2542 2816
Opening Hours
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
朱古力 法國杏仁餅 蛋糕
Review (94)
我同朋友 P小姐都很喜歡 high tea,今次大家揀了Antique Patisserie 原因是這餐廳的擺設是用大家超愛的英式。在訂位時,Antique Patisserie 有別於其他餐廳,因為你必須買他們的 tea card,詳情可以在他們網址了解,為什麼要買?即是要預先付款才可以訂位。其實很簡單,只需要登入 www.maisondedesign.com 就可以了,我們揀了traditional afternoon tea set for 2 就付款,如果是新客戶就在網上先填好表格再付費,付款可以揀 paypal 或信用咭。之後你就可以拿到 order No. 此 No. 就是你要用來訂位用。下午茶時段分為兩個: (1) 12:00 – 14:30 (2) 15:00 – 17:30 第二個時段就是最多人揀的,一般都要一個月前訂位。 訂了位如果需要更改,必須要在 24小時前通知,否則就當你把買下的 tea card 用了。當日 12:00 就到達了,一入門就是一些擺設精美的蛋糕、馬卡龍糕點等等,可惜不準拍攝。一條小樓梯 (其實是幾級) 就是高茶的地方,地方的確很細小,不過環境很優美。職員拿了一個托盤,放滿了不同口味的茶葉,其實真係眼花撩亂唔識揀,我有問她有什麼好介紹最後我揀了紅博士茶marabout,味道是有焦糖、黑櫻桃、烤蘋果片。單看這些味道好似很怪,不過原來好好飲,可能我喜歡飲茶,而這款比起朋友揀的茶味會濃些。朋友也是揀了紅博士茶 Une Autre Idee 好清新的果香味道,朋友笑說飲了令人一種好開心的感覺。Traditional set 都是三層,第一層咸點;第二層三文治;第三層甜點。第一層我覺得這二個最好食的: Signature earl grey scone,可能一向很喜歡 earl grey tea的關係,但的確做得很好吃。朋友不喜歡吃菠菜都說好食,而我簡直想再來一個… 哈哈。  第二層相對沒有什麼驚喜第三層都是甜點,馬卡龍的味道我覺得可以接受,賣相就一般。反而這二款就好好吃,特別是我喜歡的朱古力這個是 earl grey chesse cake,雖然我唔太喜歡芝士蛋糕,但這個吃來的味道好濃但又好好食。二個什麼都聊什麼都講,時間就是一下子就過了,期待下次的聚會。整體感覺很好,如果地方細了點,如果大家都大聲說話就變得非常嘈吵了。朋友說想下次再來,那我一定要試下其他蛋糕。這個地方原來可以包場,容納 15人,每人收費是 HK$400。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-09-21
今日又黎到我同best friend 最愛既蛋糕店 : D環境冇得頂之外 , 蛋糕都好吸引!點知今日一入到去少左好多蛋糕 + macarons ... 原來25號antique要搬!macaron得返strawberry + raspberry + lemon ... : (我點左拿破倫 + strawberry macaron , best frd 點左hazelnut mousse + raspberry macaron!hazelnut mousse 第1次見 + 好好味呀! 中間既餡超級榛子!!而拿破倫係我既至愛 , 士多啤梨又大又甜! : P不過平時唔叫野飲 , waiter都會自動比2杯水我地 , 但今次... 好似hea左少少? anyway , 希望antique搬左去另一度都仲係咁靚 + 有咁多可愛既蛋糕啦 ~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-09-18
surprisingly, we had to wait for a table! it was 4:30 pm on a saturday, and i did not realise people do actually have tea!the interior deco was very elegant, but it's difficult to say whether it was trying to be french or british. the menu didnt offer much choices, and it was quite poorly presented. a rather old and worn out lamniated page. a few stickers were put on next to food that were "sold out", including a Affogato, which I would have tried if it wasnt sold out.I had the scone set. a choice of 3 types of scones: blueberry, earl grey and something else. The earl grey scone was quite nice. it actually had the scent of earl grey! however, they only had jam but no fresh cream because it was ran out. (how could that happen???!!!)so, overall, you can try, but since most of the food would be sold out, perahps not. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-09-16
同fd來喱到食野呀,主要係食甜品cake,個舖面好靚呀,平時成日經過都好想入去了,喱次豪下入左去食,個環境真係幾靚呀,同感覺又自然同舒服,幾好呀~!有好多款蛋糕揀既,每款都好靚,1set餐$70,蛋糕連飲品~!草莓拿破倫千層酥~!個賣相太吸引,不過aeris食過話一般啦,猶疑左陣之後決定都係叫喱個,un....味道真係普通下,個蛋糕唔夠鬆軟,個餅又好甜,不過勝在賣相靚呀~!伯爵茶柑桔慕斯蛋糕~!aeris的~!喱個幾好味呀,好有柑桔味,同清清地唔甜,唔錯呀~!馬卡龍(Macaron)~!$14一個,成日見到都覺得好靚呀,不過唔敢試,因為驚好睇唔好食同好貴,but而加順便試埋,黃色係柚子味,粉紅色係士多啤梨味,原本又唔錯wo,咬落去煙煙韌韌,又唔太甜呀,個人比較鍾意柚子味,香點呀~!English Rose Tea~!set餐既茶(fd的)~!冇試到~聽講唔錯既~ha~!Earl Grey(格雷伯爵茶),又係set餐既茶(我的),有比奶我既不過冇落呀,個紅茶苦苦地,不過配蛋糕食又唔錯呀~!個人又幾鍾意呢到呀,環境靚好舒服,同不停影相又唔會阻止呀,當然係唔太影響到其他人之下既影下,蛋糕又唔錯既,下次會再去呀~! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-07-23
環境正!咖啡正!蛋糕正!如果唔係朋友帶我唻呢度,我都唔知有一間咁正既COFFEE SHOP工作時忙裡偷閒, 靜靜地嘆下咖啡嘆下CAKE簡直人生一大樂事!自從唻過呢度,完全唔會再想去其他COFFEE SHOP如果佢多d分店就好啦,hehe~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)