Bostonian Seafood & Grill

Restaurant: Bostonian Seafood & Grill
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Exit C1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Bostonian Seafood and Grill offers a menu filled with tasty talents that carry artisanal dry-aged beef, premium imported steaks and sustainable seafood specialties of various international influences. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
*星期六至日: 12:00-16:00 (早午餐)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Bostonian Seafood & Grill
Bostonian Seafood & Grill showcases the decoration of a small American diner and meticulously creates a modern American-style vibe to socially share in the heart of bustling Tsim Sha Tsui.

Guests can expect a menu filled with tasty talents that carry artisanal dry-aged beef, premium imported steaks and sustainable seafood specialties of various international influences. Adding a whole new depth to dining, prepare to share and submerse in a scene to be seen.

About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Bostonian Seafood & Grill
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Signature Dishes
Seafood Tower 90-day artisanal dry-aged Galician Porterhouse Tomahawk 28-day artisanal dry-aged beef French Spring Chicken Boston Lobster baked on beach stone and seaweed Signature Baked Alaska
Review (316)
Level4 2024-03-10
適逢屋企人生日,就安排食個Weekend semi brunch慶祝一下。環境舒服寧靜。坐到卡位😌海鮮凍盤可以任refill。不過我都係refill 左一次蝦同生蠔。蝦係夠實肉貼有甜味。生蠔都可以。其他凍海鮮我就覺得一般般,所以無再refill。出面嘅甜點,沙律,餐湯,麵包,火腿芝士等等,都係任食。餐湯係南瓜湯,我覺得幾好飲。甜點方面,我中意食佢哋嘅馬卡龍。主菜我就揀左羊。屋企人就揀左雞同豬。我覺得羊好好食。pork chop都不錯。 雞就一般般。野飲方面係free flow。分左3個價錢。由於我哋都唔飲酒,所以最平個soft drink, coffee and tea嘅free flow就夠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次要同大家講講,我去試嘅這家餐廳,實在係讓我有種走入海洋世界嘅體驗🐟!先來講下嗰個Baked Crab Shell with Frisse Salad,簡直就係蟹迷嘅夢幻之選,蟹肉鮮嫩得嚟又唔失嗰份純粹嘅海味,真係夠晒霸氣!再者,Oysters on Ice,食落去海水味道剛剛好,簡直係生蠔界嘅鮮美代表!至於主菜,Iberico Pork Gorden Bleu實在係一絕!豬扒外脆內軟、芝士汁潤澤心扉,真係叫人回味無窮!相比之下,U.S. Prime Sirloin Steak嗰份鬆化多汁,簡直係牛扒中嘅極品,肉質嫩滑到令人唔捨得咁快食完。甜品部分,Passion Fruit Meringue Tart with Mango Compote就真係打破咗我對meringue tart嘅成見,酸酸甜甜、輕輕松松嘅口感,尤其果香四溢嘅mango compote,實在係perfect match!整體黎講,呢家餐廳真係做到了高質感又唔失親民,係一個對味蕾嘅美妙旅程!🍽️👍🏻💫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-09
Located in the basement of the Langham Hotel, the restaurant offers a sophisticated and romantic atmosphere with attentive service that complements the delectable cuisine.The menu at Bostonian Seafood & Grill showcases a delightful array of seafood and grilled dishes, catering to both seafood enthusiasts and meat lovers alike.Starter: ⭐️ Oysters on IceServed with Mignonette Dressing, Cocktail Sauce, Lemon WedgesThe oysters were impeccably fresh and brimming with flavor. The presentation was elegant, and the accompanying sauces elevated the taste of the oysters to perfection.Main:⭐️ Char-grilled U.S. Prime Sirloin Steak French Fries, Red Wine JusThe steak was cooked to perfection, with a beautiful char on the outside and a tender, juicy interior, while the red wine jus added a depth of flavor that complemented the steak impeccably.Dessert:⭐️ Apple crumble The warm, baked apples were nestled beneath a buttery, crispy topping that provided an ideal balance of sweetness and texture. The dessert was a delightful ending to an outstanding dining experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-31
預早book生日 dinner,餐廳仲送咗生日 Mousse cake🍰、精美甜點 🙏🏻🦪🦞🦀🦐Seafood Tower $1580🥩🍄Westholme Striploin $860w/ Mushroom C🐖BBQ Pork Rib $328🍝Linguine w/ Clams $328🍟Tri-Colour fries $88Acqua Panna Still $90 (750ml)Vajra Moscato d'Asti $110 (Glass)Menu 冇Mocktail,佢哋可以幫你喺酒店其他餐廳order,非常之好👍🏻🍹Langham Lemonade $78🍹Pineapple lover $78 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-24
Restaurant week special 🥩 HKD 438 pp.⭐️Favourites:🦪 Oysters - the set comes with six fresh oysters as the starter, which is a great deal! .🥩 Grilled beef tenderloin, Cajun prawns, truffle mashed potatoes - I went for a medium rare and it was super tender! Also loved the slightly spicy Cajun prawns and super truffle-y mashed potatoes😍 .🍋 Lemon Yuzu mousse cake - so adorable and perfect sweet ending to a meal! .😋Recommend? ✅ 👩🏻‍🍳Food rating: 4:5/5👩🏻‍⚖️Overall experience rating: 4/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)