Exit B1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun: 12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (67)
Level4 2015-07-21
之前睇雜誌見到IZUMI CURRY同MR POTATO HEAD合作出左POP UP STORE,就已經好想去但有一次星期六經過勁多人等位,所以特登揀平日去,就唔駛同人迫喇同男朋友5點左右去到,果然平日冇人等位,即刻有位坐。睇下MEUN先,雖然都唔算抵食,不過有MR POTATO HEAD係到,都OK既!我地唔係好肚餓就一人叫左一個SET,分別係吉列豬扒飯配咖哩汁$129 同埋紅汁雞扒螺絲粉$89。每個SET都有餐湯同野飲送。餐湯得一款,忌廉粟米湯,味道就...金寶湯囉。之後就到主菜。其實黎呢到都係為左食呢個飯,真係好得意兩樣野個味道呢,都真係無特別,好明顯D野都一早整定哂,不過黎得呢D卡通CAFE,都係食個氣氛架喇。雖然食物質素一般,不過呢佈置真係好得意而且每個位附近都會有一大隻薯蛋頭公仔比你影相(而且D STAFFS都好好,如果你想要第2隻公仔,都可以叫佢拎比你)又會有D得意位比你影相:例如下面杯野飲。所以總括黎講,我暴食小公主都係果到食得好開心。非常建議大家帶小朋友/女朋友去,不過記得盡量平日去就唔駛排長龍喇!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-06-15
第1次來,客人不多。點了海南雞飯及炒貴刁2個套餐:海南雞味道OK,可惜肉質鞋D,雞味本身亦唔濃炒貴刁蝦好食 係加左油麵的摻摻飲品賣相幾好星期日計,價錢是OK的。我估計,我會再黎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-04-13
I do not wait in line for food in general and so with just one more day to secure a table for two on a Friday night, I settle with Kitchen 65 at a convenient location in Miramar Mall. It's not hard to find as I just asked the security guard the direction and he readily told me that it's on the second floor's left side so I just kept veering left until I reached the end to find this restaurant.I was placed in the front and the decor is comfortably South Asian and neat. The menu cover says it's authentic Singapore/Malaysian cuisine but since I do not know what or how authentic Singaporean food should be like, I judge based on my personal taste.For the two of us, we order only 3 dishes and 2 drinks.Singapore Char Kuay TeowThis is not the type I am used to but I like flat rice noodles with Chinese sausages, cockles, shrimps, bean sprouts and Chinese chives. It's rather oily and on the sweet side but tastes all right with a tinge of spiciness.Stir-fired Baby Cabbage with GarlicThe baby cabbage is stir-fried just perfect, nice green and a bit crunchy, not soggy at all.Chicken SatayThis is a sweet treat even though it's not spicy at all.Iced Barley WaterThere's a lot of barley in this drink and it does make us feel very full afterward. I couldn't finish it.This is a decent place with okay service and no weird food episode. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-03-05
其實講真尖沙咀係就係好多野食....但感覺有風味特色呢d就無乜幾間...個人比較鐘意d唔係openrice 成日介紹既....又可以試下既....泰國新加坡菜我最鐘意.....同成班同事一齊食....團年飯!~其實叫左好多野,但呢個蟹 - 香辣炒蟹真不得不介紹...真不得了!! 其實都幾貴,但真心好味到不得了!!真係比得上屯門果d 海鮮...平時唔係幾好蟹....但碟蟹一出淨係汁個味已經令人有想食既感覺!覺得好豪氣,,好滿足....呢隻汁係我有生以來最好味的蟹汁....不過我一生裡面都唔係食過好多蟹XD好惹味好好送飯,不過我地叫左個饅頭去點個汁...想講我真係食左好多....蟹肉煮得剛剛好....好嫩好正....我真係比好高分食饅頭之餘,仲可以送到半碗飯....因為之後仲叫左海南雞飯好好味無骨..仲有d好味道既青瓜!....同出面比真係好出色....唔明點解得大部份人都係openrice 比OK.....唔係好味.....真係最後有喇沙!...我覺得湯係好緊要!真係唔會係滯果d味道....真心我嚴料唔夠,但質素真係高出面食過係好一餅....米線同湯同料係好唔清晰...我對食都幾執著,但呢間真係有讚無彈,覺得好用心...其實我地叫左好多野食....以上係節錄!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-01-15
其實真係依家既食店越開越多日本餐廳…同屋企人出去食成日都話食日本野….所以同frd 會拒絕食日本野………
是日去左美麗華….我會選擇試一d大眾化得來特色小小的餐廳….同個frd行完街想食少少填肚,歸家再食飯….見到呢間叫Kitchen 65…. 見到係新加坡菜式….感覺摩登又好像可以舒服坐到傾下計,就試下啦~叫左個肉骨茶、一份豬沙嗲串,一杯燕麥柚子茶和一杯蘋果雪梨茶…………
講真唔係等左好耐就有得食.... 速度非常好!呢個肉骨茶雖然不能媲美新加坡最馳名果幾間, 但是算香港吃過好味果批….
可能我個人比較鐘意有少少薑住喉,呢個偏甜,應該適合很多人口味…. 已經不錯!

豬沙嗲串 ~ d肉唔會太un ~ it is great!

我就飲左燕麥柚子茶,, 幾好啊,呢杯令到我感覺消膩 ~!
我個frd 試左蘋果雪梨茶…….. 她飲左一啖就好驚訝,哇~哇~哇~話真係好好味~

覺得人生應該發掘更多新鮮美味的餐館~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)