐店外的坐位到落單他也很好態度不到5分鐘便有食客出來,而我和表妹就入店坐進店內的設計感重的椅子了!因為這店真的很小,店內也大概只有6個位置,然後位置是像吧台設計,但是面向牆壁店員很貼心的提醒桌下有掛勾可以把手袋掛到勾上但我覺得座位有點美中不足的是桌下沒地方放腳,腳只能放在椅子的腳踏,有點辛苦點菜後不到10分鐘,東西都上桌了我的餐飲是熱MOCHA(特式咖啡+8),女店員跟我說MOCHA已經攪拌好了,所以不用再加糖很貼心的店員呢很害羞的上載我跟Eggs Benedict的合照因為上菜和合照後我都只顧着吃,忘了單拍eggs Benedict但看照片也知道水波蛋(poached eggs)上的荷蘭汁/醬(Hollandaise sauce)份量較少火腿也只是平常茶餐廳火腿通的片裝火腿但$38而已,又那能要求這麼多呢~水波蛋切起來蛋黃立即流出來,配合荷蘭醬的味道超棒!雖然荷蘭醬份量有點少,但味道也不錯,至少不是淡而無味其他東西也只是很平庸沒什麼很特別的地方~但我已經很滿足,因香港實在太少地方能吃到Eggs Benedict了在吃這家店之前我已經吃過旺角的OCIO, 灣仔的The Flying Pan, 銅鑼灣的Brunch Club& Supper這家的Eggs Benedict當然比不上最後提及的那兩間店但用$38吃到Eggs Benedict真的很幸福吃完後一位店員問我和表妹要不要嘗一下他們的蛋糕但我和表妹都沒有特別想吃就沒吃了這家店雖很細小,但感覺店員都貼心感激眼利的自己看到這家小店,讓自己吃過這個幸福的晚餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同事去開附近見到有新嘢,知我為食就打俾我問我要唔要試當然,我試了~哈哈!叫咗個青口白酒忌廉扁意粉,點知佢話無哂青口,改做海鮮我平時都有煮開嘢,所以個人認為作為一間餐廳,質素應該可以更好,可惜佢無扁意粉軟硬適中,可惜無乜味,我要自己加鹽先得而且眼見都唔覺有幾多粒「海鮮」,攪到我覺得好似俾人搵咗笨咁…另外,佢嘅份量實在少得可憐…就當係我大口兼大食,所以幾啖就KO哂了~唔係難食,亦知尖沙咀舖租唔平,不過如果無生意,你都圍唔到皮啦?所以,如果著緊啲啲味道、注意吓啲份量,先賺口碑再調整價錢唔係仲好嘛? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-08
穿梭於厚福街,絕對不是陌生路..尤其要在貴價之尖沙咀地皮之上,要找到較為港式及平民化價錢、這條小街你一定要識甜品、粥麵、車仔麵各式其式,近來就給發現上一間價錢親民的港式街頭吃egg benedict店子不大,設有一個小型吧枱區、坐為大約可放上五張高櫈食物方面有意粉,三文治、all day breakfast等等小小空間位置其實坐得不太舒服,身貼身、手碰手的模樣要上一個egg benedict$38.價錢相對相當吸引、賣相亦很是標準蛋黃切開流心力不算驚人,蛋面之蛋黃槳亦不算甚多、而且蛋黃槳吃在口中色澤與味道亦有別於慣常之蛋黃槳、牛油味偏重,底層之鬆散亦烘得不夠乾身整體上中中平平至於海鹽焦糖咖啡,跟上餐加上($8.)普通杯子之分量,聽其名想想海鹽之下又會是怎樣的味道?原來配合海鹽之下絕無多出之咸味,只是將焦糖之甜度微微調低一點這杯反而是個人喜愛的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)