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Review (2)
Level3 2011-03-09
Having seen a posting in Thursday’s SCMP for Cheri I try to book a table for two for Saturday dinner and soon discover this place has a serious problem with communication. The telephone is never answered.Having called and left a message on the answer phone requesting the table I wait to be called back for confirmation. No call. After eight hours, two more calls and messages I finally receive an sms requesting the time I wished to book.Having arrived at the junction of Staunton Str. with the very steep Aberdeen Str. I call for directions. Frustratingly no one answers the phone, but we eventually find the resteraunt.Cheri is basically a small laid back bar with a few tables at the back for dining. Our drinks were brought over promptly by a charming waitress who presented the blackboard that serves as a menu comprising roughly 5 or 6 choices of starters and mains.We shared a starter of minted meatballs which was an uninspiring, but very large helping, of dull flavourless mini burgers on a dull tomato sauce.During our starter the crowd from the bar spilled over into the resteraunt area, and we had a very noisy group directly behind our table. Not conducive to a relaxing meal.We had ribs and a steak for mains, the former was well cooked but more at home in an American resteraunt, and the steak was a little too simply prepared with no seasoning. Half way through our food some mash potato was brought to the table. It was extremely good, but it would have been nice if it was presented at the same time as the mains.The bill was around $600 including one beer and a coke, and if the management could get a better control it could be quite a good resteraunt. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Probably better known as a bar, this artsy, laid back restaurant/bar up the steep Aberdeen St boasts excellent food as well as reasonably-priced wine. Think homely French rather than haute. This ain't Caprice, but it's the kind of place you'd want to be your local. We had a great lamb fillet, grilled medium, with delightful crunchy edges and served on a wooden plank with fried cubed potatoes. Simple but flavoursome. Foie gras was served on a thin slice of pineapple instead of the usual apple, which was interesting and worked quite well. The cheese platter was excellent and the grilled flatbread that came with it divine. We opened a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape, it was probably one of the more expensive bottles on the (blackboard) wine list, but was only around $500. If my memory serves, the least expensive bottle was under $300. A great place to hang out with friends over a casual dinner. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)