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Review (8)
(Non-member) 2010-06-10
今日有同事生日, 諗住成班人去食lunch, 我就提議去呢間Luci食, 之前食過4次都覺得OK, 價錢唔貴, start from 50幾 to 80幾, 又有home made 麵包, 又有餐湯甜品....但今日去到, 發覺走哂樣湯 - 半小碗青色的麥弼麵包 - 變成 cheap cheap 麵包條, 每人一支主菜 - 咖哩汁比目魚配飯, 魚塊OK大, 可惜唔太新鮮,肉很"梅",少少睲,仲有很多⻣甜品 - 以前有....而家無咗conclusion:餐牌改哂, D喇沙,漢堡扒不再有價錢又貴哂, start from $74-88我想我不會再幫趁了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-05-23
After reading a few good reviews on Luci Thai I invited an out of town friend to join me for dinner at this restuarant. I was hoping to good thai food in a nice environment.Positives:1. Nice atmosphere and restaraunt designNegatives:1. Lousy service2. Half the choices on the menu were NOT AVAILABLE. (Then why put it on the menu!)3. Half of the choices weren't even Thai food and those that were Thai were not well prepared. Even a basic Green Chicken Curry was only so so4. Waiter would bring plates but no cutlery, would bring tea but no milk or spoon to mix the tea, we ordered an expresso and the manager had the audacity to bring a cup of coffee in a small expresso cup and try and pass it off as "high quality coffee" in a smaller cup. 5. Small portions.I think there is MUCH better thai food in many other restaurants in HK. I'd stay away. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-04-11
今次真係直得一讚LUCI既所有員工!今次揀LUCI既目的係一嚟慶祝女朋友生日之餘,仲有係用嚟求婚既。因為唔係好熟中環既餐廳,所以特定前一日已經去個一帶site visit,一見到LUCI就已經俾佢既環境吸引,優雅之餘又擁有一定既私人空間。本來book位係唔可以garantee有2樓,但當我同老闆娘講話求婚用,佢就一口應承左!當日,去到時真係reserve左2樓"全層"俾我地,真係好似包場咁,好grand,仲要reserve埋waiter特登serve我地,而且服務一流!態度又非常專業!佢地做事細心,又幫我接收訂左既花,又定時定候送生日蛋糕同埋全班員工一齊唱生日歌俾surprise我女朋友,令我地2個真係好開心!係到真係衷心多謝LUCI既所有員工,係到祝LUCI生意興隆! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-11-21
唔知幾時開o係度o既餐廳乙間四十幾蚊有個餐,包括餐包(係西式款喎),餐湯,汽水乙杯(送o既),凍熱飲品。主餐我要碗海鮮叻沙,味道主要來自o的湯,辣辣o地,食完都好似無咩印象最麻煩係,佢o地o的木檯唔平,我一不小心放番杯o野落檯就翻側……… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-09-15
今日同朋友去食 lunch, 行咗成條街,見佢都幾吸引,就入咗去。佢分上下兩層,啲裝修都幾得意,樓上有啲大枱,可以一大班人去食哦~佢啲 set lunch 都幾多選擇,但我地都係要個西冷扒。個 waitress 冇問到我地要幾多成熟餐湯一般啦,普通什菜湯牛扒呢,大約係八成熟燒得真係好香,不過朋友話佢嗰塊相當 un個甜品就削啲啦,橙味啫喱一杯成個餐 overall 只係一般,不過 $88 唔加一,我寧願比多十元八塊上番去 soho 搵食,人地啲甜品會精緻好多~服務都算唔錯啦, waitress 都有問我地覺得啲嘢食點。環境都,幾靜,又暗暗地,情侶嚟都好。因為我地成點半鐘先到,食到兩三點(閒日)。靜都正常。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)