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食評 (72)
等級3 2013-04-29
305 瀏覽
就黎放假, 心情特別好, 所以星期五食lunch要食好啲啦! 男朋友放假黎搵我食lunch <3 sweet sweet <3 咁我地就去左An-tico食. 一入到去, 氣氛唔錯, 好輕鬆,真係好岩星期五嘅心情!! 一坐低, 我就覺得好奇怪, 點解有個好似架嘅嘢係張檯道, 可能我見識少啦, 真係未見過 xpxp我地叫左一個pizza 同個天使麵大家share!! 當啲嘢食黎到個時, 我終於知道個個架係用黎做咩啦, 原來係用黎擺個pizza係上面, 我見識少 -,- lol !! 個設計真係幾方便同省左好多位! 我地叫左香白汁鮮蝦天使麵,啲天使麵真係好彈呀,同啲蝦都好大隻同新鮮!! 真係好好食呀:-p 咁個pizza呢我地叫左個巴馬火腿配火箭菜 Trevisella. 哩個pizza好特別, 冇平時一般嘅pizza咁流, 所以真係可以食多幾塊! 原來佢地落左一啲意大利陳年葡萄醋, 唔係好多餐廳會用哩隻醋配pizza. 但係出黎個效果真係好好食, 其他地方未食過. 再加埋火腿同火箭菜做topping, 食落真係好fresh, 一啲都唔流. 哩一味己經足夠我返黎再食!! Yummy 最後男朋友叫左杯mojito, 我都飽到唔係好想再飲嘢, 之後我就黏佢啲黎飲. 但係飲左一淡, 我就係咁飲啦 唔係好飲酒嘅我, 好少會咁樣追酒飲! 因為杯mojito 實在太fresh啦! 佢夠凍同好重薄荷味, 飲左之後真係好似去左北極咁 xp. 因為我要返工,男朋友話如果我飲哂啲話我會醉注返工, 所以佢stop我繼續飲, 但係我話其實佢想自己飲多啲啫!! Lol xp 哩一餐真係令我假期有一個嘅好開始! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-04-12
74 瀏覽
本身想食別府,但因為要等位,太累,所以轉呢間。入黎前睇餐牌及裝修好美式餐廳feel,都已經擔心唔好食。但基於想快點坐低, 就博一博。地方大, 但嘈,好適合一大班人, 包有位和夠熱鬧。叫左三樣野:1)seafood platter 由於兩個人, 經介紹後選了細既。有蟹肉2杯、蝦4隻、蚌4隻、青口2隻。$208@老實講, 呢個價黎講, 不能接受。蟹是浸於茄汁中,懶係蟹肉cocktail presentation,酸到喊,食唔到蟹味。蚌細到爆,入口後已唔見左咁滯,唔知味。蝦,無味,係乜味都無。雪到肉實晒,類似食冰。青口反而正常。2)蕃茄意大利雲吞。好大隻,唔係正宗,但味道尚可。3)焗釀磨菇。用菠菜,麵包糠和薯蓉釀,再次無味。同埋竟然係細磨菇 ;(唔知佢地係唔係覺得意大利餐一定要酸才正宗,樣樣都酸到爆 唔會再黎.......... 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-03-30
54 瀏覽
Perfect start of Easter marks with nice food and good friend! We arrived at the restaurant at 12:00noon to avoid the crowd but to our surprise, the restaurant was quite empty for the whole afternoon. May be people were still on their bed on the first day of long holidays! EnvironmentIt is a spacious restaurant with Christmasy light-bulbs. An-Tico is operated under the same group as Little Italy so the feeling is so familiar! The sofa are comfortable and the waiters are attentive. FoodNo set lunch was available in Easter so we opted for al la carte. We expected the portion to be large so we just order a pasta and Tiramisu to share.The pasta was handmade and al dende. I love the texture of the pasta. Shrimps and scallops were fresh.Tiramisu here looks like the one in Little Italy and Dan Ryan's. Portion was huge. The cake tasted heavenly! There were 3 layers of sponge cakes. The sense of bailey is not strong and I actually doubt whether they put in any bailey. But the Tiramisu melted in the mouth and it was so smooth! ConclusionDefinitely go again for their pasta and tiramisu! I would like to try their set lunch too =D 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-03-29
16 瀏覽
同朋友2個人唔洗等位就入到去,侍應馬上拎面包籃黎。面包夠熱, 但唔係好合小妹既口味, 所以即刻開始點菜啦 同朋友都鐘意食芝士同煙肉, 完全唔洗考慮就叫左個拼盤,黎到見唔到cracker有d失望, 一般都好少有醬, 不過食落都ok。下次無cracker唔會再叫, 因為除非叫酒, 剩食芝士好膩。食左一半已經飽飽地。小食叫左雞翼, 有六隻,細細地, 味道好淡, 最後加檸檬汁先好少少,而且只算係暖, 我同朋友心唸:唔通係冷盤?依個炸芝士意大利飯係素食, 幾特別, 切開係飯同芝士。味道香濃, 外脆內軟,不過一開始以為係流心芝士囉!!!原來唔係!哈哈哈!!!不過3個份量好多, 食左1個好飽!! 1個既SIZE有手握咁大。 繼續閱讀
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The environment of this place is spacious with very comfortable seating. A nice cozy place atmosphere, a great dine out place for friends. This was the fourth time I have been to an-tico, and each time I would start with one of my favorite dish crabbed stuff avocado. I like how this dish uses lettuce as sides knowing that crabmeat and the avocado would be a bit filling. Nevertheless, if the lettuce doesn’t do the job, the combination with the sauce makes the dish as a whole absolutely delicious and appetizing! A must try if you happen to go there. As for main dish I decided to go with the red wine braised short ribs. The amount they provided could probably feed two people, very big portion yet the quality was still good. The short ribs were tender and moist, done with the right amount of time. As soon as I started cutting, the meat from the bones will fall off easily making the meal very effortless. I could not only taste the sauce from the outside but also inside thoroughly with even the bones very flavorful. As for the mash potatoes I like how there was texture in it and not simply all mashed up potatoes. The buttery flavor of the mash potatoes was rich and not too filling that it overwhelms the flavor of the short ribs. A great dish in my opinion. What better way to end a meal than it is to end with a cup of coffee and desert? For coffee, I ordered the cappuccino, rich in flavor and still foamy when served. As for desert, I went with the tiramisu. The size of it was quite intimidating at first but after taking the first bite, it blew my mind. I could taste the rich flavor of liquors in the tiramisu along with the soothing taste of milk that combines with the crispy layers put together one of my favorite desert of all times! I highly recommend this place, reasonable wait time, great service, and exceptional quality of food. Definitely worth a try! 繼續閱讀
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