港鐵中環站 F 出口, 港鐵香港站 A2 出口 繼續閱讀
千日里是一間酒吧,它為客人提供傳統英國午餐和晚餐,美食包括香腸,薯仔,魚柳和薯條,啤酒,牛排和餡餅。千日里亦以提供特別麥芽威士忌而著名。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
17:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB
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泊車 詳細介紹
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食評 (31)
等級4 2024-02-18
864 瀏覽
千日里這個名字令人想起一日千里,發展迅速的世界,但其實它是 Chinnery 的中文譯名。文華 The Chinnery 以英國畫家 George Chinnery 命名,餐廳裝潢充滿英式會所/ 酒吧風格,亦提供多種英國特色 signature dishes 我哋叫咗兩杯 Signature cocktails: Breakfast martini, Chinnery bramble 兩杯都好易入口,breakfast martini 是我喜歡的 citric favour; Chinnery bramble 有少少 spicy 的龍舌蘭味,比較特別,值得一試Lamb samosa:英國菜其中一道名菜 - 羊肉餡餅,外皮非常鬆脆,裡面羊肉餡充滿香料味,配上薄荷醬汁,好正的小食,份量都算多 Cocktail:龍蝦、牛油果、生菜,我喜歡的元素都包括在這沙律之中,配上檸檬汁和沙律醬,好開胃 Tikka chicken with rice:本來想試下 tandoori chicken,但侍應哥哥推介這個無骨版本 - tikka chicken,雞肉都幾嫩滑,香辣醬汁撈飯一流,餐廳還準備了五款不同醬汁給我們自己添加,非常貼心 好多選擇嘅 sauces: 個人推介 mint & mango Spiced pear chocolate cake:餐廳的菜式份量幾慷慨,雖然食到好飽,但都要試吓呢度嘅甜品,我哋揀咗呢款特別嘅 spiced pear chocolate cake,梨的份量沒有想像中咁多,反而朱古力味非常濃郁,蛋糕質地幾濕潤,整體上都好好食 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
1️⃣ FRENCH TOAST Devon crab, lemon, fennel salad $288點解French Toast 可以present得咁靚,又咁好食. The crab meat on top was so good.2️⃣ Asparagus3️⃣ CHICKEN WINGS Sweet chilli dip $148That’s so yummy and unstoppable. The dish came in 6 pcs of chicken wings. When 2 of us were trying to take photos of the dish, others took 3 already 😛4️⃣ Oysters5️⃣ VEGETABLE MASALA Onion. tomato. fresh coriander. currv sauce. spices $2886️⃣ RIBEYE Béarnaise, hand-cut fries, onions $648The ribeye was tender and with just-right flavour. 7️⃣ Plant-based Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake (ordered from The Mandarin Cake Shop)8️⃣ Strawberry Victorian Sponge $148We also had:- TIKKA Chicken, cooked with tomato, butter, yoghurt, aromatic spices, basmati rice $348- ROGAN TOSH Lamb shoulder, braised with spices, basmati rice $338The curries were great and not too spicy. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-09-01
996 瀏覽
中環文華東方酒店內有很多間著名的餐廳,今天就來試吓The Chinnery ,這裏最出名的是咖喱雞,果然名不虛傳!鮮嫩多汁的雞肉搭配濃郁的咖喱醬,散發出誘人的香氣。咖喱的風味豐富而深邃,融合了辛香、微甜和微苦的層次,令人回味無窮。咖喱雞每一口都帶來滿滿的滋味,搭配著香氣撲鼻的白飯來吃,超正😄 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2021-08-15
7357 瀏覽
踏入家中老闆既壽辰月活動,當然要由「嘗味名單」中選取一間心儀試一試。家中老闆一話呢間係中環文華既幾好要試,我就一個月前俾個電郵訂位。因為想安排好點,所以電郵問埋有冇泊車位,諗住俾貴貴時租都要型一型佢泊下文華酒店咁。點知餐廳經理好好英文咁回覆我係唔會有咁既安排既,E 嚟 E 去既英文寫得好靚,即刻覺得成單野唔同哂,要認真對待。講返今次午餐,可以用覺得自己型左嚟形容,一到場經理就安排坐係一張二人木桌,同隔離仲有一塊木製屏風隔一隔鄰台咁,即係話俾大家知間餐廳好重視PRIVACY,同埋講話請收細音量。落左單就上兩件飽,大家都一定會對中環酒店西餐廳既餐飽有期望,當然我睇到都已經想食,又嚟有圖有真相: 跟著就係今次三大主角之一既 牛肉他他,連埋有一個雞蛋黃當醬點,另一個就係白蘭地醬。呢個他他入面混左少少酸子之類既西餐配料,一提就提升哂成個他他既味,就咁食都已經好食到不得了,暫時係食過最好既牛肉他他: 主菜,炸魚薯條,英式餐廳食英國午餐。佢地用既魚好好,肉一疏疏,脆粉薄,份量足,優質:家中老闆一直想食TIKKA,就叫左黎試,佢個雞肉好諗,混咖哩一絕,配個長米飯乾身而鬆軟,好好:中間趁晏左少人點,同左個經理傾左一陣,知道唔少呢間有歷史既酒店既一點事跡,更令我好有FEEL。結果慢慢食,有傾有講咁LUNCH左兩粒鐘先閃人。家中老闆 話滿意安排,部車由佢泊得遠就遠啦,話食完慢慢行吓都好。「老闆俾LIKE,此刻無價。」 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級5 2021-06-27
5167 瀏覽
This British bar/restaurant is located on The Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, named after the artist George Chinnery, who had lived in HK and Macau in the 18th century, producing a lot of great paintings, with many replicates in display in the restaurant.Seated comfortably at the deep armchairs and green leather banquettes, the wood panel wall and ceiling, and the bar featuring lots of whisky, created a cozy and relaxed club-like atmosphere of the colonial 60s. All the staff are also dressed in impeccable white suits with bow ties. After getting our beverages to start, we ordered two starters to share. The first is Smoked Salmon ($298). With traditional condiments of onion, capers and dill, together with boiled eggs and gem salad, the salmon are truly exceptional, with a nice smoky note but not excessive, the texture tender and moist, with us able to readily tell the quality of the salmon. Even though it might look simple, this is a really good example of how a great dish can highlight and showcase the ingredients.The other starter, Crab ($318) was even better. The meat from Devon brown crab was picked out, and on top putting a layer of avocado, supplemented with a rich sauce. The sweetness of the crab meat, with the bit of citrus used to mix together with the avocado puree, and the savoury taste from the sauce, created a wonder in flavours. There are some crispy melba toasts to put the crab meat on which further provided a contrast on the texture. A must-try in my opinion. Coming to the main we had Dover Sole ($688). The staff asked whether we wanted to be on bone or not, and we opted for the latter, and my friend John who works here recommended us to pan-sear the fish a bit longer to caramelize for better experience. Thanks to his advice, it was simply perfect. The fish is big so could serve two persons, and together with lemon butter sauce, with the lemon juice giving the acid to freshen the buttery note. On the side were new potato and spinach. This one was another recommendation. If I have to pick one thing to improve, the spinach can be a bit less salty.The other main course we chose was Tikka ($338). The chicken is cooked with a curry made from tomato, butter, yoghurt and aromatic spices, which permeated great aroma even before our first bite. On the taste the curry had an interesting smoky note, well-integrated into the complex flavours. Served with basmati rice, we also had some Plain Naan ($88) on the sides to savour the wonderful curry. The chicken is also tender and flavourful, marinated very well. Despite my big appetite, I could not finish all as the portion was quite generous. But we somehow could not leave without having dessert, so my wife chose Eton Mess ($128). Inside there are meringue, with mango and passion fruit, along with vanilla ice-cream. For me, I took Trifle ($128), with raspberry, vanilla and compote, white chocolate ice-cream. Not too sweet, the raspberry had the acidity to balance the sweetness from the ice-cream and compote to finish a rewarding and complete meal.Service was good overall, and the bill was $2,552. One thing I missed though was the whisky, as I was very full and a bit drunk (after having a glass of white and another glass of champagne) in the end. So I hope to return next time, to enjoy their big range of whisky and try out a few different ones. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)