The decor is mixed with vintage and contemporary style, it is a perfect pet-friendly restaurant to relax on weekends. You can enjoy a variety of Western dishes such as salads, steaks, pasta, and risotto here. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Argentinian Black Angus ourskirt Lobster spaghetti Confirm duck leg Argentinian rib eye steak Slow roast peri peri chicken
Review (77)
Level2 2023-11-26
假日帶同小狗去西灣河碼頭附近搵野食純粹過下一個chill嘅假期呢間餐廳勝就勝在可以帶狗仔入場一行四人一同試下呢間餐廳既午市今次食咗卡邦尼意粉 焗海鮮燴飯 豬鞍 同煎魚一開頭會有個沙律或湯我哋就兩樣都試咗講真,個湯真係好鹹 連我平時食開重口味都頂唔順 飲咗兩啖就算沙律就隨意啦 無咩特別只可以講佢全部食物都係一般般性價比有啲低 食物質素真係有待改善 或者直接換咗個廚師會好啲 暫時唔推薦大家去個豬就覺得有少少Ribs嘅感覺 出邊係鬆軟,但係入邊係嚡熠熠 味道中規中矩risotto 就比較鹹 可能係同個湯同一個湯底好在卡邦尼意粉就正正常常 冇咩特別值得分享總括而言評分 4/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-12
Ordered two main courses one a salad and the other a fajita. 10 mins later salad came and more customers seated. Finished salad and about 35mins in the restaurant asked waitress to follow up on our other main course - no response. Other customers who came later were served theirs. Two staff and manager rushing around. Another 10 mins went by. Asked manager as he rushed by to check he ignored me first time and then in second attempt he just looked at me. Another five minutes decided to leave and asked for bill. manager busy showing new customers to their table and bumped into me. I left first as my partner waited for the manager to ask the waitress again which table asked for the bill !! Appalling service and arrogant attitude at customers in the restaurant and one staff outside trying to tempt customers to dine. Never again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成條太康街得呢間餐廳係比較靜少少 老闆好主動叫我哋坐 介紹menu比我地1- 田螺酥皮 個plating有啲樣衰 冇影相 已剝穀既田螺,夾喺塊酥皮餅入面,味道係正常,不過唔夠熱2- Rib eye 5成熟上碟,我未見過西餐晚餐係會比塊咁L薄既牛排,比起大家樂早餐牛扒厚少少。雖然知道生意難做,但比$37X 食個薄排係有啲侮辱😅😅切落去,至少有8成熟😅 真係搞唔掂,同個老闆反映,佢收返塊排再煮過🙏🏻3- 牛排茄汁闊條意粉-> 長通粉 老闆話有個special menu都係牛排茄汁,但轉penne長通粉,雖然我一心想食闊條麵,但叫佢推介咁我就叫咗長通粉。上碟,牛肉醉都冇粒😓😓😓😓😓 剩係得橄欖同埋長通粉,啲長通粉我未掂之前佢已經碎晒,好明顯長通粉本身煮得太耐已經散晒問番老闆,原來佢搞錯咗menu,呢個係本身冇牛排 🙂。。 對唔住都係要彈鐘 因為我本身真係諗住食牛 同埋完全唔食橄欖(其實佢個味道係唔錯,好香辣,係質感太淋同冇牛排😅)4- 彈鐘後的rib eye 變左1成熟塊扒番到黎,勁多筋,唔知點解會食到啲碎骨 都費事再反映。。都直接lur番出黎算切到中間,塊扒已經係生到血淋淋 深紅色 (冇特登影相) 其實真係唔上得碟😅😅😅今晚再問今次有冇好啲,佢見到塊扒都要再入去搞搞佢😅 呢下我已經笑出聲 點解可以咁伏,塊扒本身質素已經好差(又多筋又有骨 又薄),但要生成咁😂😂😂5- 彈鐘後的牛扒茄汁闊條麵終於呢個係正常 有牛扒 個闊條麵質感確實係唔錯 但睇埋個味道係爭少少 要求唔高都OK 6- 甜品 cheesecake 好細件 真係唔係幾好食 😓 2個人加埋都係食左半件,廢事浪費quota😅總括而言,其實老闆好積極咁樣幫我哋反映番比個廚師聽,亦都有盡量俾返啱既dish 成個廚師咁樣真係搞唔L掂 就算老闆幾好人 都遇上個豬廚師 搞錯menu都算但牛排一個8成熟 一個1成熟。。。😅最後埋單接近$800 係2023年最唔抵既一餐 食完係想快啲走 去太安樓算🥲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-27
假日特登帶咗狗狗嚟到西灣河海旁散步。鯉景灣呢邊有好多餐廳,於是我哋盲舂舂咁樣入咗嚟呢間餐廳。見到佢weekend都有lunch set,價錢亦唔算太貴,好適合一個人,望住過海旁chill下。今次我叫咗個西冷牛扒配薯條,另外佢仲配埋個沙律。沙律個味道中規中矩。個牛扒煮得啱啱好。而且佢唔算太肥,所以咬落去口感好好。佢仲配埋唔同嘅醬汁俾你,我最鍾意都係佢個芥末醬,夾埋個牛扒嚟食,可以中和返佢個油膩。順帶一提,有狗狗嘅朋友仔可以試吓嚟呢間餐廳。佢哋嘅員工相信都係愛狗之人,見到我隻狗狗都好主動會關心佢會唔會太熱。而且仲會主動比零食佢食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-24
晚餐時間同狗狗岀去蘇豪東散步順便搵埋食咩晚餐蘇豪東沿路都有幾間唔同類型餐廳 不過大多都係西餐或者Fusion菜餐廳有好幾間都pet friendly行到咁上下 見呢間西餐人唔多 就同狗狗入左去喇 佢餐牌上都有好幾款海鮮 肉類選擇我睇中左Seafood Bouilabaisse $178落左order大概10分鐘就到食物賣相都好吸引有幾款唔同既海鮮 魚塊 青口 蜆仲有其他雜海鮮粒 另外佢個蕃茄醬汁酸may may好香濃茄味 有幾件麵包點醬黎食 真係好味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)