7-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level4 2020-05-18
其實本來唔諗住食韓國嘢但係因為間西餐廳冇開所以我哋轉左隔離呢一間韓式野我地一行四人叫咗以下食品:泡菜餅$73雜菇炒粉絲$49泡菜辣湯$76 漢城炒年糕$63韓式牛肉石頭鍋飯$65個炒粉絲唔會太鹹,石頭鍋飯正常水準泡菜辣湯,叫咗小辣都好辣。個炒粉絲唔會太鹹,我諗最好食係個泡菜餅,泡菜餅入邊係多泡菜個又唔多粉。煎得幾好食。可能因為本身冇期待,所以佢想嚟嘅所有食物都係期望值以上。佢都算小家經營,聽得出店員係韓國人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Too many times have I walked into a korean restaurant in HK only to be disappointed at what they offered at a jaw dropping astronomically expensive price.This shop however offers authentic korean food at a very reasonable price and they don’t go cheap on the ingredients.tofu was chunky and soft very nice. Pork was tender and flavourful. All in all, everything that I had wanted from a simple spicy tofu pork stew at a very reasonably price.On the other hand, for those who can not take spicy food. They offer this clear soy bean soup with tofu that is very flavourful and delicious. Best of all, no msg. This is definitely my no.1 go to korean restaurant in HK. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-08
今日喺旺角搵下有咩好野食,路過槍街附近見到呢間「漢城」,心諗食韓國野都好。漢式牛肉石頭鍋飯呢個牛肉飯雖然無咩特別,但喺非常合格,韓式石頭鍋飯應有嘅特點佢都盡有。石頭鍋夠熱,可以生成到飯焦。飯夠軟身,配料絲切得夠幼。唯一唔夠好嘅地方就喺,米粒無落到調味,汁水又小,所以d飯就大部分無乜味道。原味炸雞翼呢款雞翼值得一提,因為好特別。原本以為喺韓式炸雞翼或者喺烤雞翼,點知原來喺港式炸雞翼再配上韓式甜酸醬。雞翼表面有一層好薄嘅港式炸粉醬,唔會好好似老麥脆香雞翼咁厚粉,亦都唔喺日本天婦羅咁超薄炸粉醬。一路食一路諗起讀書果陣喺街邊食煎釀三寶嘅回憶。無錯!呢款雞翼特別在有回憶嘅味道! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-21
現在天氣焗熱,揾路揾到大汗疊小汗,終於找到平時收藏了想去的店家了。門有點困難 😅 試了拉、推門都不行,周圍看,原來是按制開門 😑見到餐牌好多都好想食,拌飯、泡菜炒飯、年糕、飯捲,但全部都是1人份量,如果可以加少許錢當配菜就好了。最後被旁邊食客的拌飯吸引了,叫了菇菇拌飯。¤ 腌蘿蔔水準平常¤ 泡菜屬酸泡菜,不是我喜愛的類型,所以我全倒拌飯內一起吃,雖然都是酸,但比起淨吃更易接受。¤ 附贈的湯屬蔬菜清淡類型,但第一口很重胡椒味。¤ 拌飯的辣醬直接加入飯上,不能隨自己喜好增減,菇菇份量十分少,味道不過不失。冷氣一點也不涼,所以我一直吃一直流汗,心想如果有冷麵就好了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-05-13
韓式粉絲味道正宗,韓式壽司都好好食,個食團夠實。部隊鍋唔算好辣,唔食得辣既人都食到。仲有之前試佢既雞翼,一共有八隻,不過送上黎既時候,雞翼唔係好熱,感覺上應該唔係即叫即整,但整體味道正常。成間店既價錢都幾平,有餐前配菜算係有誠意。店職員雖然唔太識講廣東話,但都有禮貌同用簡單英文溝通。我見呢間野有join 網上外賣平台 ,下次唔想行去食,可以一試網上外賣平台 叫餐先。呢間野近旺角東站多啲,行五分鐘至十分鐘就到。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)