8-min walk from Exit A2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (20)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Went to this Jollibee for my lunch break and had to wait for 25-30 minutes to just eat chicken bites and fries!! I ordered chicken bites with honey bbq sauce and french fries. While waiting, my number went on the screen, however when I approached them, my food wasn't ready. After 15 mins, I showed them my receipt and the lady took my receipt from me and put a tray full of food (not what I ordered) and kept mumbling and telling me to eat it, and that my fries were not ready yet, while facepalming and being frustrated.I told her that this wasn't my order (again!) and then finally after 30 minutes of standing up and waiting for my food, I received my food. Upon quick inspection, I saw that the takeaway food was correct and had a small box of sauce inside. While waiting, I saw someone receive a wrong order for dine-in instead of takeaway as they asked as well, however most other people received their food in a somewhat more timely manner, despite having a larger order.Once I took my food out at my workplace and opened the sauce box, I saw that the sauce was MAPLE SYRUP instead of the HONEY BBQ sauce I ordered. At this point, I was so disappointed with the service and attitude of the worker there, as well as being told (very rudely) to take the wrong food, and being given the wrong sauce with the unfresh chicken bites. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-26
呢間餐廳俾我嘅感覺喺姐姐聚會嘅地方,次次經過都好多姐姐所以冇入過去,但朋友話佢個炸雞幾好味,所以今次行過就入嚟試吓。叫咗個餐有兩件雞同薯條汽水。炸雞真係唔錯,個雞皮炸到好脆好香口,平平哋嘅熱氣之選👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
跟著香氣走進店堂,今次來到Jollibee,心情已經好興奮!今次點了經典的雞扒飯,同埋人氣炸雞,一嚟就覺得今日有滿滿的幸福感。炸雞炸得金黃酥脆,外層的皮脆得嚟唔棘手,咬落去感覺好滿足。雞肉本身juicy得滴水,真係啖啖肉,啖啖滑。🍗另一邊廂,雞扒飯的雞扒做得好有味道,醬汁香濃得黎唔膩口,飯粒都吸滿左醬汁,一嘴一嘴嘅幸福。加上嘅蘋果茶,甜甜地,酸酸地,清新提神,好啱來配重口味嘅食物。🍚🍹依家才發現,原來快餐都可以咁有質感,飽腹感優越。唔使排隊等,又可以食到咁滋味,真係食在平民,質在心中!下次一定要約埋三五知己,再嚟開心饗宴!💖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直都想試下呢間Jollibee 快樂蜂,究竟菲律賓炸雞有幾好食呢,連美式快餐都可以甘拜下風!?我就叫咗個combo , “Yumburger - Champ” 祖樂堡,咁個餐有薯條、有杯汽水嘅。其實啲薯條就幾好食香脆唔油,外脆口、裡面就好軟淋淋,薯蓉好多、食落唔會粉。但係個祖樂堡就好麻麻個漢堡包由個麵包乾,生菜牛肉都乾,不幸因為無影到相,表達唔到咁到正題,佢哋個招牌炸雞。係好好味!又夠juicy. 記得要問佢拎肉汁去點啲炸雞。增強個香濃口味咁埋單就 $84 ,其實價錢係差唔多,但個burger 漢堡包真係唔好食。 記住 Jollibee 做炸雞幾好,但漢堡就麻麻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-02
店名: 快樂蜂 Jollibee地址: 灣仔軒尼詩道310至312號地下環境: 4/5價錢:4/5味道: 4.5/5各區都有分店~今次就去左灣仔分店試下午茶餐😝TC1 一件樂脆雞及鮮忌廉通粉湯配汽水(細) +$4轉菠蘿汁佢件炸雞可以揀辣同唔辣,今次就揀左辣嘅食落仲係有少少熱,但除左個皮紅啲之外,就唔多覺有辣味了😅入面啲肉仲係熱同幾嫩口,值得一讚☺️😚個忌廉通粉湯入面通粉得幾粒,個湯又好稀,好似飲緊水咁,唔太推介🥹🥲佢跟餐會配一杯汽水,但汽水咁普通,平時M記KFC都有,於是加左4蚊轉菠蘿汁🤪大家亦都可以揀橙汁😗菠蘿汁飲落唔會話太甜,陣味亦都唔會話好假🥰但接近大半杯都係冰,下次都係叫少冰好啲🙁叫完少冰應該好味好多❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)