BOCA Tapas & Wine bar 是西班牙風格的餐廳。BOCA 在西班牙文裡解作 「嘴」, 餐廳希望可以以食物滿足客人,餐廳提供精緻的食物和不同種類的酒。 繼續閱讀
04:00 - 02:00
11:30 - 02:00
11:30 - 02:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
烤酒香牛肉伴鵪鶉蛋 酥炸八爪魚 葡式白酒煮蜆 葡撻伴酒香士多啤梨
食評 (18)
等級1 2009-05-01
260 瀏覽
It was a friend's birthday and we decided to give Boca a try. When we first got there, we brought the cake to the waitress and asked her to put it in the fridge. She told us that there will be a $200 service charge for cutting it at Boca. My friend said - "oh that's quite expensive." The waitress gave her a look and said "In that case, you can speak with my manager." With that, my friend just left her the cake and came back to our table.The variety of food is limited at Boca. Tapas and mains were about 2 to 3 pages only. The better tapas were garlic prawns and calamari. The ham/sausage platter is ok as well. However, all other dishes were below par. The scallops were overcooked and the paella was the worst. The rice was too hard and not enough flavour. It was probably the worst paella I've ever tasted. We were most disappointed by the service at Boca. Most (but not all) of the waitresses were rude. We were very angry at the incompetence of the waitresses there. Not only did they ask us to pay an expensive service cake charge of $200, they also melted our cake by serving them on HOT plates! When we made our complaints, they did not say sorry and just shrugged at us. So thanks to them, we paid an extra $200 to eat a melting cake. I will not go there again. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2009-04-26
172 瀏覽
Just plain disappointed.Food - There was so much MSG in the food that I was downing water the rest of the night. Honestly with the $$ I am paying I can go somewhere else that has bigger portions and are higher quality too. Service - It was a friend's birthday. So after we got charged with a $200 cake cutting fee, what did we get? Cake served on hot plate. What were they thinking? By the time they finished cutting the cake and served us, the cake was half way melted. Uh...Anyways service in general is really below average. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-09-21
32 瀏覽
午飯時間竟然是水靜河飛,起初是有點擔心的呀,不過也相信好東西是要留待有心人來發掘的 2個人,西班牙菜份量又不算少,實在要細心思量才下決定吃些什麼;看到一眾食家的超吸引brunch照片,不過是日又突然好害怕膽固醇過高(!!對,我是好怕死的年青人.....),最後都是要了一款小吃加西班牙"大鑊飯"GRILLED PRAWNS超好吃,烤的熱烘烘上桌,雖然這樣烹調的蝦難吃極有限,只要蝦子新鮮,不用多加調味,已是上佳的美味啦西班牙海鮮炒飯,熱呼呼的好吸引的樣子,份量很大,其實夠4人吃....不過呢那些海鮮嘛,有點老(特別是那幾舊吞拿魚像豬肉哦),炒飯味道不算突出,就是難忘那些有趣的青豆和酸ARTICHOKE,哈哈 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-03-14
18 瀏覽
少有的兩姐妹出街食飯,龍也來了join。週六中午的SOHO相當靜,BOCA也不例外,一頓飯有大半時間都是我們包場!加上外藉server,異國情調滿瀉,個人十分享受這種感覺。 學西班牙文的細妹還未懂得西班牙菜,於是由我隨意拍板,要了兩份weekend brunch($109)加tapas: brunch包一杯sangria/bloody mary,細妹不沾酒我與龍一人一杯剛好分掉。sangria是果汁酒自然易入喉,然而bloody mary是意想不到的辣,不知這是不是正宗的口味,總之我甘拜下風~~~ brunch揀了我喜愛的egg benedict與特色flamenco煮蛋:前者除了豐厚蛋黃醬汁與半生熟蛋,還加上風乾火腿,十分滋味;後者是以小熱鑊者煮熱蛋及特色香腸,味帶辛辣,風味獨特,單獨食會較咸,加上附送的麵包籃就剛好。 tapas有分traditional及non-traditional兩大類,我在傳統類中揀了marinated chicken strips,以檸檬汁與蒜茸調味的雞條口味是預期之外的清淡,還附沙律菜,不特別滋味卻勝在易入口;又細妹與龍都是雞迷,要清碟無難度。 餐後還有咖啡或茶,我照例來杯熱咖啡,感覺滿足。題目「火星」源自細妹的感覺,而我,希望她覺得這是趟開心的火星之旅就夠了! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-02-22
15 瀏覽
B仔正日生日, 我地請左半日假慶祝。一點鐘, o係樓下B仔就拎住杯GODIVA 等我, 但好似朱味唔及以為wor, 仲要加價到$42, 唔值lu我地一路行上SOHO, 原來就o係正wildfire隔離, 一d都唔難搵。間餐廳都幾大, 唔算小店, 計埋我地都得兩枱客。雖說係西餐廳, 但都放左唔少新年裝飾, 幾舒服!一來我就問可唔可以用張生日coupon, 係free set lunch for 壽星仔, 仲因為係正日, 仲送一支house wine, 好正唔係好識揀, 是但拍左支white wine。都幾勁, 我飲左兩杯有d醉tim雖然我地兩個都唔食牛, 但得兩款sets, 就一樣一款la, starter要左salad!之後送上一小餐包, 好掂! 有3條又熱又脆o既芝士條; 一大片好軟熟o既香草包包; 仲有2個香草脆朱仔。3款都超好味~~~之後就上set la芝士pecan沙律: 3塊厚厚o既芝士, 軟軟的, 又有淡淡芝士味, 好正; 而pecan烘得香脆, 又布天然nuts o既甜味; 沙律菜同洋蔥相對少同普通d。但前兩者好好味oh!!!!Rib eye配炸薯角: 嘩!!!! 好大份ah!!! d薯角好多, 一咬係超熱, 外脆裡面軟稔稔, 好滿足; 塊扒就成8成, d邊位好over-cooked, 但都唔'un'; 中間就嫩d 配紅酒汁好味d, 份量十足啊; 而伴碟o既菜一d唔輸sit, 有甜豆、粟米仔同磨菇, 好香!大蝦忌廉長通粉: size比塊扒輸sit, 但其實好好味個汁好creamy又唔膩; d長通粉係al dente; d蝦有成7、8隻, 好fresh好爽, 正正正!!!CHOCOLATE SANDWICH: 係佢O既SIGNATURE DESSERT。3層濃濃的CHOCOLATE BROWNIE, 中間再夾CREAM, 好味!我生日一定再來!!! 繼續閱讀
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