5-min walk from Exit A, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 20:30
Tue - Sun
11:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
I have visited a Chiuchow braised dishes restaurant called Cheung Fat last Saturday. I ordered braised goose for half and braised goose intestines and both dishes showed the shop's expertise in braising techniques. The braised goose was succulent and tender, with a well-balanced mix of sweet and savory flavors that complemented the meat perfectly. The braised goose intestines was also nice with their unique texture and a deep umami flavor. Don’t miss this shop if you love Chiuchow braised dishes!我上星期六去咗長發滷味大王買外賣。我點咗半隻滷水鵝同滷水鵝腸,兩款菜式都充分展現咗呢間餐廳嘅滷水技術。滷水鵝好滑嫩,甜咸味道平衡,同肉質完美配合。滷水鵝腸亦好味,口感獨特同帶鮮味。如果你鍾意潮州滷味,一定唔可以錯過呢間餐廳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-08-10
哩間滷水鵝我已經唔係第一次幫襯.之前係無意中經過.諗諗吓又好耐冇食過.所以入左去食碟頭飯.味道又真係幾好.唔錯!所以今次專登買咗¼隻上莊返屋企.比屋企人一齊試下.睇下係咪同堂食一樣咁正!滷水鵝加鵝肝打開見到好有驚喜.司傅好有心機.上層全部鋪滿哂鵝片.切得好薄好令.仲放得好整齊.左邊就放左鵝肝!滷水汁唔會太鹹.覺得唔夠味可以另外點滷水汁.(每盒都會有一包滷水汁同埋兩包酸甜汁)重點鵝片好滑唔鞋口.肉質好淋好新鮮.出面好多一係好咸一係好鞋.哩間岩岩好.外賣返去都好食.難怪門口咁得人排隊買外賣.配埋酸甜汁.中和返.唔會好膩.我見好多人買鵝肝.我都試下.估唔到都好滑.好鮮.加埋滷水幾好👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
認識呢間鋪 係見到有個 youtuber 瘋狂拍攝佢斬鵝既片發覺老闆斬鵝特別細心 上莊起片 下莊拆肉起髀骨 好有心機鵝肉亦排得好靚 睇得出老闆對出品有要求 終於有日忍唔住走去試下 果然高質 一試成主顧呢間多人幫襯 流量極快 滷水獅頭鵝相當新鮮熟度亦剛剛好 買上下莊切開 肉經常會是粉紅色呢碟滷鵝鵝腸飯 今日好好彩 有髀位食啖啖肉鵝肉越咬越香 鮮鵝腸超爽脆 滷水布包豆腐超嫩滑 仲有樽仔凍奶茶 奶茶茶味較奶味重 味道唔錯肯定好飲過黑白樽仔奶茶 高質既一餐 食得痛快PS: 新蒲崗鴻發老闆都係長發做過 原材料同長發差唔多難怪味道何其相似 鴻發依家已經獨當一面 成為人龍小店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-10-06
今次買左 上裝鵝片、鵝腸、鵝掌、鵝腎、豬耳 同豆腐,真係樣樣都好好味,入味得來又唔鹹,一家大小都爭住食。鵝片好嫩,一點肥也沒有,薄薄的鵝皮仲好煙刃,超正!!我都好欣賞佢嘅鵝掌、鵝腎,鹵得好入味;另外,豆腐滑到飛起,一定一定要食😋😋下次再去試埋鵝頸、鵝肝先得😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-15
本來想買手撕雞返屋企加餸,但係諗諗吓成日食雞,不如轉下啲新意,見到前面有間「長發滷味大王」排隊排到出門口,好奇心驅使之下忍唔住八卦下有啲咩食自從之前喺荔枝角打冷店食過滷水鵝肝之後就念念不忘,見到呢間都有賣,所以買埋上庄一齊試試先😍排隊冇嘢做順便前面客人吹下水,原來佢哋都係熟客,食過好味專程返嚟再買!眼見師傅刀工真係好好,鴨胸位置幫你去晒骨,而且片到好薄薄一片,睇到我流晒口水🙊我買咗上庄$108,鵝肝$20排到靚一靚😍肉質好鮮嫩,滷水汁又好香好夠味,唔會死鹹👍🏻鵝肝反而同我心目中有少少落差,因為之前食嗰間實在太滑,呢間相比起就有少少老!不過整體來講都好好味,下次有機會會再嚟買!😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)