3-min walk from Exit A, Austin MTR Station continue reading
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Review (8)
Level1 2015-07-02
I should have heeded the advice of the reviews and not gone here. This place isn't good. How they can afford the rent of such a decent location is beyond me. All of the food was bland. The dandan min (擔擔麵) wasn't spicy at all, which I think is the entire point of this dish. In fact, the soup had no flavor what so ever, and the noodles were overcooked and almost mushy soft. The meat garnish was edible, but based on the overall quality of the meal I chose not to finish the meat either, as it seemed a little bit sketchy. The cheung fan (white rice rolls) were also too mushy and bland. The sauce added a bit of flavor, but didn't make it worth the calories. The steamed vegetables were decent, as far as steamed vegetables go..All in all, don't bother. Don't waste your money, time or calories on this place. Since you're in hk, a place with practically a restaurant on every corner, I suggest you go somewhere else instead! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-26
媽媽一直想試試這家鍋貼大王,在逛街決定來到這裏吃晚飯還未到七時,也已經有不少人客在用餐望了餐牌,選擇也不少,而且份量可以因應個人食量而叫跟媽媽商量後,她叫了菜肉雲吞麵,然後我就叫小食小食有﹕鍋貼四隻、生煎牛肉飽兩個、腸粉一份鍋貼不夠熱,而且皮太厚,底部完全不帶脆身真的叫人大失所望,鍋貼完全不對版,怎能成為招牌菜?生煎飽跟鍋貼沒兩樣,淋得很,一點脆也沒有腸粉是眾多小食中最不錯的喇,可是粉皮可以更滑死這店子,食完後我跟媽媽說,來一次便夠了要是早知道這裡的食物是名不乎賓,我該光顧街口的八方雲集 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-08-09
I came here because they seem to have a lot of locations and pretty good reviews, although not particularly this location. I got the gyozas or pan fried dumplings, whatever you want to call it. I also ordered the preserved vegetable pork noodle. The gyozas were not hot, they were not even warm! Well that is because they cook it in advance in a big pan. The skin was too thick. The noodles were nothing to praise about. If you are going to this place don't expect a tasty meal. This kind of place is just for people to fill their hunger when they are in a rush. Expect mediocre food and don't expect anything. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-01-26
琴晚返完夜…肚餓,見呢間鍋貼大王未關就入去食我既宵夜!!!見佢都仲有好多人wo!~~不過人手唔夠…坐我對面個個人叫極都叫唔到個侍應幫佢落order??而且我反而坐一陣就已經有2個人走埋來問我食咩??諗番都覺得好怪!!!服務無特別…不過幾有耐性解釋點計條數出來我見隔離一郗班人講極都唔明~~~個侍應都仲係有耐性講!!!而我就叫狗菜餃子麵!!!等左5mins 就到…..唔知係未太夜食…食完有點 “滯”麵比較um~~~佢個隻白色麵來架!!另外餃子皮比較full不過個湯底唔錯…..不次都係叫一個麵..,加鍋貼就算! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-08-29
其實呢間野食過幾次,不過尋日先記得寫食評我通常黎到都食3-4隻鍋貼,$2.5一隻今次試下個韭菜水餃麵,都過得去伙計態度亦都好好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)