Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
11:30 - 21:30
Wed - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Cash PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
兩人點了豬手飯很一般感覺不新鮮~木瓜沙拉, 咖哩蟹可以不點,總體上菜很慢,無服務,每個菜平均要30分鐘,埋單500,不推薦, 老闆是個白鬍子鬼佬, 詢問菜何時來一副不耐煩的樣子⋯⋯極力不推薦~~想體驗貴又無服務外加食物一般的可以嘗試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-06
I was mentally prepped for an average thai meal, but this place definitely surprised me. the staffs were really nice and friendywe ordered the thom yum gung noodles and the grilled pork neck with papaya salad. the soup was super good, doesnt taste like its watered down, with fresh ingredients in itthe grilled pork neck paired with the cabbage was a marvelous combo to have together would definitely visit again if i come to mui wo again continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
心血來潮想食泰菜,熟悉梅窩都知只有兩間泰菜餐廳,今次想試下呢間比較癮世,而且位於梅窩碼頭附近的Bann Rao 。餐廳設有沙發🛋️座,坐得舒服😌但店鋪面積不大,容納20-30 人,同時都提供BB Highchair 。生蝦刺身:有六隻虎蝦刺身,融雪做得足,但沒有蝦味同質感不夠爽彈,下次可以不叫。沙嗲串燒:雞肉同牛肉調味是同一香料,帶有燒烤香氣,不錯!帶點金黃焦脆,唯沙嗲沒有花生顆粒,不夠濃稠。泰式金邊粉:等左好耐,整體味道偏甜,但吾夠酸,份量十足,蝦都好彈牙。炸軟殼蟹米紙卷:軟殼蟹炸得有點油膩,一咬油份溢出。用上米紙包裹著蘿蔔絲、爽脆青瓜、香甜青芒果🥭、仲有九層塔🌿香草,增加aroma ,整體配搭不錯,仲有魚露蝦醬蘸上,風味十足。鳳爪沙律:最鐘意多配菜! 西芹、蔥段、蘿蔔絲、辣椒仔得,酸酸辣辣汁拌勻,好開胃,而且鳳爪拌得入味,加入洋蔥🧅,好清新。紅咖哩雞肉:鐘意佢調味夠曬甜同辣,用泰式大小茄子增加口感,感覺正宗!忍吾住叫左白飯配咖哩。芒果糯米飯:芒果夠熟同軟糯香甜,是咸椰漿!糯米飯蒸得好軟熟。三色冰:椰汁味吾夠濃,多水左D,不過有三色啫喱條咬下就算啦。總結:平均20-30 分鐘先上一碟菜味道一般 三人共食左872蚊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
因為自駕遊入到黎梅窩喎知食咩好,亂咁行就入左呢間食泰國菜😁(10分為滿分:🌕)味道:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑Pad Thai Noddles($88)呢個等左差不多半個鐘先有得食,食左個菠蘿炒飯一半先上枱,因為已經食到飽飽地,所以其實都唔係好食得落呢個😂😂😂Pad Thai味道唔算話好平時食個種味道,我覺得爭咁少少酸味🤔不過都係超級大份,食極都仲有🫣菠蘿炒飯Pineapple fried rice($118)菠蘿炒飯都係食泰國野未叫既一款喇,咁岩我地同隔離枱都有叫,一上枱大家都捧住黎影相,因為佢成個size真係分分鐘大個你塊面😂😂😂我地畢左2-3碗以為下面係咪應該係啲菠蘿/其他野墊或,點知食極麵仲係有,加埋應該有6-7細碗😂😂呢個價錢黎講係好抵食,味道麵唔錯既既,夠多菠蘿粒🍍同埋最緊要係即叫即整夠新鮮😎👍🏻Chicken Pandan($98/6件)係用班蘭葉包住一舊雞塊烤,好熱辣辣咁上枱,雞亦都烤得好juicy好嫩滑,唔錯唔錯🤗三色冰Tri Color Cooler ($35)夏天塊戶外真係好熱,所以都都叫左杯凍野降下溫😎椰汁味重,同埋都好多個啲啫喱係低,中規中矩喇😁芒果糯米飯Mango Sticky Rice($68)呢個又係叫佢上枱之後等左15分鐘先有,偷睇到幾個後生店員係到慢慢整😂😂個糯米飯蒸得幾軟熟同好香椰汁味😁芒果🥭份量如果再多啲好啲,當日款芒果就唔算好甜,係比較有清香花香味個款🙃價錢:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑其實我都唔知係梅窩食野本身係貴唔貴,但會覺得啲野要特登運入去應該會貴啲😂😂咁呢間既價位同普遍市區餐廳唔會話差好多,但份量食得飽你😎😎交通:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑因為今次係入左大嶼山自駕遊,所以就塊左梅窩兜個圈遊覽下,因為冇特別搵想食咩,都係隨心行過就入左去食😂梅窩泊車好方便,我地泊左係對住個海邊既位置再周圍行,係寧靜既感覺呀🤗環境:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑入到去餐廳啲裝修係比較古舊,坐坐下偷聽到老闆係英國人,啲員工係啲後生外國人多,仲有2個東南亞feel既姨姨😂😂成個裝修感覺就係外國人放好多東南亞裝飾咁😂冷氣就愈坐愈覺得熱,仲要因為上菜時間耐,越食越熱😂😂😂性價比:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑如果入到梅窩唔想食西式野又諗唔到食咩可以一試😂😂但要預番唔好趕時間去食,因為上菜時間比較耐🫣🫣同埋係有機會要用英文落單😛😛不過我覺得份量夠大係算係抵食既😝😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
All the dishes were clearly made fresh to order. No artificial flavors or colours, just real ingredients and talented chefs. Every time we come, the food never disappoints, and the quality of the dishes remains delicious, which is unusual, especially for restaurants in this area. Definitely our favorite restaurant in the entirety of Lantau island.Our favorite was definitely the pad see ew and tom yung kung soup! The crispy sea bass with herbs is a must try as well! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)