10-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
93157874 (Whatsapp only)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
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Review (237)
星期日拍拖日,最啱同埋男朋友一齊去中環SOHO區食晏chill吓🥰好耐冇一齊去中環嚕,由中環街市出發,行中環至半山自動扶手梯,一下子就嚟到呢間位於蘇豪區的高質居酒屋🏮《KATANA》~店外牆身壁畫都幾武士精神🌝店內環境舒適、音樂亦啱聽,真係好適合假日過嚟飲番杯Chill吓!原來餐廳仲有2樓,可以同一大班朋友包房唱K添。嚟到中環梗係唔少得嗌返支酒飲下啦,揀咗店員推介的山水 特別純米酒🍶,甜味易入口,仲有得揀要邊款清酒杯添,我就揀咗粉紅色、男朋友就揀咗有朵白花嘅~實不相瞞,我哋兩個由落單到等上菜,都係覺得份量應該幾好嘅,兩個人應該夠食🤭點知!?原來份量都好大份,我哋仲嗌咗唔少嘢飽到上心口🤣🤣🤣𝕂𝔸𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔸 𝕋𝔸𝕊𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕄𝔼ℕ𝕌 串燒套餐(套餐包前菜、六款串燒、主食及甜品!)🥗前菜:胡麻菠菜蟹肉沙律調味不錯,有蟹肉菠菜,均衡營養!🍢串燒(17選中任選6款)厚燒牛脷芯:有口感,味道香濃汁燒牛肋:牛肋肉鮮甜,軟腍雞髀肉:雞皮香脆,肉質鮮嫩多汁雞軟骨:正常發揮雞翼:爆汁超正茄子:厚切架,超好食🍚主菜:三文魚茶漬飯:清淡茶香,食落幾舒服🍮甜品:水順玄餅:櫻花味圓形啫喱▫️ ᴋᴀᴛᴀɴᴀ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ 🍲和風蒜香海鮮鍋:大量香蒜、兩隻鮑魚、兩隻帆立貝、本菇、野菜,粉絲鍋,份量十足,兩個人食就太多,要四個人食先食得晒😆🍚香煎鵝肝野菌釜飯:好似鵝肝煲仔飯咗咁,有4件鵝肝熱辣辣,粒粒飯香,帶點焦香,鵝肝外脆內軟,男朋友大讚不得了,即使被上一鍋搞到成嘴油,依然覺得鵝肝超好食🌝散叫~三文魚燒飯團🍙:燒得幾香,不過多番啲汁會更加好🤭🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
[ #caloriefoodie中環 ]• 𝙺𝙰𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙰 𝚋𝚢 𝚂𝙰𝙺𝙴𝙷 •🐿-​ 位於中環蘇豪嘅高質日式居酒屋🏮除咗居酒屋必備串燒外 仲有特色主食揀✨推薦大家必試特盛香煎鵝肝野菌釜飯🤤整體食物質素都好高 而且店員服務都好貼心呢家Openrice訂座仲每人送一份生蠔🦪同埋所有清酒款式🍶買一送一添-🦪 日本生蠔 💰$138日本直送生蠔味道鮮甜、爽口 幾有海水味🌊而且有手掌大細 食落好有口感 大滿足!!😋 -🥖 鰻魚脆脆 💰$128 一共有6件 係幾推薦嘅佐酒小食🤏🏻每件既外層都佈滿球狀脆脆 咬落格外酥脆而內裡就包住鰻魚肉 真正做到外脆內軟✨-🥘 特盛香煎鵝肝野菌釜飯 💰$368覺得餐廳嘅主食選擇都好特別同吸引而呢一款釜飯食完有種想再食嘅感覺🤤一共有三片香煎鵝肝 每片嘅油脂感十足配上冬菇、金菇等野菌類 混合而食野菌可以幫鵝肝解膩 亦增添整個釜飯味道-🦆 濃味鴨肉鍋 💰$328原本想食海鮮珍饌鍋 但當日售罄🥲店員就向我地推薦另一人氣鍋類🍲比起日式 個人覺得鴨肉鍋好台式感覺😹 鴨肉嘅份量都幾多 而且有豆腐、菜、菇等湯鍋內嘅配料都沾上鴨肉嘅香氣 食落舒服-👩🏻‍🍳 終於到居酒屋重頭戲 — 串燒嘅部份!!🍢-🐥 自家製月見免治雞肉軟骨💰$48鐘意食軟骨棒再沾蛋漿 多啲軟骨部份再正啲-🐥 雞軟骨💰$32好耐無食過覺得好食嘅雞軟骨用鹽燒方法 而且軟骨大大粒連住少少嫩口嘅雞肉部份唔會食落口感乾爭爭 所以覺得幾好食✨-🍠 日本蕃薯💰$42一口蕃薯粒味道自帶甜甜地-🍶 安芸虎 • 純米吟釀酒 💰$488餐廳最近做緊清酒優惠 所有款式買一送一有得自選清酒杯 幾有儀式感🥰揀咗適合女仔們飲嘅清酒 味道帶點蜜瓜果香過完辛苦嘅一日 飲啖清酒就舒服晒😛-📍 中環蘇豪士丹頓街8號地舖-#caloriefoodie continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-11
放假去大館行下,經過呢間居酒屋,見到餐廳門面覺得幾型,入面就以日本武士作主題,燈光偏暗,幾有氣氛,型格中滲透出一點點日式風情~君之井 山廃 純米吟釀300𝓂𝓁 先揀一個自己喜歡的清酒杯🍶來自日本新瀉妙高地的一款清酒,味道比較濃郁、純淨的山廃清酒,感覺清爽易入口,幾好~特盛香煎鵝肝野菌釜飯熱辣辣嘅鵝肝野菌釜飯,一拎上枱已經聞到好香,真係未食已經流口水!鵝肝煎至表面金黃,內裏軟嫩,入口即溶配上野菌釜飯,真係十分滋味!食到最後仲有脆卜卜飯焦,平時唔鐘意食飯嘅我都忍唔住🥹濃味鴨肉鍋來自日本關西地區嘅一款菜式,幾特別呢!用多種食材熬煮而成的湯底,加入鴨肉、大蔥、芹菜、冬菇及豆腐,味道清香,湯頭濃郁但清爽,鴨肉香濃有咬口,同湯底好夾,值得一試!蕃薯天婦羅炸粉夠薄,蕃薯香甜,入口唔會覺得油膩,配上天婦羅汁剛剛好~另外,我地叫咗幾款串燒,全部都係即叫即燒,自家制月見免治雞肉棒好juicy,味道唔錯入口即溶、脂香味濃芥末燒牛小排超香脆燒雞皮,冇肥膏👍🏻咁啱撞正happy hour, 3款串燒+1杯飲品,只係$138,非常抵呀!整體味道幾好,環境及菜式都頗有特色,下次可以再嚟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-17
KATANA Dinner! We had a feast at this place!!The place have a nice resto/bar vibe to it with some nice music playing in the background.We are also informed that the second floor can be rented for a karaoke session in a private room!!! Definitely worth trying!We ordered multiple different things from their menu. Wagyu Beef and Salmon Roe Stone Pot rice. The presentation looks amazing and the taste pops! the tenderness of the beef with the smooth and somewhat creaminess of the salmon roe really makes the dish special! Seafood hot pot with garlicthe hotpot contains abalone and scallops along with glass noodles and vegetables! the taste is quite special as it has thre garlic taste but at the same time not too strong!Premium lobster skewer, the lobster is marinated nicely, it brings out the umami flavor and the freshness taste of the lobster!Grilled salted chicken thigh, the chicken is tender and flavorful! its not super salty, so just enough saltiness to make the chicken flavorful!Beef ribs, one of my favorite skewer of the night! its tender and have that strong beefy flavor. The skewer itself is also quite big!Japanese eel, the eel is one of the underrated dish of the night! the outside is cripsy with a soft inside meat. The eel is definitely one of top dish of the night too!Grilled Stingray fin, the fish is crispy, along with a special sauce provided on the side. It’s definitely a good combo to eat the two together!Saikyoki cod, the cod is tender and have that sweet flavor that is not too strong yet not too bland too!! an overall great dish! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-16
這裡主打日式串燒,選擇非常多,除了各種肉類和海鮮,還有一系列主食~ 飲品方面也有很多選擇。這裏的$398 tasting dinner menu 性價比很高,有前菜,可以任揀六款串燒,有主食和甜品,在中環晚餐,這個價錢有這樣的食物質素和份量真的十分滿意了~私心推介 鹽燒雞髀肉,雞肉是分開兩邊放平燒的,超厚實兩而且外皮酥脆而肉質嫩滑多汁,非常有水準。海鮮也是超新鮮的,可以選擇不同的烹調配料,雞皮紫蘇蝦卷,燒得金黃酥脆 吃起來口感特別軟嫩,一點點的調味就能帶出鮮味~每天在廚房裡出現的海鮮都不一樣,有些菜式只能限量供應。提醒大家一定要提前訂位~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)