Near Pacific Place Phase 3 continue reading
This restaurant established in 2005.It gained supports from businessmen, politicians and famous people in Hong Kong.It mainly provides traditional Japanese cuisine,using different fresh ingredients to make sashimi and sushi.Both oulook and taste are authentic and food temperatures are moderated. continue reading
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday:11:30 - 14:30; 18:00 - 23:30 Sunday and public holidays: Closed during lunch time
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Loligo Squid Grilled Ox Tongue
Review (20)
(Non-member) 2009-10-29
尋晚去大亞味工房食晚飯先知,原來而家用 AE 卡食滿 1000 就有 8 折啦,我地得 2 個人,食唔到啦,下次約多 D 人黎食先. 呢度 D 刺身係一流的, 我地食左和牛, 燒銀雪魚, 刺身同埋好好味既稻庭烏冬一仲有好新鮮既海膽寿司~好滿足!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-10-19
以前在灣仔區工作都未試過此食店, 今次終有機會一試。此店裝潢不似日式餐廳, 很普通。 入內發現晚餐時段只有幾枱客, 打了個突, 以為入錯店。 二人點了刺身拼盤、每人一隻燒帶子、燒魚 (忘記魚名)、雪糕甜品。燒魚就搵笨, 跟侍應描述的 size 有出入, 又唔鮮美。 燒帶子尚可。 最值得一讚是刺身, 一向喜歡食厚切的刺身, 三文魚和帶子又厚又肥美, 吞拿魚都不錯, 海膽和蝦新鮮。 其他的兩款魚都十分好味! 此店的刺身幾出色, 不明白怎會咁少客人?食完刺身後已不能放下其他食物, 只容得下雪糕一客, 十分滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-09-27
Have not been here for ages. After checking out the wannabe posh buffet lunch at Mes Amis, and investigated the rather enigmatic Pomme on Luard Road (it's a French pastry place I finally discovered), my lunch companion and I decided to come here. After all, the raw fish is supposed to be good as they apparently do a lot of wholesale as well.It was a crowded place, so we sat at the bar. Their lunch deals are the usual ranges in terms of variety and pricing. The strategicially placed $200 lunch set at the start of the menu that consists of a "half slab" uni and chopped fatty tuna and spring onion with rice was quite inviting. I was famished and decided to go for something that would be easy to scoff down lol, and fell for the fatty tuna rice set. Although it might not have been conducive to sustainable fishing (however I was sure my tuna would be no blue fin variety), and the protein content was quite low, and even though I am no great fan of uni, I still went for this. In hindsight I think I wasn't too turned on by the other choices on the menu, except for perhaps what I call mixed cubic sashimi leftover rice set lol.The lunch set consisted of the following, in chronological order1) Mini crab roe salad - this was a small bowl of salad with mostly julienned cucumber, a few shreds of leaves, a dollop of mayo with a sprinkling of crab roe on top. The ingredients were fresh enough.(2) Half slab uni - this came in a small round Chinese sauce dish on a bed of julienned cucumber. The uni was fresh but the taste was so-so. I am prejudiced here, because I think the "best" uni I've had was the time when my dad brought back a bucket full of these black balls with protruding needles, and gave me, a 5-year-old child, a bit of the stuff to taste. I was pretty grossed out by the pulsating insides and ran away after the first sampling lol. Hence I have no penchant for uni. Proust was so right about how childhood memories can affect your taste for food, and I can tell you endless heart-warming stories of hairy crab on chilly evenings with my mom's crew that provide the fodder for my passion for the crustacean.(3) Fatty tuna and spring onion with rice- what I liked most about this is that the rice was ever so slightly warm. As I suspected would be the case, the tuna didn't have much taste to speak of. It suited me fine, because the "mash" and the rice was neatly aligned so that I could just pick off a good mouthful and load it into my mouth after my chopsticks have briefly run into the wasabi. Very clinical, but functional nonetheless.(4) miso soup - this was the common miso soup that was hot enough. (5) coffee - this was served in a dainty cup and they served evaporated milk with it. Very Hongky-nised which is quite cute in a way. The coffee was a no-brainer crowd-pleasing blend.My lunch companion is a salmon sashimi lover and exchanged his uni slab for salmon sashimi for the same price. You would have hoped that they would be more generous with the salmon, but it was disappointing to see only 3 pieces on the plate. It's off-putting that restaurant-owners do not think about these things and just leverage on your food preference to make a bit more profit. Off-putting in this supposedly extremely difficult business environment. You know enough about the restaurant's take on customer relations.While the quality of the food did not provide any delight, it was the meticulous presentation that saved the day. Still, the measuredness of the portions and the absence of any sweeteners when all things were considered is the main disincentive for me to pay this place a visit again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-05-26
went to lunch with a old friend....looked at the menuexpected the food will be a little bit decent with the priceI mean ....compare to what I got, it's just not worthI rather go to 六國 Le Menu or momo cafe to have a lunch buffetthe teriyaki chicken is not good, the meat still has the frozen smellthe sashimi is not fresh at all..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-07-07
I have been eating here more frequently of late. Nope, this would not be my first, or second, nor third choices but it has its merits. However, it is reliable and one of my aunties favorite place.Time warp back and you will find youself looking at the take out sushi shop operated by a local Japanese food wholesaler. It had built its reputation back then as a low cost, fresh sushi/sashimi shop.Time warp, fast forward and wolla! the same little take out place has changed into a full fledged Japanese restaurant, adorned with famous names and horse racing photo.Ok! what about the food. Cooked foods are not in this review scope even though I've had order some before but mostly as a finishing touch to a sashimi meal.- Sashimi Always fresh offering very standard Hong Kong varieties such as salmon, buri, amaebi, toro, akagai...etc. - Cutting and presentation I find their sashimi sizes vary in a non-standard way. Thin cuts such as Hirame are below standard. Regular cuts tends to be short and fat. Presentation is run of the mill type.- Sake Very limited selection on Daiginjyo with low quality brands. The last time I was there, they had only 3 out of the 4 Daiginjyo on their menu. We picked the only Junmai Daiginjyo available- Service Has dropped off a medium grade in my book to upper lower grade. There seems to be several newer staff who do not know sashimi names (in Japanese), clean the table not unlike the way Cha Chan Ting's do it and simply walks around with an irate and confused look. Only one that is a tad more professional is their "only" Japanese waitress but even she gives me a sort of condesending feel. Come on, ladies, smile! you are not working in a funeral parlour.- Ambiance Worth mentioning is the spread of their seating arrangements. It is roomy and open. You won't be rubbing elbows other patrons nor embarassingly lose a piece of slippery sashimi across to the next table.All in all, if price is top priority and you are particular with freshness - well, who isn't, right, then, this is a place for a no non-sense Japanese sashimi/sushi meal for under 400 per head (average sashimi orders, no expensive sake..etc.) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)