Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
10:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay EPS
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Review (9)
Level4 2017-01-22
收工都想買甜點同肥髀分享,因為約了好友交收物品,約在時代廣場!順便去呢間買甜品,超級市場旁小櫃臺,鮮黃色好搶眼,晚上7點櫃檯內見嘅剩低嘅款式唔多!色彩繽紛!先問店員幾多件會有盒,佢答我買都有盒,不過最好買雙數!啲紙盒係雙數設計!咁我買兩條!店員比咗單我去超級市場收銀比錢!攞收據去攞餅!紙盒剛剛好!白底彩色點點!好搶眼!店員問咗我要紙袋再袋好比我!再提醒我要雪在雪櫃同最好即日食,唔好放多一晚!回家後打開:N227 Dark Choco'($45)窄長形狀,放入口剛剛好!面頭嘅脆脆,泡芙唔事綿身煙韌,入面嘅朱古力忌廉好濃朱古力味,好軟滑!唔會過甜!好味!N225 Vanilla Pecan($45)肥髀食,話好味下次再買咁話!每款餅有個編號!唔會買錯!店員有禮!甜蜜滋味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-08
至從上次同事買了俾我食之後,我就愛上了!隔天放工後跑去time square city super ,因為已經9點幾10點,所以有3個味已sold out 🙈, 不過唔緊要,反正我有好多款未試過。今次叫了4款口味,全部都好like !! 我喜歡那種好rich 的custard filling mascarpone $45 (右二)店員話面頭係cream cheese , 好受歡迎!但我完全食唔出mascarpone 個種cream cheese味,filling 好甜。呢個我反而唔會再回購。Salted butter caramel $38 (右一)我都好like 😆好鍾意一啲鹹鹹甜甜,但不是每個人都能夠接受, 有些人認為鹹就鹹,甜就甜,分得好清楚,有好多例如雪糕呀Macaron 嗰啲我都會一定是呢隻味先! 大愛❤️Vanilla pecan nut $45 (左一)Filling 全部都係雲呢拿味,有雲呢拿籽, 呢個反而我幾鍾意因為味道冇咁甜且亦有淡淡的雲呢拿香味,不錯!Chocolate grand cru $45 (左二)呢隻成個都係朱古力味,朱古力filling 甜度ok ,唔會非常甜,整體好似食緊一舊朱古力咁都唔錯!我會再去試其他味道,但好有罪惡感😫😫唔會咁快再試!但都會日日食甜品😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-11-07
Halloween! It's the time of year, like Christmas, where I get all sort of great food items that are focused on that event. I just love Halloween.L'eclair de Genie sold two Halloween based eclairs. I bought one because this was pretty beyond belief.This Halloween edition eclair was decorated with a Jack O'Lantern design that was actually chocolate. The filling was a chocolate pumpkin cream. I felt the filling didn't have a pronounced pumpkin or chocolate taste.  It tasted ok but it was very pretty. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-28
中秋節, 是一家慶團圓的好時光. 想想說, 外國的月亮特別圓, 那法式的中秋節甜品, 又是否特別能夠表達到那份團圓的氣氛? L'Eclair de Genie的中秋節閃電泡芙, 以及中秋節朱古力, 讓大家來個法式慶中秋.N°214 法式閃電泡芙月餅 $48: 8.5分, L'Eclair de Genie的閃電泡芙, 質感當然很鬆軟, 而這個中秋節版本, 面層的酥皮是月餅皮, 內裡的餡料是士多啤梨配花生醬, 很喜歡士多啤梨的甜美, 跟花生醬的香濃, 效果匹配.N°213 紅豆黑芝麻閃電泡芙 $48: 8分, 另外一款中秋節閃電泡芙是紅豆黑芝麻. 面層特別加入了白朱古力月亮, 很應節, 而香甜的紅豆, 配上濃郁的黑芝麻, 實是很甜美的配搭. 說真的, 愛吃甜的, 會很喜歡, 否則的話, 或許會覺得偏甜了.甜蜜滿月 $68: 8分, 至於甜蜜滿月就是中秋節朱古力, 牛奶朱古力外殼相當精緻, 就像月亮一般, 打開一看, 原來是內有乾坤, 內藏粒粒榛子朱古力, 有咬口, 朱古力味道濃烈.中秋節是中國人的傳統節日, 但當法式甜品遇上中秋節, 又是一番新景象. L'Eclair de Genie的中秋節閃電泡芙以及中秋節朱古力, 挺有趣的. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-22
開心果閃電泡芙 Pistachio Eclair⚡️🍭$35; 7.5/10🍴呢度嘅泡芙非常之好味,入面d cream非常軟滑香濃,泡芙亦都好鬆脆😝😝入面cream份量都幾多食食吓都幾滯🙈🙈開心果味道個人覺得就比較酸Salted Caramel Eclair 海鹽焦糖閃電泡芙⚡️$38; 7.8/10🍴 泡芙唔會因為入面d忌廉整到淋左😜 忌廉亦算入口即溶不過海鹽味太重🙈雲呢拿奶油胡桃泡芙 Vanilla Pecan Eclaire🍭$38; 8.5/10🍴Madagascar Vanilla Cream香滑無比,分量十足,雲尼拿味相當濃厚🍦不會過甜😻面頭嘅焦糖胡桃非常香脆可口,提升咗泡芙嘅層次感🍫唔好以為佢細細件但食落其實好滯🙈🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)