8-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sat
14:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level4 2020-01-13
今日就黎一間新開無耐以攝影歷史爲主題嘅咖啡館😮無諗過一座大廈內會開一個展覽式嘅地方兼Cafe🤔環境幾闊落樓底又高😮兩層都有展品參觀📸仲有好多展品都無點影到🙈而上層就係Cafe可能開咗無耐又幾隱世嘅關係🤔得我一個人包場🤣🤣🤣幾寧靜幾有feel既然一場黎到順便嘆杯咖啡☕️好少可。可以喺一個展覽廳坐喺度慢慢嘆杯咖啡😂杯mocha唔錯👍🏻除咗咖啡仲有賣埋蛋糕。如果有冇其他輕食或餐類食物應該會爆場👀不過以現時嘅坐位一定唔夠哈哈😄襯無乜人知黎咗先唔係遲下多人越多人黎就無咗現時嘅舒服氣氛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-08
讚:講環境寧靜,呢間都真係無得輸,自成一角到唔可以再自成一角,仲順便有展覽睇添,好值得黎,咖啡相當好,甘甜味幾突出,服務都幾好,好注意問顧客動向彈:蛋糕有啲乾身,同埋有熱食就一流啦!家下無左呢啲,有啲唔滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-06-06
本身自己又鐘意飲啡又鐘意影相 係fb一見到關於呢間photo gallery+cafe即刻save左🤘🏻專誠黎到呢到睇下相飲下啡係追求大光圈既年代點解owner會改呢到做f22就不得而知一入去就見到支大鏡裝飾 有leica專賣店有攝影書賣 特別在有audrey hepburn既寫真😂唔少得主打既photo exhibition 另一個photogenic位係一條旋轉梯行上cafe行到一半已經聞到啡味有兩位baristar係到 只係賣咖啡 Latte $38拉花靚既 意外地飲落無乜milk froth 奶香味濃 espresso偏苦同埋唔算太出飲環境都正👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-14
Cafe  22 is actually not a new cafe. I've come here off and on for maybe a year or more? It's located inside a photo gallery called F22 Fotospace. F22 Fotospace is a beautiful gallery that showcases various photo exhibitions throughout the year. It closes temporarily when it's in the middle of an exhibition change. They also have a library to look at photo books and they are also an official Leica reseller.F22 Fotospace is perhaps one of the most beautifully designed galleries in Hong Kong. The entrance is spellbinding with as it looks like a camera lens.The cafe is found on the second floor of the gallery. Go up this beautiful flight of stairs and you'll find it. I visit this coffee shop whenever they change exhibitions. I love it for it's quiet. Like next to NOBODY comes. And the people who do view the exhibitions are quiet!The menu is in English and there is no 10% service charge. This time I came, they apparently changed the barista. It was a girl and I had never seen here before but she was very nice.I ordered a latte ($38). It was served in a pretty tea cup and a came with two mini shortbread cookies that were buttery and soft. The latte was nice and smooth. Smelled fantastic and a good temperature. The beans had a slight nutty taste. Latte art was lovely.I also had a chocolate almond pound cake ($25).  This was really good. Not too sweet but it had a slight taste of chocolate. The cake was moist and crumbly. A good partner for the cup of coffee I ordered. Later, I found out from a friend who also frequents this gallery that the new barista also makes the food. Glad I gave it a try! It was pretty good.I  always come back every time this place has a new exhibition. It's quiet and a great place to relax. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)