Tour the 4 major culinary regions of China—Sichuan, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong—at this restaurant. Savor Chinese fine dining specialties in an elegant restaurant with modern décor inspired by the 5 basic elements. Keep an eye out for the signature lotus motif that sprouts throughout the majestic restaurant. continue reading
Good For
Family Style Dining
Additional Information
DISNEY FRIENDS DIM SUM only available on weekends and public holidays lunch hours. Please order at least 24 hours in advance for Monday through Friday.
Opening Hours
11:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (216)
Level4 2024-03-09
晶荷軒位於香港迪士尼樂園酒店內,餐廳裝潢華麗高級,環境亦很寬敞👍🏻朋友在網上預付了午市套餐-迪士尼朋友點心午餐🤩套餐共有6道菜,包括:🤍柑橘涼拌紫山藥雞絲🤍迪士尼朋友點心 (跳跳虎菜肉包、小豬海鮮雞肉包、米奇煎薄餅)🤍雪燕竹笙玉帶羮🤍香草雞油菌炒蝦球🤍瑤柱金瓜和牛粒炒飯🤍ShellieMay斑蘭蓮蓉包拼蛋白杏仁茶湯丸還包含了中式花茶(桂花烏龍茶)🫖整體食物味道很不錯,賣相亦非常吸引😍 而且大部份菜式都加入了迪士尼朋友的元素在內,超級適合打卡呢~✨當中以”雪燕竹笙玉帶羮”及”瑤柱金瓜和牛粒炒飯”的味道最驚喜!😋”雪燕竹笙玉帶羮”非常鮮甜,味道濃郁,而且更可以吃到粒粒帶子肉呢~🤤而”瑤柱金瓜和牛粒炒飯”飯粒Q彈,和牛粒嫩滑,加上濃郁的瑤柱及香甜的金瓜,口感非常豐富!👍🏻如果大家到迪士尼樂園玩,或到迪士尼酒店staycation,非常推薦大家來晶荷軒吃飯!😚晶荷軒地址: 大嶼山香港迪士尼樂園酒店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-07
With the past few years we bought platinum cards with good and warm services,unfortunately my daughter with her friends attended dinner last night for celebrating birthday plus year 6 graduations, there was an old man without hair who served on the other tables used his very unfriendly eyes and upset face looked at the kids because of their rising voice sometimes. We like the afternoon tea and dinner inside the hotel, the food quality decreased,however warm suggestion 1/ Find some young staff to work instead of negative energy man. 2/ Service standard can be improved. 3/ Keep the food standard. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-02
大嶼山📌 【 晶荷軒 】大嶼山香港迪士尼樂園酒店朋友請食飯,遠道而來迪士尼酒店,更吸引我嘅係酒店嘅環境。而第一次嚟到奇幻世界 • 迪士尼食中餐,我嘅第一次就奉獻咗比【 晶荷軒】🤭 水晶精緻晚餐 】 每位 HK$538CRYSTAL DINNER SET $538/ pp• 蜂蜜叉燒拼梅酒牛展 Honey-glazed lberico Barbecue Pork Chilled Beef Shank with Plum Wine• 紅燒素翅海皇羹Braised Seafood Broth with Mock Shark Fin柚子蜜珍寶蝦球拼蒜片舞茸炒和牛 Deep-fried King Prawns in Pomelo Honey Sauce Wok-fried Wagyu Beef with Maitake Mushrooms and Garlic• 上湯杞子猴頭菇浸時蔬 Braised Seasonal Vegetables with Wolfberry and Lion's Mane Mushrooms in Soup• 芝士金瑤蟹蓋焗饭 Baked Fried Rice with Conpoy and Cheese in Whole Crab Shell • 紅棗雪耳燉桃膠 Double-boiled Snow Fungus with Peach Resin and Red Dates另外,仲有 QQ 健康兒童餐 KIDs' MENU 每位小童 HK$168(只提供予11歲或以下之兒童)• 海苔粟米 • 帶子豆腐湯 • 鮮果胡麻豬柳 • 蘆筍雲耳炒蝦仁 • 米奇蛋白蒙麥飯 • 配鮮奶一盒 要讚一讚餐廳嘅細心 ❤️ Menu 上 很貼心地標明菜品配料成分,以防客人對某種食材敏感。D=乳製品 dairy E=蛋類egg PN=花生果仁類 peanuts & nuts SF=貝般類 shellfish W=小麥類 wheat GF=無麩質 gluten free SS=芝麻 sesame🔅 整體嚟講,我覺得呢到嘅客人係食服務、環境、氛圍為主;【 晶荷軒 】集 川、京、滬 & 粤等中國四大菜系於一身,我最欣賞紅燒素翅海皇羹,真係好足料,鮮甜又有口感,但其他菜品就略嫌不過不失,始終呢個價錢,總有客人有一定嘅期望。⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹餐廳 🥢【 晶荷軒 】地點 📍 大嶼山香港迪士尼樂園酒店消費 💰 $538@⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊹⊰⁠⊰⁠⊹ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-11
係復活節長假既最後一日,一家三口到訪晶荷軒。想去迪士尼酒店附近行下,所以前一日先上網搵下迪士尼既三間酒店餐飲,見到晶荷有精美小童餐,成人午餐套餐都係$338。因為仲未俾一歲零既bb食調味,亦未試過俾BB食餐廳食物,今次膽粗粗打去晶荷軒問吓可唔可以將兒童餐既食物唔落任何調味料。隔左一陣得到既回覆竟然係可以!佢地廚師會特製我地既要求,唔落汁醬,冇糖冇鹽,不油炸, 所以就馬上決定book 枱了!兒童套餐 ($168)海蜇蝦沙律開胃好食點心拼盤 (2人份)蜜汁叉燒包|瑤柱灌湯小籠包|筍尖鮮蝦餃|帆立貝菜苗燒賣|荔蓉天鵝酥|黑蒜明蝦角係正常發揮既點心,好食,但唔會印象深刻雪燕蟹肉冬茸羹大大碗又足料!金沙蝦球伴黑蒜炒牛小排超大隻蝦!金沙汁掛滿爽脆蝦球,大粒到食第二粒已經有d 漏,加上前一道湯羹都大大碗,已經飽左一半。牛小排都淋滑好食。芙蓉蟹肉扒菜苗估唔到菜都keep 住大份量😂紅棗雪耳燉桃膠食到最後,細細碗既湯水唔會太甜,足料,桃膠都好淋。食物味道:睇食評見大家主要都係食打卡點心,評價都係普通。但估唔到套餐$338 價錢可以食到呢個份量同唔差既質素。環境/服務:眼見都唔少帶住小朋友用膳既家庭,始終係迪士尼入面,所以親子設備同食物都有照顧到。但可以特製兒童餐就真係意料之外,所以都好推薦晶荷軒俾有小朋友同行既家庭。不過都因為小朋友多,餐廳用膳環境都比較嘈。服務員都有斟茶,餐廳地方唔細,但想要幫手既時候佢地都總會係附近。結論係如果有機會都一定會再去,同埋推薦俾朋友👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-03
🌟整體評分: 8.5/10🌟❤️味道:8/10🧡環境:9/10🩵服務:9/10💚性價比:8/10💗小朋友喜愛度:9/10帶小朋友去迪士尼酒店就一定會黎呢度食晚飯👍🏻酒店中菜廳有水準,餐廳寬敞坐得非常舒服,絕對係老人家小朋友都啱嚟嘅好地方!伙記們都好醒目,自動波準備小朋友餐具👍🏻皇牌片皮鴨配特有荔枝醬,脆卜卜得來有一種荔枝木嘅香氣,超級推介!椰青水雲吞雞煲都非常正,清雞湯配上淡淡香甜味!香脆牛腩外皮脆卜卜裏面軟腍腍,正!當然唔少得蜂蜜叉燒,香口齒頰留香😍同埋非常好味嘅XO醬,每次嚟都會買一樽外賣! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)