The first California Pizza Kitchen store opened in Beverly Hills, California. There are now over 250 CPK restaurants worldwide. The most popular pizzas at this restaurant are the peking duck pizza and milan pizza. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Exclusive Online Booking
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (56)
Level2 2019-12-29
love this place.my kids and I always eat there! food is good but at times when it gets busy, it's like a roller coaster!staffs arent so attentive sometimes, I could hear newbies swearing so loud. that's not nice....to hear while you are eating! but overall I'd still come back and eat here.the beat crispy chicken salad continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-12-04
朋友話想食得健康啲所以揀咗一間有沙律食嘅餐廳我地三個人想食沙律個friend自己點左一份沙律我同另一個朋友就share一個小食同埋一碟意粉個小食係牛油果雞肉蛋卷味道本身已經好豐富 外皮好脆又唔厚粉加埋隔離個醬汁 幾好味呢個係大蝦扁意粉個汁有啲黑椒味 辣辣地 好香口意粉質地唔錯 唔會好淋啲蝦都幾新鮮整體感覺唔錯另一個朋友就自己點左個沙律全部材料都好新鮮我覺得個醬汁調得好好胡麻柚子味 食落好開胃總括嚟講呢間餐廳質素唔錯價錢都唔算好貴值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友喺附近睇戲,順便喺呢間餐廳食個午飯先出發。呢度嘅午餐都叫幾抵食,六十幾七十就有一個套餐,有湯或沙律、主菜,及飲品。如果係可樂或者檸檬茶,仲可以無限添飲添。首先上嘅係呢個墨西哥粟米湯,我覺得佢係非常之有墨西哥味道,好似平日食卷餅上面諗嘅醬咁。呢個係加28蚊嘅墨西哥烤餅小食,夠脆同熱辣辣,都ok ge.佢個薄餅係比平日啲size細啲,係一人份量,但有湯 小食 飲品,我後尾都食唔晒。不過芝士,蘑菇同菠菜呢個組合係無敵嘅。但要講嘅係,佢呢個餐廳嘅場地好大,但是侍應偏少。叫咗好耐,先有人過嚟幫我地落單。另外上左嘢食之後,又冇比餐具,結果又要再叫多幾次侍應過嚟。埋單又要舉好耐手先有人,希望侍應可以多啲留意食客有無舉手。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-10-26
今日成班同事一齊食lunch ,揀呢間餐廳貪佢食物選擇多,有大枱,仲有得訂位。墨西哥粟米湯:稠稠地,都幾飽肚。調味好濃郁,好似食緊墨西哥脆片咁。豬肋骨漢堡:將豬肋骨啲肉拆咗出嚟,整咗做漢堡,啲肉好鬆化,燒烤醬好惹味,個包有烘過,唔錯。蒜香忌廉汁雞肉闊面:忌廉汁好濃郁,亦都足夠每一條意粉都有汁。雞肉都大塊,係稍為薄左少少。煙肉生菜蕃茄薄餅:呢個麻麻,冇乜醬係薄餅表面,得四篇番茄同一堆生菜,睇落冇乜誠意,下次唔會再叫。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-06-27
今日早上出差做一輪嘢,一陣要去幫朋友搬屋,在一個好肚餓的情況下,要去找好嘢食飽先,朋友家附近原來有California Pizza Kitchen,以前好喜歡的一間餐廳,因為現在只剩4間分店,所以真的好一輪無去⋯⋯坐入去是依舊的舒適,因為已過午餐時間,所以人不算多⋯⋯竟然有午餐餐牌,都是58-78不等,有湯、有主菜、有飲品⋯⋯仲可以加25蚊加小食,小食的份量都堅充足,味道不變的維持水準,真的相當唔錯!重點係unlimited refill的檸檬茶,實在太好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)