Restaurant: KaS Simply Deli

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

4-min walk from Exit B, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:00
Mon - Tue
12:00 - 15:30
Wed - Sat
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (26)
今日想食好少少,又唔想太油膩,就醒起呢間西餐。雖然位置比較隱蔽,但黎過一次就會認得。呢間餐廳以前都黎過一次,上次同fd黎就叫左個羊架,三文魚,再叫多左個小食牛舌,都幾唔錯,於是就收藏左咁今次我就叫左個燒春雞lunch set,就有一隻燒春雞加沙律,因為佢係即場燒,所以要等20分鐘。雞燒得幾好,坊間好多地方燒完都感覺雞肉乾,但呢度好成功咁鎖到雞肉嘅水份,食落又滑又juicy,體驗唔錯隻雞就唔算大,雞仔咁,份量就足夠我食,都算係飽肚然後個咖啡都唔錯價錢就$163加左一,價格合理如果人多嘅話記得book定位,如果唔係就要等整體黎講都算唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日行過市區,突然間被一股家常味道吸引,就走進了這家餐廳。首先試咗個「薯仔烤豬扒」,豬扒煎得剛好,外皮微微金黃,肉汁豐富,啖啖肉味,嚼勁十足。薯仔烤得香脆,同豬扒一齊入口,簡直就係完美配搭!再點咗款「火焰雞球」,賣相勁吸引,火焰一燃,距離覺得香呢個字都唔足以形容,啖啖雞肉,外層微微焦香,內裡嫩滑得嚟唔乾,真係惹味到不得了!之後又點咗個「意大利粉」,醬汁偏清新唔咸膩,配上新鮮番茄同肉丸,確實過癮!啲肉丸咬落彈牙,完美吸收咗醬汁嘅精華。至於飲品,我揀咗檸檬茶,酸酸甜甜,好夾!整體黎講,這家餐廳簡單得黎又親民,就算唔係大寫意日子,都會想拉埋三五知己來鬼混一餐,餐廳嘅氣氛悠閒得嚟服務又貼心,喺呢度食飯感覺得到一份暖意,好似返到屋企噏下飯噏下嘢咁樸實😌🥘🍝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-30
Our annual family Xmas favourite ❤️ No frills, honest homey delights. It also has one of the best patisseries in town 🥰 My family favourites are their pecan tarts and carrot cakes! They do takeouts too, so their food is perfect for office/home parties during the festive seasons🎄❤️🫶🏻 Dishes that we had this Xmas include:-🔸Chestnut mushroom soup 🤤 🔸Avocado & Brie on toast🔸Abalone in Sichuanese peppercorn oil🔸Squid & pepperoni 🤤 - went perfectly with a glass of Meursault 🔸Clams in white wine sauce 🤤🔸Linguini with razor clams in garlic sauce 🤤🔸ribeye salad🔸lamb chops🔸lobster risotto continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
各位食客朋友,今晚嘅食評帶大家去嚐嚐一家特別的餐廳之菜。話說,我喺度品嚐到嘅幾款菜式,都係門口開心得嚟!🤤 首先,柚子蜜焗雞翼真係叫我驚喜,輕輕一咬,果香四溢,雞肉嫩滑得嚟,媽咪呀!間間唔一定有得賣㗎嘞。再黎個辣肉腸魷魚鬚,意想不到嘅是,平平無奇嘅配搭竟然咁夾,辣肉腸啲鹹香咁啱夾埋魷魚鬚嘅鮮美,焗得啱啱好,真係無得頂!👌 大家注意啦,講緊嘅大蜆同蟶子意粉,係要提前預約架喔!說實話,大蜆煮到啱啱好,肉質飽滿得嚟彈牙,那陣陣酒香真係令人回味無窮。至於蟶子意粉嘅鮮甜湯底,同面條結合得天衣無縫,全程食得我心花怒放,唔係喎,係味蕾怒放。💖 喺這家餐廳,普通人都能深深感受到海鮮嘅魅力,總之,你要係海鮮控?千祈唔好錯過啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一間屹立鰂魚涌好多年嘅小店,由lunch set 食到而家廚師推介,今次嚟係為班俏皮朋友慶生,食物質素同味道都非常之好,連隔離枱見到同聞到我哋嘅食品都流晒口水,好可惜要預訂先有,佢哋唯有等下次啦🤣🤣🤣是日午餐:1. 柚子蜜焗雞翼 - 香甜肉嫰2. 辣肉腸魷魚鬚 - 辣肉腸嘅咸香配合魷魚鬚嘅鮮甜原來可以咁match,焗得又香又惹味,魷魚鬚又粗又爽,正呀👍3. 酒煮大蜆(要預訂) - 大蜆嘅香氣直撲鼻孔,粒粒肥大肉厚,啲蜆汁鮮甜到呢,真係冇得輸👍👍👍4. 蟶子意粉(要預訂) - 唔用青口用蟶子,成個餸upgrade哂,意粉煮到Al dente,大大隻蟶子又爽又鮮,好fresh👍5. 威靈頓牛(要預訂) - 千層酥皮好香好鬆脆,牛油同芝士嘅味道互相配合,牛肉係焗到粉紅色㗎,肉質鮮嫩軟腍腍,咬落去肉味好濃,絕對係哩度嘅招牌菜👍👍👍6. 三文魚野米飯 - lunch set 健康之選7. 豬鞍野米飯 - lunch set 最受客人歡迎8. Carrot cake 心太軟 焦糖燉蛋 - 三款都各有特色,個人就鐘意焦糖燉蛋,但最受歡迎應該係心大軟,朋友話食完覺得好幸福喎🤣尤於今次係食海鮮關係,價錢相對會貴啲但都算合理,佢嘅lunch set 都係百零蚊,絕對係性價比高👍一間零宣傳靠口碑撐到而家嘅小店,我會繼續幫襯,希望遲啲會有多啲新菜式比我品嚐😁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)