5-min walk from Exit A, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:30
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Review (8)
Level2 2016-11-27
傷心酸辣粉+ 木耳傷心酸辣粉: bb 辣多酸。 真心正! 咁多間酸辣粉呢間最正。 個酸辣惹味, 粉彈牙!木耳: 份量足, 比其他店多, 又好食。個汁既味調教得好好! 服務態度: 幾好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日下午我們去咗佐敦道嘅「傷心酸辣粉」食下午茶!我們叫咗手撕鷄冷麵、涼拌海帶絲、紅油脆耳、夫妻肺片、傷心酸辣晶絲薯粉、傷心酸辣米線、柑桔青檸蜜同柑桔話梅雪碧!手撕鷄冷麵嘅鷄肉好嫩滑,冷麵嘅麵質好爽口彈牙!涼拌海帶絲嘅海帶絲好爽口,味道亦好清新!紅油脆耳嘅豬耳相當爽脆彈牙!夫妻肺片嘅牛𦟌都幾爽滑,肉味都幾濃郁,金錢肚都幾爽口軟滑!傷心酸辣晶絲薯粉同傷心酸辣米線嘅酸辣湯底雖然辣,但都幾惹味,晶絲薯粉嘅麵質非常煙韌彈牙,米線嘅麵質都幾爽口嫩滑! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-01-29
<$108套餐真抵食 – 傷心酸辣粉>傷心酸辣粉推出$108晚市二人套餐有口水雞、拍青瓜仲有麻辣肚絲,再加兩碗大大碗既酸辣粉﹔食物雖點了小辣,但對我來說其實好辣,汗流浹背的晚上。味道很不錯,二人份量亦岩岩好,呢個價錢有咁多野食,晚餐來說超值。p.s.之前有一排呢間野既紅薯粉淥得又腍又難食,最近兩次幫趁都好番好多,值得再支持﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-08-09
Ok: I love spicy food so this is an easy sell for me. But this place has really great spicy noodles. My favorites are the chilled noodle with chilli and chilled noodle with minced pork (both 34 HKD), both cold noodles with lots of chilly, but also lots of aroma beyond the pure spiciness. Their signature sour and spicy noodles are also very good (and a steal at 27 HKD), soft noodles in a sour and spicy soup with some pickled vegetables. Spicy chicken (choice of cooked leg or breast in hot chilly oil) is also highly recommended as are the veggies. They offer five levels of spicyness - level 1 is very mild, level 5 is to spicy for some people from Sichuan.Service is fast and friendly, setting very basic, but clean.There is usually no waiting time continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-11-17
傷心酸辣粉擴展迅速,由最初只係設店於深水埗至現在遍佈全港有十多間分店。分店數目增加,食物種類亦較以往多。現在竟然有丁麵提供,雖然感覺有點奇怪,但都想試一試味道如何。繼較早前嘅豬膶麵後,現推出麻辣一丁,有湯及撈麵選擇。今次揀咗湯麵,小辣。主要以肉碎及花生作配料,惹味嘅同時亦帶來多種口感。丁麵一向都好食又彈牙,但今次有點煮唔透。湯底小小麻,但太淡,未能帶出川味;幸好桌上有豉油辣油,只是各加了點,即時惹味得多。整體來說味道不過不失,不過要留意嘅係點內環境及衛生,還有店員服務質素,此店呢幾方面都需作改變。其實有多啲選擇都係好事,只要味道吸引,總能吸引消費者光顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)