9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 00:00
Tue - Sun
16:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (3)
Nestled in heart of central, this contemporary Japanese Fruit cocktail bar is one of the best spots to unwind after work. With bar seats only, the bartender is always ready to share about used umeshu / Japanese fruit liqueur over the counter with much enthusiasm. Unlike most bars which are set with dim lighting and occupied with commotion, @thefurutu channels a fun and casual ambiance which I really enjoyed! The amicable doe-eyed fruit characters printed over the bar's self made merch certainly adds a dash of cuteness in the urban corner.Apart from choosing between a variety of innovative signature cocktails, you can also pick an umeshu of your choice for a mix with soda/ other liqueur is also an option. There is always something for everyone's taste with the variety of flavours that they offer.乾杯しましょ!近年在中環出現了不少以特色基底酒,變化出不同雞尾酒的酒吧,當中色彩繽紛的【Furutu】令人印象非常深刻!以日式梅酒作主題,將不同風格的梅酒/果実酒,變化出杯杯好看又好喝的雞尾酒又或者可以選擇自己偏好的梅酒/果実酒作主調,加進梳打或其他利口酒,位於卑利街的小角落,宛如日式木趟門的店面,店內外都印着一粒粒有着大眼睛的可愛水果,也有出了不同的merch,咕𠱸、啤牌、totebag等與其他酒吧常常給人昏暗嘈雜的印象截然不同!是更加隨意輕鬆的風格呢店內只有數個吧枱位置,但個人更加偏好這種和調酒師直接交流的體驗,加上以中環來說非常相宜的價錢,是我一再回訪的原因𓈒𓏸𓐍 𐀑 𓈒𓏸 𝗬𝘂𝘇𝘂 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮 $𝟵𝟴用上了龍舌蘭和柚子果實酒,加上清新的青檸,杯邊的鹽巴與清甜的柚子味形成強烈對比,更覺清爽𐀑 𓈒𓏸 𝗡𝗮𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝗣𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗨𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗵𝘂 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹 (+𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗮) $ 𝟲𝟴+𝟭𝟬無法抗拒任何桃味飲品!用了蜜桃梅酒加上梳打,非常清爽之餘,意外地沒有酒精感,非常適合抗拒酒味的朋友! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-24
中環卑利街樓梯旁一角悄悄地儜立了色彩繽紛的 @thefurutu ,暖色木系吧枱與一雙雙signature 小眼睛◔ ◔,是近年少數讓Jenny 想起contem art 的小酒吧,又令人聯想起曾同樣位於東京新橋後巷的藝術品清友壽司吧。 @thefurutu 就是這樣的一種結合,現代得來又帶點八十年代日本vibes,店員說酒吧位置不太矚目,但樓梯旁的這位置卻令酒吧更有趣味。試了三款cocktail:𓈟 YUZU MAGARITA $98Tequila, Salted Yuzu, Triple Sec, Lime𓈟 59 STREET MANGO $98Vodka, Mango Umeshu, Lemon, Prosecco𓈟 PEAR SOUR $108Whiskey, Pear Liqueur, Lemon, Egg White, Bitters當中最喜歡的是YUZU MAGARITA,柚子的清香滿滿地散發出來,用的是柚子梅酒,杯邊加了鹽提升了柚子的香氣味道。如果想來一杯好的Negroni,請不要錯過59 STREET MANGO,PEAR SOUR的味道最為fruity,也是最清新,全都是不忍心喝光的cocktail -᷄ ᴥ -᷅ 特別一提所有調酒用的果汁也是鮮榨的,超用心 ♡ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-14
假如大家想找點節目,像我這種酒鬼可以考慮去位於中環半山區的Furutu(從Donki 出發,走行人電梯就很快到達)今個月為情人節月酒吧特別提供了3款特飲有甜,有濃,你又愛那一個?🔸穩陣之選 : Hazelnut Negroni🔸小孩子才做選擇我當然選擇又甜又濃的Hazelnut Negroni(Campari, Cinzano 1757 Rossi Vermouth,Frangelico )了解我的人都知道我非常愛Negroni (Campari, Gìn, Sweet Red Vermouth組合)配合了來自意大利北部,帶榛子味的Frangelico ,和另一款常見的Cinzano 1757 Rossi Vermouth(Fruity, Herbal,Sweet) 適合喜歡穩陣關係的單身人士,或情侶。🔸回憶之選 : First Love Highball🔸(Gien Grant Arboralis Whisky 🥃 ,sparking chamomile & apple )First love 用上很多初嚐威士忌常接觸的 Gien Grant Arboralis Whisky,帶有拖肥的味道,已有180年歷史的single malt ,甜甜之餘也是價錢比較溫和之選。加上了有氣的甘菊茶和蘋果,很清爽,就像你我剛初戀的感覺,消費不多,但總能讓你有淡淡的,甜蜜的感覺。個人建議給希望找回初心的人。🔸熱情之選 : Passion Spritz🔸影片中出現的為Passion Spritz (Aperol-infused Passion Fruit , Cinzano Prosecco, Soda Water)Aperol 就是帶點橙味的苦精 (bitter),配上熱情果味,梳打水,和意大利北部,較乾身的Prosecco ,適合情人節,充滿熱情的你我。現場環境還有人打碟,製造氣氛,當日遇上Bartender Rai & Ambassador Delphine, 以及老闆們的熱情招呼,令情人節也不孤單了。無論如何 ,情人節快樂。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)