4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 22:30
19:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (28)
Level2 2010-04-30
We were there for dinner. But first, the backstory: The last time I had sichuan food, I bit into one of those soft peppercorn-type things and basically paid for it the rest of the day with cold sweats. (I actually do ok with chilli most of the time, especially thai bird's eyes but don't know what came over me) Anyway, contrary to some of the english reviews, the service was great. One woman actually repeatedly went down to pick people up from the street because the nondescript doorway to the Winner Building entrance is smack in the middle of two bars at LKF. Our tea was repeatedly filled up and although we stayed till close to midnight, the poor dude cleaning up didn't try to openly chase us away. They speak mandarin/putonghua, so you can use that instead of cantonese if you want. Having said that, the food was only so-so. The four of us had the eight dishes of the fixed menu - dishes were the same as those listed in other reviews here - but none were really stunning. I think the kicker was that the ma la cold chicken wasn't too hot and the rest of the dishes were lacking in taste and depth. I guess the standouts were the cold flat glass noodles with cucumbers and the potatoes and aubergine dish. But you really shouldn't be paying HKD200 for a 25% success rate in a fixed menu. And there wasn't even any dessert! Given that we couldn't choose what we ate and the fact that both my wife and I had the runs about eight hours after the meal (our stomachs aren't too weak), it will probably be a while before we come back here, and only then at the gross insistence of misguided friends from overseas. If this had been a friend's house, I'd have eaten politely and remarked at the bank of six air con units on the wall, and suggested to my friend that the next time we met up, I'd treat him to a meal at Monster Burger instead continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-08-08
今日公司LUNCH LA, 其實我公司係要包場, 都有同佢講明, 但佢都係照有位就俾人入, 因佢仲有一間8人房剩, 我老細都唔係太LIKEY , 但無法. 咁SET 左人頭價120一位, 其實D 野都係一般. 67道菜加飯 OR 面, 要"R"先有甜品送.1. 口水雞, 係几好食的!! 夠辣, 無諗過一黎就黎度最辣的. D 油仲可以用黎撈面 OR 飯2. 拍黃瓜, 几爽, 但其實有好少好少的辣味3. 痲婆豆腐, 一食個口痲左, 無左味覺一陣4. 第三鮮. 几爽, 由於真的無咩特別... 屋企都COOK 到5. 回鍋肉... 好油, 好肥... 但又無咩味6. 辣子蝦, 一上個下好好味, 又脆, 又熱LA LA , 點知... 過多陣... 凍左少少.. 連食都食唔到.. 好多野凍左個味係會差D , 但未至於食唔到, 但呢個真係唔得... 7. 干煸四季豆... 食左2粒..好油... 干煸應該係乾的.. 但佢用油面羅8. 白飯任食, 但面就只有一碟, 8個人一枱, 但只係俾一個人份量, 要串佢話人人俾120, 但要8個人分一碟一個人分量的面, 佢先俾多2碟我地, 佢要大大聲話送既. 9. 甜品: 冰粉... 一碟無味的大菜糕... 只係D 糖水有極少甜味. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-07-27
一個字,劣!!!!! 有任何人話佢好食,一就好唔識食,一係做馬自己寫既。 我常去成都食四川菜,我肯定佢無任何四川成份。食品全部用棘而不香,只是小棘。原全不麻,我唔明有邊方面係四川菜。 有d人話係東北菜,更不知所謂。整個"buffet"一d明貴用料都無,完全唔明點可收哩個價... 我不會每道菜去講,總共大概是八餸,200$一位,四人去即100$一個餸。大佬呀,灣仔食埋蟹,食埋蝦都唔駛哩個價。啤酒25$,汽水20$,佢真係chisin 以為自己係酒店場!!!!! service基本沒有,衛生差,太過overpriced,完全貨不對板。 魚蛋粉的棘都比他棘,大牌檔的小菜更好吃。姑勿論正不正宗,棘不棘,根本菜就不好吃!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-07-08
朋友介紹說一家東北菜很好吃,帶我們一行五人去試試看。朋友本身是東北人,經常下廚煮兩味,令我慢慢喜歡上東北家庭每餐桌上必定有的家常涼拌。他特地叫老闆娘拌了作第一道菜,不在餐牌上的啊! 很開胃的涼拌! 配料記不清楚了,大概有剁碎了的粉絲、豆干絲、蘿蔔絲等等,都是很簡單的料;但就酸酸的、帶點麻油香、加上辣味,把悶熱天氣的差胃口一掃而空!胃口準備好,第二道菜就來了,是熘肉段。熘肉聽朋友說好像本來是魯菜的一種煮法還是怎麼的。東北菜受魯菜影響極深,熘肉倒是在東北發揚光大了。段就是一小條的肉,咬下去軟軟的滑滑的,加上尖椒(綠色的那種)一起炒,配上白飯好吃的不得了!第三道菜是鍋包肉。我發覺其實從菜的名字是估不到這個菜的內容。看一看餐牌,我想很多人來這裡吃的都是川菜,而我們今次專門來嚐是東北家常菜,大多是餐牌上看不明白的菜。鍋巴肉是其中之一。是把肉排上漿(其實不是槳,好似有點麥片的感覺,總之就像我們炸排骨一樣拍粉着衣才炸一樣)再炸,配上一種酸酸甜甜的醬,很好很好吃!因為醬汁帶酸,所以不會很膩,就算不配白飯一樣好吃。第四道菜是炒土豆絲。遠看像是白飯魚。薯條切得很幼細,嚼起來很爽脆,不會軟,炒的很好!而且有很香的薯味。幸好我們沒有要太多的白飯,因為一小口一小口的吃,不知不覺就吃很多,而且土豆絲很飽肚!第五道菜是炒黑白。其實就像媽媽常做的黃芽白木耳炒肉絲。但不同的是這個木耳好吃得多。聽老闆娘說是由東北帶過來,是東北種的木耳,比香港買得到的小,口感也不一樣,沒有那麼爽,不會很”挺”(香港的木耳煮完後都會有一棵或一塊葉般的形狀吧?這個不會)。不知道怎麼形容,我只知道伴這個菜我吃了很多白飯!最後一道菜是炸茄盒。另一個朋友馬上叫了起來,還以為是甚麼事呢,原來他上次去東北沒能吃到,所以顧不得燙嘴馬上吃了一件。兩片茄子中間夾著調得很惹味的肉末,上漿後再炸。我本來不算太好茄子,又怕痘痘,都憋不住吃了兩大件,但吃完以後馬上感到熱氣..總的來說,是很令人回味的一餐! 朋友說這是家常菜,跟上館子吃的菜不一樣。不過在我看跟上館子的一樣美味。朋友說老闆娘做的很有家鄉風味,他在家就是吃這個味道,難怪他的嘴這麼饞! 美中不足的是這是私房菜性質,菜點多了可能上得慢,為了避免這個情況,有些菜可能弄好一個部份,待會兒再繼續;所以有一兩味吃起來不夠熱。看下面的食評,大家都對川菜感到失望。很辣的其實並不一定代表好吃或正宗,也有四川朋友來吃過說川菜做得很地道;不過香港人對川菜的辣或味道就是有期望吧,配合了香港開的川菜館。我沒有吃過這裡的川菜,所以不會評論;但我很喜歡這裡的東北家常菜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-01-06
看了同事的FB album後極為吸引,不斷遊說她帶我去試。才知道這位置是之前周奶原址。午市似是普通的麵館,只有麵食及冷盤小食。宜賓燃麵-可能是少辣關係,不夠火紅油亮,色香味並不俱全,麵身又略為腍,相比起渝川的四川涼麵舖滿了蔥花、花生及火光紅紅的辣油,真是非常好懷。排骨粉及酸辣粉-前這是同事推介,味道一般,排骨不太入味,而湯底當然不能與後者相比。燈紅色的酸辣粉,可能我認為不夠辣,感覺上酸味較突出。粗粗圓圓的薯粉,晶瑩剔透、爽滑可口是我的至愛。口水雞-又是不香不辣不麻,雞肉極嚡口,不過一碟$20,不也能要求太高。拍黃瓜-清涼爽脆,同時是辣度不夠。以上的極其量只是中辣,他們已覺勁度十足,對我來講只是小學程度,毫無難度及刺激,就算我另加辣油,也沒有鼻水流流,真是不夠過足口癮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)