1-min walk from Exit A1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:15
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level4 2020-01-14
好多年前食過貴德宮,今次係第二次試私房素宴。一共有八道菜。第一道菜係牛油果伴沙律,味道可以但牛油果醬比較凍左D。第二道係姫松茸湯,好清甜。第三道招牌菜叉燒包,真係好好味。第四道係菇餅伴紅菜頭汁,其實剩個餅都好味,有D似蝦膠,可能個汁係要畫個嘴吧。第五道係素翅炒蛋白,似賽磅蟹,唔錯。第六道是猴頭菇,平時好少食,想不到都唔錯。有少少似鮑魚質感。第七道是心形炒飯,炒得乾身同香,不過有D辣。第八道是腰果露,幾香但有D甜。其實食完四道已開始飽,都算抵食。另服務貼心,見壺茶開始凍就幫我地換壺熱,還幫我地換過杯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-12-30
今次已是第三次嚟呢間齋館,第一次嚟食的時候覺得好神奇,點解我明明知道自己食緊齋,但無論口感,質地,味道都唔似我平時食開齋的感覺。佢哋所有食物的出品除了味道好之外,賣相亦有研究,絕對唔係隨隨便便的把食物傳上,而且計算份量時亦洽到好處,每次當我帶新朋友來食時,他們的反應同我第一次食的反應都是一樣,完全將我以往對食齋的傳統經驗顛覆晒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-10-08
今日試試食素食,感覺還不錯,菜品都幾多,搞到我同我噶friend吾知道選邊個好,然後店員好nice,推薦比我地果個叉燒包,叉燒包我就食得多啦,素叉燒包就真系未試過,個叉燒包好香啊,素叉燒好多滴蜜汁多到流出來,食落去好好味,完全不覺得系素叉燒。而其他菜品都好好味,素食系幾健康噶,好適合我地哩滴上班一族,推薦比大家試試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-14
This is a good veg shop I had. The staff is helping and patient and the food is tasty. they make all meal like meat but they are all veg, everyone go green now, and they are not alone.  bring you some Chinese religious feeling and thinking. the place is relax and comfortable. it is very clean and tidy. the food are amazing. in fact, I wasn't go there with fds or something. I had to go with boss and important person, so I cant really taking photo like I went out with my fds, I  can only do fews photo and sharing out some idea.hope I can go this place again. !! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-04-23
今日同朋友去位於上環嘅天然齋食飯。中午時段嘅天然齋真係好旺場,有好多OL黎呢度食飯。不過大家得好熟格步,排隊點菜搵位全部自動波👍🏻因為今日比較大風,朋友唔想坐露天位,所以我哋就揀坐室內。職員提示坐室內嘅位置需要每人最低消費$88,我地都OK!我哋叫咗叉燒包,炸豬扒,四寶齋,同埋炒飯。叉燒包係每次黎必叫嘅嘢食,個叉燒包用嘅係刈包,叉燒嘅質感同埋味道都同真嘅叉燒一樣,但係冇真嘅叉燒嘅肥膩感,味道一流!炸豬扒一寸厚口,大大塊,有咬口,炸得乾身,咬落有肉嘅纖維,幾可亂真。其他炒飯同埋四寶齋就比較普通。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)