Additional Information
座位:室內60 個,戶外200 個。\r\n註:有海鮮供應,海蝦、膏蟹約每$8 ,每斤$120 ,斑類$250 至$300 一條,每條一斤多。\r\n交通:\r\n由中環4 號碼頭或香港仔海濱公園分別有渡輪往返南丫島榕樹灣,需時約20-35 分鐘。
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
難得的周日,困身的公事後,只剩半天不多的假期,吸一口清新空氣可以嗎?逃出了令人身心疲憊的凡籠,轉了兩程船,匯合朋友後由中環直往南丫島,小半天遊吃四個風格懸殊的食店,首站到閒樂園遙望洪聖爺灣,嚐原隻港式燒乳鴿。炒鴿鬆先來,伴以生菜包及海鮮醬分量足夠四人吃有餘。椒鹽鮮魷配上大量爆香的蒜粒及鮮紅椒,吃起來熱辣辣。港式燒乳鴿是先滷至半熟入味才炸,兩隻鴿子原隻上已贏了視覺效果。瑤柱豆腐羹,帶著瑤柱及肉湯的味道。悠閒的南島午膳,笑談了旅遊、攝影、美食逸事,當雨滴聲漸變微細時,是時候動身飲花茶消膩了。更詳盡的文章分享請參閱:http://foodxfile.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_09.htmlTo Openrice篇輯,十月尾前往,當時還未結業。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-07-26
We arrived at the restaurant a little late, after being caught in a short rainshower. The restaurant looked pretty empty, perhaps partly because of the rain. We seated ourselves at a table indoors and waited...and waited... Service was extremely slow today. I think there was only one person doing the work outside the kitchen.When it was finally time to order, we were greeted with an unpleasant surprise. Whole section of seafood are unavailable without pre-ordering, and apparently this has always been the case. I can't say that I remember this being the case from my previous visits, but maybe I've just been lucky enough to get the extra stock they had ordered...The waitress told us that people mainly come for the pigeon (which is true), that she had assumed that we know this about the restaurant, and that she didn't tell me about this when I booked the table because it was already too late to order the seafood anyway. I guess she has never seen the commercials on TV starring Andy Lau telling people in Hong Kong to improve their service...We started with the minced quail with pine nuts (雀崧), wrapped in lettuce leaves. This was OK although the sauce was just a little stinky. The roast pigeon came and it was OK, actually a little subpar to be honest. Things started going down hill from here...Because we couldn't order a whole steamed fish, we ended up with sweet and sour garoupa fillet (酸甜炒斑球). This was a disaster, as the batter was chewy like rubber. The deep-fried tofu was pretty tasteless, with the only flavors lent by some stir-fried diced capsicum and deep-fried garlic. The steamed prawns with minced garlic (蒜茸蒸中蝦) weren't very fresh, and the heavy dose of garlic was used to mask the slightly off taste of the prawns.This was such a disappointing meal...I wish we had taken our visitor to Rainbow (天虹) - even that would have been better. I think this will be my last visit to Han Lok Yuen.original blogpost: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2009/07/disappointing-outing.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-06-13
尋日去左南丫島, 媽咪話呢間d乳鴿同豬扒係好出名, 上晒雜誌, 所以就特登訂枱同訂乳鴿 (ps, 媽咪話有次行到去先知乳鴿賣晒, 所以以後都訂左先)上到去已經一身大汗, 因為都幾遠, 由碼頭行到去應該要20-25分鐘到. 以下係菜單,1) 乳鴿 - 好得, 當然唔可以同十幾年前沙田0個d比, 但呢間係真係入味同炸得好香口2) 生菜包 - 生菜栽得好整齊, 抄得好香.3) 豬扒 - 個汁係秘製, 有屋企feel, 同埋一定讚d豬扒, 好有肉味又好鬆化4) 梅菜扣肉 - 唔係成日有得食, 原來係做飯盒俾對面發電廠的工人, 所以有得剩才有得食, 超好味, 雖然老問娘一味話今次煮得唔夠時間, 但係真係好好味, 用五花腩同梅菜一d沙都無!5) 蛋白蝦仁抄飯 - 抄飯做得好好, d蝦就麻麻地, 但個味都幾好5個人食左$580, 都幾抵. 我地帶住狗狗佢都俾我地坐室內. 係行得遠d, 但值回票價! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-07-24
燒乳鴿是一味廣東菜,但因為好的乳鴿難求,加上技術所限,已很多年未吃過似樣子的了。是日難得有半天空閒,特地來南丫島一遊,先來試試這裡的燒乳鴿。這裡在榕樹灣往洪聖爺灣的途中,一處都幾近民居的地方,不過指示也算清晰,很容易已找到這裡。有不少半露天的位置,涼風習習,樹影婆娑,加上和煦的陽光,塵落其中,是說不出的閒逸寫意。在這個優雅的氣氛裡,不想吃太多,也其實也沒有太多菜色值得吃,只簡單的點了燒乳鴿、椒鹽鮮魷及西湖牛肉羹。燒乳鴿先上檯,叮囑了不要斬的,上檯還是斬了一刀,是沒有聽到?還是聽了又不依從?真的不得而知。乳鴿剛炸起,熱辣辣,皮當然是還脆的。撕開來吃,先吃胸肉,肉質不算嫩滑,也沒有什麼肉汁,是鴿子本身的問題了。啃著頗硬的骨頭,邊吃邊想,現時有幾多人還知什麼是「乳鴿」呢?椒鹽鮮魷反而不錯,炸得鬆脆不油膩,上面灑了炸過的蒜粒及紅椒粒,不用醮任何調味也真夠味。魷魚新鮮,也夠厚身,吃起來爽口鮮甜,很不錯;不想吃飯或麵,就叫個西湖牛肉羹來吃吧!最怕很稠結的湯羹,可幸這裡的芡打得不算太厚,牛肉滑滑的,打了蛋白及加了中芹及芫茜,味精是有的,但情況是可以接受,也不錯。悠悠閒閒的談了一些近期的人和事,配合舒適的環境,絕對是下午的優質好時光。埋單二百五十,偏貴了一點,但當計及環境,也算是差不多。總括來說這裡的燒乳鴿不算差,但絕不可以稱為出色,未吃過的也要一試,而試過就當然無謂再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-03-29
原來由榕樹灣碼頭過來也有段路要行, 大概20分鐘路程. 不過指示雖然幾多, 但係有一個都幾隱蔽, 結果係個度都行了一輪先上到來而個牌的入口.另: 見到個招牌同埋單個套係有AE logo, 但係而度係唔收咭的. 要自備現金, 唔係行返出去銀行應該有排搞.先值得一讚的係店方問我們飲乜? 一人要了支忌廉, 沒有要茶, 最後也沒有收茶錢. 要求店方讓我捫坐係外面的小臺, 環境幾好.香燒乳鴿$65: 9分, 來得這裡, 當然要食乳鴿. 本來文迪係想一人一隻乳鴿, 但小弟又想試多樣菜色, 最後只係要了一隻. 吩咐了開半, 上臺時也係只分了一半, 一人一件. 當然係一個人用筷子斯文地吃, 另一個就用手拿起件鴿來吃. 乳鴿貴為這裡的招牌, 吃完的感覺係滿意的. 第一口吃落去, 脆卜卜的皮, 熱辣辣, 係相當之香口. 單計個皮, 這裡係做得好出色. 不過相對來講, 肉質係比較弱的一環, 偏老, 也有點實實的. 另外, 這裡的乳鴿係無乜肉, 大部份地方係咬落口一食完皮就到骨.椒鹽鮮魷$68: 9分, 果然係比乳鴿更加精彩的一道菜色. 炸得好香口, 跟上面頭的蒜蓉, 係一件接一件的吃下去. 平日小弟都幾怕難咬開的鮮魷, 不過這裡的係完全無問題, 火候剛好.整體來講, 係好有風味的一餐. 乳鴿未算最出色的, 但係已經有相當水準, 來到南丫島的話, 值得來試試隻乳鴿, 當然也要試個鮮魷. 服務方面, 雖然係好多人客, 但也有禮, 幾好. 價位也合理.另: 見隔離臺一大班印度人係度食雀菘, 都似幾得, 且看下次有機會來的話再試其他菜色. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)