Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (42)
Level4 2007-11-05
上星期6 (nov 3, 07),家姐請食飯,3人來了這間試吓格局都唔錯,有盞我最鍾意嘅水晶燈我地叫咗2個set lunch(2個course,另可揀3個course) + 散叫souffle (當日買1送1) + 散叫龍皇海鮮湯1)先嚟個麵包藍...........好慷慨,有9片蒜蓉包-都幾香脆2)頭盤i)1個要湯(洋蔥湯)-個湯試咗1"羮",足料但味道唔算濃,望到湯入面塊麵包唔似有加芝士-試過比較出色的洋蔥湯喺soho的bacxx ii) 1個要parma ham with canteloup-對辦,有肉的鹹香,哈密瓜唔喺香,但都甜3)主菜真喺sorry,嗰日2個主菜都影到鬆,郁,矇 i)煎三文魚-個魚可以,好厚身,只有微微腥味,底下個薯蓉仲好好味(以薯味同口感為主,唔濃奶味)-個九菜花好嫩同清甜ii)帶子linguine-張相差到要放棄,煩請幻想吓-帶子好大粒,都應該有4粒,煎到剛熟,1d都唔老,仲好鮮甜吓,好新鮮-個意粉小小al dente,算是不錯,但欠咗小小味,要姐夫加鹽補味 4)龍皇海鮮湯bouillabaisse-我散叫的主菜,也是因為想試呢個湯,所以才揀這間餐廳-呢個湯是法國菜的靈魂,間餐廳有幾掂,都喺睇呢個湯-嚴格的煮法要有5-6款魚種+海鮮1齊-今次我搵到青口(食到有兩隻死咗,扣小小分),大蝦(爽,都甜但無帶子咁甜),帶子(好鮮甜),魚肉(厚肉,結實,應是好貨)-個湯入口濃龍蝦味,幸好無loan味,鮮; 另外仲食到有陣香草味,2種味無搶大家,同樣突出-跟咗3片麵包+ dressing (無嘜味,好重牛油的膩感)-是我第1次食,感覺合格,下次要試吓第2間比較吓5)甜品-散叫咗個特價甜品,熱梳夫厘-聽落都有好多隻味揀,有vanilla, lemon, ginger, chocolate, orange-姐姐選vanilla,姐夫選檸檬-另再配custard醬-睇個樣,已經well done,因發得好高,仲爆晒口咁........擋都擋唔住咁呀-兩隻味都好食,vanilla比較傳統,做到好香,有蛋味; 而檸檬就好有得力x feel,較vanilla味d,但坊間少見呢個味,值得1試-+埋custard醬,仲good~~~ 掂呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2007-08-12
I ordered the dinner set and The food was OK! the lobster soup is good and it think it tastes better than La Mer's. The duck is good but the pastry in the mushroom pastry is slightly too greasy. The fish (which has pumpkin and is wrapped in a lattice pastry) tastes delicious!Ps. I love the passion fruit sorbettoo continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2007-07-17
叫左個2-course set lunch:送garlic bread:激讚!!夠熱,蒜蓉又香,麵包夠脆,好好食ar!!煙三文魚沙律: d 菜好fresh,同d smoke salmon好match煙肉磨姑意粉:味道幾好,磨姑味好香,煙肉都好好食 typical 0既soho細細0既西餐廳,可能我地人太多,廚房handle唔黎,所以等左好耐先有得食不過食物0既味道唔錯,soho黎講0既價錢都算幾抵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2006-02-15
琴日情人節去左lee度食, $398/位+ 10%頭盤:有龍蝦沙律or 煎鵝肝(任選其一), 結果我地兩個都覺得係沙律較好味, 鵝肝一般.湯:龍蝦海皇湯- ok, 唔係太咸, 味道都夠濃, 湯料有1隻中蝦開邊, 2隻類似青口的物體, 但應該唔係青口. 2碗湯內4隻青口物體, 其中2隻有沙.雪葩:熱情果味- ok, 唔太藥水.主菜:羊架or 鴨胸- 羊架味道幾好, 火路控制得幾好, 但鴨胸超唔得, 值頭覺得晒錢.甜品:士多啤梨蘇皮- 好好味, 士多啤梨唔酸, 未食已經傳來陣陣芳香, 平時我唔食士多啤梨, 因怕酸. lee種應該係靚的士多啤梨, 蘇皮做得好好, 上碟時雖然有cream, 但都好脆, 唔硬, 好鬆化.服務方面: 琴日都好多人, 已經full晒, no walk in, waiter d 態度唔差, 傳聞中四眼maybe經理, 講野雖然有d硬, 欠缺小小技巧, 但係好有禮貌而且都樂意服務人客. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2006-02-03
路過Soho,隨便的找一間食店試試,一向對小店式經營的西餐廳有好感,唔多想,開門試菜。午餐可以試到餐廳的水準,本來想叫pasta,但見有tenderloin也走膽粗粗搏佢一舖。餐包、頭盤、主菜、甜品;一籃蒜蓉包,蒜蓉包要做得得差比做得好更難,香軟,卻嫌蒜味不夠濃,亦少了蒜泥的質感,一般。頭盤要了沙律,芝麻菜加水牛芝士,水牛芝士質感唔錯,但配落草青味重的芝麻菜上,感覺怪怪的......主菜tenderloin,要了medium,外乾內嫩,嫩得近乎生,肉本身不過不失,肉味足,肉汁夾雜著血水,感覺好原始,可能是解凍出問題。本身唔好甜品,無乜好寫,收筆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)