11:30 - 23:59, 00:00 - 00:30
Sun - Sat
11:30 - 23:59
00:00 - 00:30
Recommended Dishes
Double-flavor- soup Hot Pot (Large-size)
Being Sour and Spicy Hot Pot (Large-size)
Nutricious-soup Hot Pot (Large-size)
Quite Spicy Hot Pot (Large-size)
配料 (OpenRice外賣自取優惠 - 指定食品75折 )
Flower-like Sliced Roll
Lamb Rib Rolls
Multi-layer Flank Roll
Tender Sun-flower Shaped Sliced Rolls
Golden Lamb
Large-size Sliced Mutton Selected From Prairie
Large Size Lamb Platter
Beef and Lamb From Bao Tou
Happy Wagyu Platter
Happy Beef Platter
America Beef Chuck
America Beef Sirloin
American Beef Short Ribs
Spanish Iberico Pork
Lucky Three Delicacies
Spantsh Iberico Pork+Golden Lamb+American Beef Short Ribs
Handmade Q Texture Fresh Shrimp Balls
Handmade Cuttlefish Balls
Handmade Ball Double Combo
Mutton Paste with Black Truffle
Mutton Balls with Black Truffle
Happy Ball&Paste Platter
Handmade Shrimp Paste with Dried Scallops
Handmade Crab Roe&Cuttlefish Balls
Handmade Paste Triple Combo(shrimp paste,cuttlefish paste,muttoe paste)
Sliced White Eel
Slippery Tender Shrimp
Chewy Slippery Green Carp
Braised Hiroshima Oyster with Garlic(4pcs)
Cheese-Stuffed Balls (serving)
Crab Meat Balls (serving)
Long-Legged Crab Sticks (serving)
Fresh Cattle Stomach  (serving)
Health Vegetable Combo(platter)
Frozen Tofu (serving)
Fried Fish Skin
Chinese Yam Noodles(1pcs)
Chinese Yam Noodles(2pcs)
Deep-Fried Bean Rolls (serving)
Inaniwa Udon (1pcs)
Inaniwa Udon (2pcs)
Fresh Tofu (serving)
Handmade Dried Potato Glass Noodle (serving)
Coriander (serving)
Assorted Vegetables (serving)
Four-Color Sweet Potatoes&Melons (serving)
Fresh Shrimp Wontons (serving)
Handmade Dumplings Stuffed with Leek (serving)
串燒類 (OpenRice外賣自取優惠 - 指定食品75折 )
Mongolian Grilled Lamb Chop
Mongolian Barbecue
Kumamoto Diced Beef
小食類 (OpenRice外賣自取優惠 - 指定食品75折 )
Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo
Zhenjiang-Style Pork Trotter
Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce
Red Bean Pudding with Sweet Osmanthus
Taro Pearl Cake
Fried Leek Dumplings (serving)