4-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (31)
Level3 2017-03-27
星期六晚 尖沙咀到到都咁多人 行到攰唔想等 厚福街到到都要排隊咁 雖然福禧外貌簡單同麻麻 但見到唔洗排隊 就去試下啦 都係一餐! 2個人叫左3樣野 無骨豬手飯加飲品 扎肉粉絲米卷 馬拉盞炒通菜 竟然係唔錯呀!第一樣黎嘅係米卷 好好叫 裏面有粉絲扎肉 青瓜絲 加埋少少花生碎 口感好好 仲無我好唔鍾竟的香草味點埋個自製source 好match好好味! 見到豬手係招牌 所以叫來試下啦 好腍好入味 但我個人麻麻地豬手 但整體配埋飯食 加汁 係好易食得曬嘅 馬拉盞炒通菜 好野味 好夠火口 但就咸左少少同油左少少 不過都係好味的 真心原本無咩期望 食完味道唔錯 所以好有意外! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-28
Dine in a Vietnam 🇻🇳 restaurant Hau fook stsugar cane prawn cake is so good 45$hk4 pieces The sugar cane bar is delicious even after deep fried my friend order herbs seasoning Vietnam pork chop On a Cambodian noodles Plenty of green Chinese onions pieces Some deep fried garlic powder Big and delicious 😋 a coffee followed a noodle set lunch 39$ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一個人唔想食咁貴,又唔想食快餐咁悶求求期期食個河粉E肚算厚福街好多野食,但一個人選擇又唔多呢間餐廰勁UP DUP乎合我麻甩性格蕃茄湯底真係好紅又大碗好夠蕃茄味,又多蕃茄雞絲都唔少,比想像中好好多,好食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-30
以我認識呢間越南店起碼有十幾年, 由以前巷仔鋪搬到厚福街, 最出名就係手撕雞/ 路邊雞豬扒拼手撕雞飯連熱飲 $49豬扒肉質鬆軟, 估計是預先炸定, 凍左手撕雞好滑, 配埋旁邊既蔥油咸咸地送飯無得頂 本人比較為食另叫一碗咖哩汁撈飯, 有椰香味不太辣, 送飯真係一流另外叫左碟招牌無骨豬手 $68呢個豬手好淋, 好有骨膠原, 佢配埋一個好似泰式既辣汁, 個味好夾, 我地要問阿姐拎多碟辣汁黎點豬手環境乾淨始終不及大型餐店, 不過得閒黎食一餐, 支持下香港小店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-28
我是老街坊老客人午餐特平送熱飲和菜湯粉也送茶烤牛肉金邊河午飯洋蔥椒鹽豬排分量很多味道很好這裡越南香茅豬排最好吃但女友愛洋蔥又是星期五午餐更著數她選擇椒鹽菜跟原碟頭飯上(不用多洗一只碟。店小 慳得就慳 客人都通氣)所以量多真的多有骨豬有味飯飯質素不錯午餐會送大分量菜單叫就不送菜很多料的飯餐抵食經濟大杯檸檬茶好喝平店也有好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)