4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 23:30
11:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level4 2015-04-28
見到餐牌有各式亞洲美食就入去試下,一入到去見到裝修幾靚諗住實冇死啦,點知叫完嘢食黎錯曬先知侍應落錯單,等左成粒鐘。係我地同侍應講落錯單起計一個鐘,催左三四次,差啲嬲到走人!唔會再幫襯。雖然當時已經嬲到食龍肉都冇味,但食物其實唔差,不過不失,麵唔會太林,咖喱隻味似日本咖喱。我唔太鍾意麵浸係好多汁,所以D麵都好彩唔係甘,都ok。無驚喜,同普通茶記質素差唔多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-10-18
週六下午於銅鑼灣吃了一頓下午茶作午餐。因時間不早,座位安排較鬆動,二人可安座四人位。一碟金不換蟹醬肉碎茄子炒意大利粉,賣相不大吸引,金不換只有兩小段,給力不足,蟹肉不見芳蹤,只剩茄子肉碎,幸而整體調味還算合格。熱咖啡口味偏向澀味略重的款式,普通。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-10-15
I've walked by this place so many times and not once did I think to go in. So, on this day, I was at a loss of on what to eat so came here.Though the place was busy, they gave me a table pretty quickly. They also gave me a menu filled with very pretty photographs of what they served. But on the table itself, there was a list of sets available for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. Much like a regular cha chan teng. There is also no 10% service charge during lunch and afternoon tea sessions. All menus were in both English and Chinese.This restaurant is part of the Red Ant Group and supposedly focused on traditional South East Asian food. From the menu items, it didn't appear to be very South East Asian and definitely nothing seemed traditional. I spotted things like grilled rack of lamb and pasta among other things like fried rice and noodles. It seemed to be a mix of basically anything.I decided on the noodles tea set. I could choose what type of noodle I wanted (rice, vermicelli, etc) and soup base (chicken broth, spicy seafood, Sichaun). I ordered rice noodles with honey chicken wings. It came with a drink. All for $42. Add $3 for cold drinks. Food came really REALLY fast. I think I ordered and was presented with the food within 5 minutes.Honey chicken wings were tasty though dry. It appeared to have been fried a bit too long.Rice noodles were nice and chewy. I like that. The broth was nothing to write home about. Tasted like MSG. They gave only one leaf from choi sum vegetable. They couldn't give one whole choi sum!?! Pretty stingy in my opinon.It was ok. I don't think I'd return unless I didn't know what else to eat. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-02
與友人路過,決定入內祭一祭五臟廟!我們選擇了無骨海南雞套餐。燒豬頸肉沙律豬頸肉配以青木瓜絲、酸汁,入口清新!咸肉炒椰菜苗椰菜苗新鮮幼嫩,入口爽脆,配以咸肉去炒,味道過鹹!酸辣燒原條鮮魷魚魷魚燒得恰到好處,帶烤味蠻有嚼勁,伴以醬汁吃,味道不錯!去骨海南雞配油飯海南雞的確去骨,但說不上是嫩滑,雞肉入口無味,必須以醬油輔助,提升味道。至於油飯一點也不熱,米飯不夠香,沒有泰國地道的這麼好吃,過於油膩!吃完這餐飯感到很口渴,原因只有一個:味精過多! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-29
放工和同事發現左銅鑼灣新店未食過試下. 佢餐廳內裝潢好普通, 坐位幾舒適夠大, 但原來卡位格仔係鏡仔, 唔係玻璃, 當坐下覺得好獨立ava, 同朋友做咩唔會被人睇到, 幾舒服. 我們2個女仔, 叫左3樣食物. 等食物時候, 已經發現枱枱必食, 知道一定好食啦, 朋友話呢間唔多人可能無咩人知, 唔洗等位, 銅鑼灣唔洗等位真難得, 見到有d set午餐都$50-$70左右都ok推介招牌原條燒美國牛肋骨(24安士)--有2款醬提供, 普通黑椒和東南亞汁. 本人手機影得唔好, 檬左添, 但真係非常好食賣相又靚, 佢需然紅但咬口多汁, 邊位又甘香, 有d肥位都切左好細粒似筋禁係骨下面, 我一個人掃晒好甘香, i like it~ 兩個汁我都食, 感覺東南亞的酸酸甜甜特別d. 真係唔錯,8吋長好足料 ~泰式柚子杧果大蝦沙律 杧果夠甜, 柚子唔苦又絲絲分明夠大粒. 好似泰式青木瓜沙津, 都食到青瓜, 青木瓜, 紅羅白絲, 酸酸辣辣好開胃, 有5隻大蝦, 又係推介好味~楂咋雪糕其實東南亞興楂咋, 所以無咩特別, 普通楂咋有d椰汁有球雲尼拿雪糕. 反而見到餐牌有張相一個班cake 有舊雪糕想試, 但食牛肋骨夠飽, 所以都食唔到, 會下次約朋友再試. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)