港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 00:00
10:00 - 00:00
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食評 (33)
如果一杯咖啡可以拯救一條生命咁,我星期一至星期五每日一杯咖啡,足以拯救我五日既生命,尤其是一諗起黎緊個聖誕節,假又放完,錢又洗哂,年初四咁既樣,真係好想對住老闆講聲,我唔撈啦!👇🏻📌TRY · ME - ▪️ Chicken Poached · Egg Croffle - $108▫️ 第一樣野必試佢地新出Menu「慢煮雞胸·牛角包窩夫」,croffle外層鬆脆得黎個煙韌係返到,底部沾滿蜜糖芥末糖,甜而不膩;面頭就鋪滿牛油果醬,再夾住個蕃茄,夠哂refreshing,再用Homemade既慢煮雞胸鋪係面,食落係好爽滑,絕對唔乾,再面頭就係poached egg,一切開蛋汁瞬間流出,入口蛋香十足,整體成個配搭係一絕!📌Melt Your Heart - ▪️ Chai · Latte - $50▫️ 野飲方面出到左新產品「印度·西施茶」用上肉桂,黃薑粉整成,入口肉桂味非常突出,而且好暖胃,女仕們一定會愛上。📌C O F F E E - ▪️ Iced · Mocha - $53▫️ 最後咖啡控既我一定嗌返杯「莫卡」埋尾啦,整體比我第一次黎保持到新鮮感,而且outdoor位置好chill好舒服,絕對適合打工仔放飯熱點! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-05-11
17 瀏覽
希雲道盡頭 @BLTN Better late than never 好適合#metime 嘅地方 一貫坐位不多,可,容納少量啡客。除了輕食 外,也有All day breakfast 等飽肚野。中午時份也可以靜靜地享受metime 的地方。🍴Mushroom and cheese croissant 牛角包焗到微焦,將牛油的香味無限放大,蘑菇加牛油炒香,加上半溶化芝士,這個組合簡單地得到我喜愛。🍴Cappuccino 我選擇了nutty 豆洪都拉斯豆併配其他blend 豆🫘要求用脫脂奶,非全脂奶拉花冇 hea 小小也能理解的。咖啡香而不苦澀,亦帶出絲絲的果酸,但略欠after taste 。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-06
94 瀏覽
隱藏喺銅鑼灣Cafe☕️寧靜休閒嘅環境令人想喺度慢慢hea往歎咖啡食甜品☺️1. Tiramisu $62BLTN嘅自家製Tiramisu有驚喜✨入口軟滑,酒味同咖啡味都好突出,手指餅濕潤得嚟唔會太淋🤎2. Hot Latte $45Latte好順滑,咖啡味濃郁,拉花仲好靚添🙈店員講返當日有咩咖啡豆可以揀,而我揀咗nutty blend🙌🏻呢間Cafe係pet friendly㗎😆大家可以帶埋毛孩過嚟chill吓✨ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-01-29
98 瀏覽
Avocado with Scrambled Egg Croissant 唔知係咪我太耐冇食過牛角包 覺得好好食!😹🤭外脆內軟!加埋滑蛋味道適中(唔會咸!)+勁滑嘅texture 冇得輸啦🥹牛油果又新鮮🥹😋好想知點解出親街食嘅牛油果全部都咁好食🤡(我自己買親個啲都唔好食🥱)總之三樣野好match好好食🥰. Tiramisu 整體我覺得屬於中上!🤭我無咩要求 總之好基本一定要有咖啡+酒味🤓我覺得兩個味並存而且幾特出 不錯🙊入口都幾wet!! 咁同page common比爭啲咩?我同同伴都覺得爭咗個cream~個cream如果軟滑就💯😆不過當然呢道價錢平啲!所以性價比都高😋.Iced Latte + Dirty ($48@1)本身試咖啡我多數會飲熱嘅🥹但當日真係太熱(好憎夏天的我🙏🏻) 逼於無奈之下都要揀凍cool down下😂揀咗nutty底 出乎意料幾好飲🤭個咖啡豆味係特濃牛奶下都好出!認可🤩🫶🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Beacon & Fried Egg with Maple Syrup Croffle ($88)The croffle is expertly baked to a crispy texture, while the fried egg boasts a perfectly cooked runny yolk. The bacon is fried to perfection, releasing a delightful aroma. When harmoniously paired with maple syrup, this culinary fusion becomes truly unbeatable. However, it is worth noting that the portion size is relatively small, making it a light meal that may not provide ample satisfaction for men.Moreover, the café owner, a passionate coffee enthusiast, regularly introduces a variety of flavoured beans. If you share a love for coffee, feel free to inquire about the current selection of hand-brewed coffee.As for the ambience, the café is nestled on Shek Wan Street, requiring a pleasant stroll towards the end of the street to discover its hidden charm. The café boasts a minimalist decor, predominantly adorned in shades of dark green and white. The entrance itself is an Instagrammable delight, as the street sees limited foot traffic, allowing you to capture countless captivating photos. The serene surroundings make it an ideal destination to leisurely relish your brunch experience. 繼續閱讀
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