2411 0499
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
鹿兒島A5和牛 藍鯕吞那魚生 鹽燒北海道喜之次
Review (6)
Level4 2013-11-07
灣仔聖佛蘭士街及星街一帶有很多餐廳小店,水木日本料理是其中一間。首次光顧,被安排坐於店內盡頭的貴賓房間,約二十個座位,連洗手間一個,自成一角,用餐環境更寧靜,私隱度更高,亦適合包場開派對之用。裝潢簡單得來又帶點貴氣,不俗。午市有十餘款定食可選,由百多元至三百多元皆有,無加一,單價距離都算幾大。先來兩食前菜及沙律,前菜是較特別的紫菜莖,爽爽地,內帶點小魚乾的風味。田園沙律選材都算新鮮,只是香醋調味稍重手,有點搶喉之感。接着奉上的是燉蛋,成品面上有一層湯汁,燉蛋滑度香度都算理想。配料除了含常有的蟹柳、香菇及銀杏外,亦附上滑雞一小塊,算是意料之外。主食燒銀雪魚,口感滑溜結實,魚香中規中矩,油香比預期輕。定食連白飯及麵豉湯一碗,份量個人覺得少了一點,尤其男士可能不夠滿足。同事點了壽司定食,雖沒親嚐一二,單看賣相都算精緻吸引。最後可選甜品或咖啡。甜品是芝麻味雪糕,食味滑度普通喇,近底位置吃到少許雪粒,要扣減少許分數。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-09-22
中秋節翌日同好耐冇見既中學同學食飯,本來打算去蝦麵店,點知原來逢星期日同公眾假期唔開...結果沿住星街月街行就去咗呢間水木。假日既午飯時間,入到去一個客都冇,非常靜。朋友叫左個$168任揀3款料理,約有8款選擇,雖然係套餐,但都係中環既小澤抵啲,$95免加一,10幾款任揀3款送雪糕。我就叫咗個燒(牛)肉配雙色刺身套餐 ($118)。蒸蛋水分較多,不過就好足料,確保啖啖都有其他料。沙律係醋汁,啲菜都幾新鮮開胃。小食係小魚漬,外層用脆漿炸過,再放落洋䓤汁,清清地幾好食,我連魚頭魚骨都食埋吞拿魚同三文魚刺身都幾新鮮,吞拿魚一條筋都冇,非常稔滑,唔係隨手執條魚俾你。至於主菜燒牛肉飯雖然調味幾好,但就乾得滯,食落已經冇乜牛肉本身既肉汁,淨係食到調味汁。餐茶只有咖啡有奶茶,如果好似我咁唔飲咖啡,可以揀食雪糕。值得一讚既係店員對上菜同擺放食具都好用心,一定會擺得整整齊齊。不過就食物水準而言,午餐係唔洗再幫襯架喇... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-10
去過幾次LUNCH都覺得好好, 服務好, LUNCH SET嘅食物質數更係超值本來好少再喺度寫食評, 但有個食評係咁鬧, 有啲代店方不值.每樣嘢都睇到師傅嘅用心, 佢哋嘅attention to detail 唔係一般細壽司店train倒出嚟個$160選三嘅set超抵, 魚生亦非常新鮮牛肉飯set係我推介, 香到不得了有相有真相  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔中高檔日本餐;前日航酒店廚師主理;燒太刀魚很不錯;燒物亦可以;環境及服務俱佳但價錢不便宜。Above average small Japanese joint in Wan Chai;Very good grilled tachiuo;Decent robotayaki;Good service;Worth a try if you're around. Mizuki:A rather new restaurant at the time of writing. The Japanese chef here had apparently worked for Hotel Nikko for more than 20 years before working here. We saw him in charge of the sushi/sashimi counter with a grill nearby.Decor:This place is located at where the HK style skewer place "Wong Fung " used to be.They have a number of VIP rooms, a sushi bar/ robotayaki area and about 5-6 smaller tables for two.Menu:The menu had 6 small pages in total: Each with about 20 items: appetizers, food to go with your drinks (heavy flavoured, usually marinated, dishes), skewers (but no tsukune), tempura, grilled food, sushi and sashimi. I usually feel more like skewers instead of sushi after work. The skewer selection was not as comprehensive as I had hoped. Each was about HK$28.  These were what we've ordered.Butabara: Good butabara. Very flavourful meat with a good balance of fat. The timing was good too. Good start.  Chicken wings:The chicken wings were not bad too, slightly lean but also flavourful.Yagen nankotsu: I ordered nankotsu. The restaurant actually meant "yagen nankotsu" (chicken soft bone from the rib cage). I wasn't expecting this but it was not bad. It's an acquired taste. Some may think it taste like soil (like I do). Shishito: A stock item every time I have yakitori because of its cooling effect. Osi Sushi (pressed sushi): This was apparenty one of their signature items. It's anago pressed sushi (you put all the ingredients in a box and then compress them together, making a square shape instead of the more commonly seen hand held nigiri sushi). The Anago had a very strong soil aftertaste, which the heavy amount of sauce tried to cover unsucessfully.  The uni placed about it was good though. The shiso leave inside the sushi rice also enhanced the taste significantly. Negitoro maki: This was not bad. Some may have preferred it to be slightly neater. But the level of freshness of the minced tuna was decent.  Tempura: The assorted tempura was just average. Probably the oil wasn't hot enough. As a result, the tempuras were fairly oily; the batter wasn't as crunchy as I had hoped. The prawn was quite tasty though.  Tarako:Something to go with the house red, which was pretty good.Not as spicy as the one at Kichi. Tosa tofu: A popular dish in most Japanese restaurants. Essentially fried tofu and then served in a soup stock. The tofu used here was silky smooth. The thick batter wrapped the tofu neatly.  Good. Grilled Tachiuo:We decided to try their "chef's recommendation" written on the blackboard. This turned out to be the best dish of the night.The grilled tachiuo was very good. Meaty and tender. It would be even better if less salt was used. We were both happy with this.  Conclusion:About HK$550 per head including 3 glasses of house red ($55) and one beer. Not cheap.All in all, some hits and misses. The grilled fish left a very good impression, which brought this shop from "OK" to "Good" on my scale.Good service; comfy seating.We might return to try their grilled fish.Worth a try if you're around the area. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-08-14
新餐廳一試,水準極低,失敗之作他們安排我地六人嘅坐位是在最入的房間,佈局如港式火鍋店無疑每次需要落單或任何需要,都要親身經過另一枱客人再到外面找員工幫忙,己經十分不便但員工居然反過來話我地會影響到其他客人,叫我地不要出來找他們...難道我們不是客人嗎?而我地從一坐低已沒有任何招呼(坐低直至完完五碟前菜,熱茶都無!!!)房間沒有找員工嘅設施,那究竟要用咩方法通知員工們呢?說真的這是我從未經歷過的最差待遇!!!總括食物質數只屬一般,一般連鎖店務無別,未見驚喜,吃完 first order 已經走了,此因無需要承受員工嘅差透的態度而繼續食落去串燒太乾 !刺身一般 尚可!!箱壽司 飯身過分鬆散,失敗 !!!沒有最差只有更差!!(如果你生日飯在那裡,可能你會寫得比我更差) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)