1-min walk from Exit B1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
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Review (4)
甜心飽餅店事源大吃大喝 @guzzlehk 第一次在星期日營業,作為小粉絲既小女子當然不可錯過呢個機會前去光顧,咁岩附近經過就發現呢間麵包小店⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾麵包店裝潢正正街坊店既設計,非常地道⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝售賣主要都係傳統麵包,麵包外貌大致靚仔,價錢都正常,當中比較特別既款式有紫菜肉鬆賓、榴槤酥,榴槤迷不可錯過レ(゚∀゚;)ヘ ヘ( ゚∀゚;)ノ不過最吸引小女子既麵包款式係抺茶紅豆吐司(╯✧∇✧)╯食評:7.5/10 💛💛💛價錢:7/10 💛💛💛推薦度:7.5/10 💛💛💛抺茶紅豆吐司 HKD$15 💛💛💛💛雖然名為「吐司」,外貌上卻與出面近期流行四四方方既吐司並不相同,帶點扭紋狀(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ麵包份量十足,面上佈滿大量脆身杏仁片,令口感層次上升。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。裡面既紅豆比較綿身又甜,麵包都非常軟熟(◔౪◔)可惜麵包帶有抺茶顏色,但抺茶味道不太濃厚,嘗不到抹茶味(శωశ) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-28
油麻地的甜心餅店位於非常方便的地點,一出地鐵站便見店鋪了。店內一早已有多種麵包餅食售賣,款式亦多。選擇很多,一時間也不知買什麼作早餐好?這店的蛋撻似乎口碑甚佳,但個人認為不太適合作早餐。最後選了餐肉蛋麵包,本想買兩個,但還是買了三個,因買多些較便宜。~餐肉蛋包 $7.5 ($20 三個)餐肉蛋包內的饀料頗豐,有厚身蛋片和午餐肉片,顏色配搭得非常好。麵包底中規中矩,味道適中。吃下整個餐蛋包後,配一杯飲品,頓感滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-11-05
這一間位處於油麻地地鐵站附近,旁邊兩旁可能會有些流鶯在工作,要注意自己的視線方向👀。其中一個吞拿魚包,餡料不少,內裏的吞拿魚份量較多,皮薄餡靚,比較好吃。另外一個就是熱狗,由於熱狗的麵包,又乾又鞋,而且比較大個,因此吃下覺得質感比較乾。即使,中間放了香腸之後,亦都有蕃茄、以及細細片青瓜,中間亦淋上大量沙律醬,好像要淹死腸仔一樣,結果就導致中間的部份比較濕潤,兩旁的部份相當乾的結果。除了地點便利,價錢便宜,員工亦都親切有禮,即使接近晚上收工的時間,他們也不設特價,但是仍然樂意工作。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Discovered this bakery as I decided not to take the main road.The cabinet looked appealing with lots of pastries.Got the blueberry donut which looked like those defrosted ones with the telltale jam injection holes.Also got the durian and egg yolk pastry.The blueberry donut was just the usual.Didn't like the durian puff because it wasn't fresh durian inside.The egg yolk pastry fared the best because there was starchy egg custard in the middle and a big piece of salted egg yolk.The pastry was a little dry but it didn't have a nasty lard taste to it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)