Opening Hours
Open 24 Hours
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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喺中環蘇豪逛街逛到倦, 唔太肚餓又想坐低休息陣, 行到見到呢間有Kebab食嘅小店,吸引到我想食,見又有位座, 咁就試吓。 呢間店類似街邊小食店,位置唔錯,位處於中環半山行人電梯底旁, 人來人往。我一向都幾喜歡食呢種希臘/土耳其旋轉烤肉嘅街頭卷餅小食。 講返佢哋嘅Kebab, 今次我叫咗一份燒羊肉卷。 味道是可以的,但因為羊肉烤得唔夠焦香,無咗燒羊肉嘅焦香味。 另外羊肉應該用上急凍加工過嘅肉, 所以肉嘅味道和Texture 會比用上原片肉來燒嘅,質素差很遠。
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I ordered a hummus with chicken doner. The hummus costed an extra $20. It was the most flavourless and liquidy hummus I ever had. Initially I thought it was a sauce instead, and had to ask the staff for confirmation. When I asked them why the hummus was so liquidy they just ignored me. The chicken was way too salty.There were only a few outdoor seats for eating in. The seating area was very noisy and poorly managed. Nobody cleaned the tables and pigeons feasted on leftovers from other customer.
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𝙲𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕 | 𝙺𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚋 🌯最高5分👇🏻味道:👅👅👅👅.5 環境:👅👅 價錢:👅👅👅👅回頭率:👅👅👅👅👅.難得放工得閒飲嘢,如果想快快脆喺飲之前幫個胃warm up,不如食返個Kebab 今次介紹嘅Kebab店位於荷李活道,鄰近中環好幾間出名嘅Bar,絕對方便咁多位酒鬼😈嘢食選擇方面分咗雞牛羊同埋雜錦、素食等口味,你可以揀Salad/ Roll/ Rice。今次我哋就揀咗Chicken Doner Roll ($60),侍應姐姐好Nice咁幫我哋cut開咗兩份Share食🖖🏻一攞上手熱辣辣香噴噴,絕對係新鮮製造,咬落去嗰下勁爆汁,食到陣陣烤肉嘅香味🥹🥹🥹雖然呢間餐廳位於街邊,得幾個露天位坐,但通常幫襯完我哋都係企喺一邊食,所以環境嚟講我就覺得可以接受🤣呢間嘅回頭率已經達到100%🥰所以成為咗第一個被推介嘅餐廳,希望大家都鍾意啦😋😋😋.🧑🍳27 Kebab House Turkish Restaurant 📍中環蘇豪荷李活道27號地下D-E號舖
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今次來到咗這間餐廳嘗下他們嘅Kebab,真係一試難忘!首先,老闆手勢利落將豐富嘅牛肉巻入嗰個Beef Doner Roll,啖啖肉感真係夠晒正!燒得啱啱好嘅牛肉,又香又滑,每一啖都咁juicy,啖啖肉嘅感覺真係滿足到爆!配上噴香嘅香料,啲味入嘴好有層次,辣醬足料,辣得嚟又唔過火,只係令人微微出汗咁刺激。食物呢邊真係聽日之星,加上選擇多元嘅三色醬汁,每一口都像係味蕾上嘅舞會。當然,小貼士一句,半邊嘅薯條咬落去脆卜卜,中間又軟綿綿,真係食咗仲想食。而外煎得金黃、內在又煙韌嘅halloumi起士,更加係不可多得嘅享受。如果你都喺附近,又或者想食啲平民價錢但又高質味道嘅快餐,記住一定要嚟呢間店試吓佢哋嘅Kebab啊!周圍環境開揚又舒服,但記得係開心食嘅時候,要小心them flying rats哦!絕對係一個值得推薦嘅食處👍🤤😋。
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🍽️ I decided to dive into their lunch menu and ordered the mixed doner (chicken and beef) for just $65. The succulent meats, perfectly seasoned and grilled to perfection, paired beautifully with the refreshing salad and aromatic rice. But that's not all! The meal also came with a fizzy drink of your choice, adding an extra touch of delight to the whole experience.🌟 Now, here's the twist. This place only offers outdoor seating with a shade on top. While it provides a cozy and relaxed atmosphere, it's important to note that during the summer months, it can get quite hot. But let me share a little anecdote with you. As I was savoring my meal, an evil pigeon decided to join in the fun. It tried to snatch my food, turning my peaceful lunch into an amusing battle between me and the mischievous bird. I must admit, it was both cute and annoying. But it seems that this pigeon has a reputation, as I witnessed another diner returning from a quick drink break only to find his plate occupied by the sneaky birdy. So, keep an eye out for this feisty feathered friend!🍽️ Despite the avian showdown, I have to say, I will definitely be returning to 27 Kebab House when the weather is cooler. The flavors, the atmosphere, and the overall experience were truly worth it.
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