4-min walk from Exit A, Lok Fu MTR Station continue reading
Dantotsu岡山一番店拉麵的一號店位於日本岡山縣岡山市,於2008年開業至今已有15年的歷史。 Dantotsu拉麵屬於二郎系,其特點是: 1, 拉麵使用太麵(粗麵) 2, 麵的上方放上大量的蔬菜及芽菜堆成山狀 3, 蒜及油脂的份量根據自己喜好自由選 樂富分店的主題為拉麵 x 關東煮(Ramen x Oden),除了為您提供拉麵外,店內還設有關東煮自助吧。 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:30
17:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
*Last Order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (84)
坦白講😏 #小秘書 對 #日本拉麵 一向冇乜興趣😅 莫講喺香港,就算飛到日本都好少幫襯😅😅 不過呢晚因為大家知我趕時間,諗住近近地醫飽個肚🍜就走人… 誤打誤撞我哋走到嚟 樂富廣場Lok Fu Place 地下嘅「岡山一番店拉麵」幫襯😏 餐廳門面裝修得好有日本氣色,食物都以 #拉麵 為主🍜 食客可以根據自己嘅喜好,選擇 #湯麵、#油沾麵,仲有 #拌麵 三種。既然前者兩款我都試過,呢日就等我叫個 #溫泉蛋芝士叉燒拌麵,試吓過江龍嘅手勢😚餐廳服務以自助式為主,揀好食物同煮法,先要出去俾錢,大概等咗10分鐘左右,大大碗嘅拌麵終於嚟到我面前🤤 中盛嘅份量比我想像中多,加埋兩塊追加嘅叉燒,顯得更有份量🤭 不過我落單嘅時候,要求「走芽菜」,所以份量已經少咗啲😁 我有信心一定可以K.O.佢🤭 除咗 #叉燒 之外,#拉麵 上面鋪上 #芝士碎,仲有 溫泉蛋,睇落都幾豐富🤤 不過真心冇諗過碗底下面嘅醬汁咁濃味😅 配料連湯汁同拉麵攪拌埋一齊… 可以用齋一個字嚟形容「鹹」🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️ 加上「岡山一番」嘅拉麵俾我認知嘅麵條粗壯,一下子索埋啲湯汁特別重口味😅 好在咁啱有部水機就係我隔籬,唯有一邊食麵、一邊飲水中和吓味蕾啦🤭🤭📍 岡山一番店 (樂富)聯合道198號樂富廣場A區地下L224-L225號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-17
位於樂富好出名岡山拉麵醬油拉麵黎講香港少有好食,大份又扺食👅我夜晚7點半左右去都要排一陣隊大概10分鐘,排隊期間店員會比點餐紙你先,寫完紙仔等到入座就可去到收銀處付款,攞左牌仔就可以係位等送餐我食岡山一番拉麵🍜🍜麵條粗身係我最鍾意既口感有咬口提一提 正常麵質都已經有咬口 唔洗揀硬都可以‼️另外拉麵份量相比其他同價錢既拉麵店份量為大,所以我除左第一次叫中盛,之後都叫小盛就夠🍜叉燒同玉子都係正常拉麵店嘅水準由於佢芽菜爽甜好食,我多數揀四倍量我比較鍾意蒜 我多數點多蒜🧄上餐時間比其他拉麵店較為慢,趕時間就最好食其他 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-19
Bookmarked this restaurant for a year and finally it’s my turn to devour this sumo size ramen bowl hahahahaa. Ramen can be chosen from 150g to 400g, with a small increment in price. Bean sprouts available at 1x to 4x times the standard portion, free of charge. They serve thick style ramen noodles and the smallest 150g is already very fulfilling. I chose the 4x bean sprouts and I managed to finish the entire bowl. You can customise every part of your bowl: noodle portion; noodle texture; bean sprout portion; soup concentration; seasoning oil amount; amount of raw garlic; toppings etc. There is oden and soup available as well. Just help yourself next to the cashier. Very Japanese! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-16
好少黎樂富, 咁岩黎開見到呢間拉麵店最平個拉麵只係五十幾蚊, 就睇下煮成點樣 😀 坐低揀好自己要食邊款, 湯既濃度, 油度, 辣度, 麵既硬度, 仲有芽菜份量, 芽菜我揀左兩倍, 出到黎都好多芽菜, 四倍唔敢想像 🤯 揀完就出去比錢, 好快個拉麵就黎左。半熟玉子拉麵 $67拉麵係粗身既, 小編我拉麵鍾意幼身, 食沾麵可能會合適啲, 個湯熱辣辣, 份量都幾多, 流心蛋個味醃得唔夠, 有兩舊叉燒, 唔係好大舊, 基本上未食完個麵已經食完舊叉燒 😖 叉燒同樣醃得唔夠入味正所謂一分錢一分貨, 個價比出面平, 味道得過且過, 所以計埋都唔太差 😅 除左拉麵, 佢仲有關東煮, 每件$9, 除非身處日本, 一般都好少食關東煮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-10
朋友推薦去食呢間餐廳,見到都幾多人排隊,我諗以拉麪黎講$60左右都算幾平。排緊嘅時候已經要用紙同筆寫定想食咩,排左五分鐘就入到去。要先卑$先再等食物,我叫左四倍芽葉,多到爆,完全食唔晒,而麪都見到係人手用機器做,所以幾抵食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)