Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛腩骨 石頭鍋飯
Review (16)
(Non-member) 2009-07-26
之前剩係識食漢和漢陽果d, 今次有同事帶去呢間先知咩係真正ge 韓燒! 因為多人所以book左vip 房, 但唔book 都唔驚, 因為成間餐廳小貓3/4 隻, 環境good! 前菜好多, 上前菜都已經上左半個鐘 開胃 正! 嗌左牛肋骨, 帶子, 蝦, 豬腩肉等等等等,牛係最正, 放入口唔會想講野, 又林又juicy! >v< 帶子同蝦就一般, 冇咩驚喜. 豬腩肉可免-.-熟食嗌左石頭飯, 都幾大碗, 個人覺得魷魚比飛魚子同雞正! 另外仲嗌左海鮮香蔥餅,機場員工有6折, 埋單14個人先hkd$2011, 除開都係百幾蚊個人, 抵! 會再去=) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-02-23
luckily we have airport colleague discount, otherwise, we won't go to this korean bbq restaurant. my bf and I am not fond of bbq food as too hot and not good for health. Surprisingly, the RIB of this restaurant is so GREAT! We share one set at the beginning and have to order one more as only 6-8 pieces of rib / set. 6 side dish is good too, not very sour like kimchi, I almost eat it all!!! The veggies fried rice and soup are fine too, not very special, but full of Korean taste! good job! Environment is nice and very romantic, good for big gathering and a couple! Service: a bit slow, the manager is handy and helpful, but we saw a waitress broke a big glass plate, and quite noisy when they clean up the dishes of another table! maybe not enough waiters there?!We definitely will go there again ( must bring our airport fd along~ ) $150/ head due to 40% off as one of our friend is working in airport. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我地2老婆今年係同Daddy & 媽咪一齊慶祝情人節,晏晝飲完茶再去shopping 就揸車入機場,因為晚餐方面,特別揀左我地4人都鍾意食o既「韓國燒烤」,仲早一個星期前已經訂左位,就係二號客運大樓翔天廊的5樓(非禁區)o既 「舍廊居」。因為我同老公唔係第一次食,所以我地最推介係佢地個燒烤類「牛肋骨(醃)」-「牛肋骨(醃)」, 燒完後入口都係咁"林"又多汁, 因為牛肋骨上枱時職員先係客人面前剪開牛肋骨,原來係要保持牛肋骨原汁原味- 「牛肉拼盤」 - 今次第一次叫,有雪花和牛、牛仔骨、雞肶菇...等等, 但所有牛肉o既肉質無牛肋骨咁鬆化多汁, 有d 難咬同鞋口- 「石鍋飛魚籽雜錦拌飯」- 上面滿滿的魚籽, 材料又多, 4個人食都仲可以再添飯- 「海鮮香蔥餅」- 餡料多裡面全部係蔥夠香,但廚師好似唔係煎得咁熟,我地要係燒烤爐再煎先敢食呢餐抵食,因為我老公係機場員工,所以有6折優惠。依家呢間餐廳仲有儲stamp計畫, 每消費$50-就可以有一個stamp, 儲滿15個stamps 就可以換一張hk$50-元的現金券,6折後都仲可以用呢張現金券添,真係幾「著數」。詳細可以登入我的blog裡面仲有少量餐廳相片: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/3-lovelycatcat/article?mid=3187 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
以地點而論, 位處機場二號客運大樓, 對大部份人黎講的確係交通不便, 不過對於住響愉景灣既我, 去機場食飯不失為另一個好選擇. 向來呢區既韓國菜館就只有愉景灣既韓一館同埋東涌大食代入面既韓國菜, 自從Terminal 2開左之後, 呢區附近就多左好多食肆可以選擇, 舍廊居係其中一間. 呢間絕對係高質素既韓國餐廳, 輪環境, 向窗一邊座位外望terminal 2既停車場以及Mariott, 裝修簡約, 由於位處機場, 地點真係唔多就腳, 相信黎幫襯既都係東涌人比較多, 以及機場收工既人, 間唔中都有D準備上機既人會拖埋行李入黎食既, 所以基本上係唔使訂位, 入到去就有很坐.今晚order左個黑鱈魚湯以及一客牛肋骨. 黑鱈魚湯非常鮮美, 魚肉唔會煮到老, 份量足夠二人分享. 牛肋骨我地自己燒, 牛肉好鮮嫩, 入口即溶, 另外叫左兩個白飯, 兩個菜兩個飯, 二人份量剛剛好. 好坦白講, Terminal 2 咁少人, 我都好擔心佢地會捱唔住, 唔知幾時會支持唔住, 但如果佢真係要關門大吉, 咁我覺得係一個損失. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-07-13
由於朋友為機場員工有六折,去博覽館睇演唱會前試一試裝修唔錯,打開餐牌見到差不多每款都一百蚊起...我點左泡菜豆腐湯,朋友要左炆牛肋骨先上黎有七小碟,泡菜同魷魚辣辣地幾好食,另一款雞蛋+豆腐冇蛋味 (好似係食完有得再添)相比起泡菜豆腐湯,炆牛肋骨好味好多,夠入味又唔"un"多數食韓國菜都係去citysuper foodcourt,唔知道呢間係咪咁正宗不過所用餐具都非常重手,我習慣拎起飯碗食嘛....食到攰-_-"我見附近幾枱都有食燒牛肉之類,要用鐵板,但抽風做得好好,一路食我都唔覺得有油煙味,真係連煙都唔見同埋呢度侍應們都幾有禮貌~值得再去食,有折的話 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)