餐廳: 北京樓 (太古廣場)



餐廳: 北京樓 (太古廣場)


港鐵金鐘站 F 出口 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (9)
香港著名食府北京樓始於1978年,以皮脆肉嫩的北京填鴨聞名海外,屢獲殊榮。除了傳統的北京填鴨叫人回味無窮外,正宗的北京樓富貴雞亦別具風味。而富貴雞的破土儀式、大廚精湛的片鴨及拉麵表演,往往為顧客掀起高潮,成為用膳的必備節目,熱鬧非常。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 AE 銀聯 微信支付
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
無障礙設施 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (122)
等級1 2024-02-15
1922 瀏覽
父母來香港想帶他們食烤鴨,前台態度不錯,入座之後就是漫長的等待,可能是因為新年,烤鴨足足等了五十分鐘。上菜的順序也颇为有趣,先上主食蘿蔔酥,再是蔬菜,最後是姍姍來遲的烤鴨。更要命的是期間很難找到服務人員,即使他們看到你在招手也會直接無視。是的,沒看錯,就是看到你在招手也會直接從你面前走過,無視。忙碌可以理解,這種無視讓人覺得不想再次光顧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-02-12
1123 瀏覽
大年初三,諗住快快脆脆食完,唔好阻礙佢哋翻檯,點知5個餸45分鐘先上齊… 碟菜仲係凍既.. 雖然服務態度都好好,但係年初三大家都排隊等位,係咪應該催吓個廚房呢.. 片皮鴨有油比較多/肥膩(慎點) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-02-04
1029 瀏覽
服务员严重缺乏,十几二十张桌子,只有两个服务员。厨房上菜速度也非常慢,一道凉菜几乎在要吃完的时候才上来。原本高大上的餐厅,退步如此!幸亏菜品的味道还不错,要不然真的没有顾客。难怪要北上深圳! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-03
575 瀏覽
Peking garden in Pacific Place has been our goto place when we wanted peking duck, and service has always been pleasant! Previously, we have always ordered from the A La Carte, this time I think we made a mistake ordering set for 4. The set included -signature combinations of of peking specialties -sautéed prawns and scallop with veges -Braised mock shark’s fin soup-BBQ Peking Duck-Deep Fried Sliced fish with sweet and sour sauce -Braised sea cucumber with spring onion -Steamed port kand soup dumpling -Sweet Almond cream with egg white Because it was a set, The signature combination came in four pieces and to be fair, it looked a bit sad. The taste was also a bit bland, lucky to us, we didn’t want any seconds..The prawns and scallop were one of the better dishes, the prawns tasted fresh and crunchy, and the scallops were also nicely done! The mock fish fin we didn’t like at all, the texture wasn’t right, if they had a nice slow cooked chicken broth, it would be a much better texture than the thick paste soup (羮), which felt like a lot of starch! The duck was delicious and worth waiting (we waited 40mins), the skin was thick and crunchy and full of fatty goodness! But the problem lies in the pancakes, it was so thin that it keeps breaking! And it wasn’t HOT!!! It’s all in the details… and this made us a bit mad and we couldn’t be bothered sending it back as we waited long enough….The sweet and sour fish looked delicious too; but the batter was so thick with so little fish… disappointing… I much prefer the whole fish which we usually order in a la carte…Dumplings and desserts were upto standard! My conclusion is, I will still come back for the duck and a la carte but for $2180/4 plus tea and appetiser $ plus +1…. About $700/head was a bit pricy! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今次一家大細去試咗北京樓嘅菜,實話實說,個人觉得佢哋啲小炒真係正!嗌咗一道茶樹菇蒸鱈魚,個魚肉滑得嚟結實,入口即溶,茶樹菇嘅藥膳味道亦都正中下懷,簡直係香濃得嚟又不會搶晒魚嘅鮮味,😋心水推介!再嚟嘅大宅門蒸銀絲卷軟綿得黎有嚼勁,小朋友食得咁開心,一轉眼就無影,我都搵唔返啦!🤣呢度嘅招牌菜烤北京填鴨當然唔少得,鴨皮煙韌香脆,搭埋京蔥鴨醬咬落去嗲味極喇!😍高郵鹹蛋蝦球又係另一款心頭好,鹹蛋黃包裹住蝦球,香脆得嚟口感豐富。不過,有啲涼咗,失咗啲熱辣辣嘅夾攏感,如果出面順啲,真係無得輸。🍤最後,茶樹菇炆豆苗正宗得嚟清新,淡淡嘅藥膳味道同豆苗嘅甜味互相輝映,稱得上係清雅嘅一撃。食完成晚,都算係滿足,只係有時候服務跟唔上,仲有改善嘅空間。 繼續閱讀
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