9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Craftsteak offers a range of fresh seafoods and charcoal grilled meats paired with special seasoning sauces. The restaurant is furnished with wood and the walls are covered with rustic early American photographs. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Salmon Fillet Filet Half a Dozen Fresh Oyster on the half shell with cocktail and mignontte sauce Tune tarter with avocado and lime Roasted veal marrow bones with persilade,onion jam and toast
Review (84)
Level2 2019-10-24
聽朋友介紹呢間扒房嘅牛扒同薯條好出色,所以就揀咗呢間黎試下佢嘅lunch。一入去就被佢嘅環境吸引住,入面裝修好有西式扒房嘅感覺,同出面車來車往嘅環境好唔同,而且廚房係半open kitchen,你可以睇住廚師煮牛扒🤣別有一番風味即使係lunch 都有好多菜式任君選擇,價格係蘇豪區黎講算中上,而黎扒房梗係要試佢嘅牛扒,所以我就揀咗Grass Fed Ribeye。前菜會有包同湯,長法包配牛油係固定會係西式食店出現嘅配搭,而soup of the day 就係green pea soup 濃郁嘅湯配上一層cream 完全冇膩嘅感覺。而呢間店其中一個特點係starter 都有好多選擇,竟然仲可以揀 pork ribs🤭同行友人叫呢個話好正,下次再食一定要試下!Main dish 嘅Grass Fed Rib Eye Steak 從外觀上就不負眾望,係rib eye 上有標明temperature,保證唔會煮錯,從細節上就睇得出鋪頭嘅誠意同用心。我今次叫咗Medium,肉質鬆軟,完全冇overcook 底者undercook,亦鎖住咗肉汁,好食到停唔到口。而叫steak 仲可以自己揀sauce,我就叫咗Dijon Mustard,同Ribeye 嘅味好夾!本身扒嘅份量已經好大,跟餐嘅薯條更係多到嚇親🤣一大桶薯條包你食到飽。Craftsteak嘅薯條偏幼,但完全唔影響口感,即叫即炸熱辣辣嘅薯條搭配煮得啱啱好的Ribeye 完全冇可以挑剔嘅地方。最後係仲叫咗個甜品ice cream with seasonal fruit,時令水果全部都好新鮮好甜,而ice cream 亦好清新,檸檬味雪糕最啱係最後用黎平衡前面比較重口味嘅菜式。總括而言,Craftsteak 無論係環境定菜式都好出色,服務亦好好,雖然價錢比較貴,但絕對值回票價!強烈推薦大家黎食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-08-30
We, a group of 10 people, went to Craftsteakfor lunch during the restaurant week promotion. The meal includes starter, maincourse and dessert. For the starter, choices of octopus salad or tuna withavocado ceviche which served in a small portion and both tasted okay. After thestarter, we waited for entire 40 mins for the main course to be served whichwas TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Knowing that we all went there during limited lunchtime and the restaurant was not even full. Finally, the food came. For the steak, requiredmedium and turned out to be well done. For the chicken breast, very dry andtasteless (not enough seasoning). For the burger, it was okay, a bit dry. Also,obviously they missed one order which was the burger and it was eventuallyserved after 50 mins we placed the order. AND IT WAS RAW! We request it to becancel and the waiter took it away and talked to the chef. The chef then kept staring at us with an angry face. This is absolutely ridiculous. We came here asthe customer and we pay for the food. Not only the food served late (after 50mins) and it was raw! And we being treated in a very rude way? Honestly, Iwouldn’t come here again and I do not recommend anyone to come here unless youwant to be treated rudely and waste your entire lunch hour to wait for the foodwhich was not even good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-08-30
Was here with 10 coworkers for a farewell lunch. The restaurant was half empty, however they still managed to take 50 mins from order to serving food. We ordered at 13:20 and the main dishes were served at 14:10. The food was disgusting. There is a tiny fly crawling on a salad. The chicken breast tasted more blend than boiled chicken I eat after workout. My friend and I both ordered a medium rare burger, however hers was almost raw and mind was fine. Another friend ordered a medium steak but it looks well-done.  My friend demand to cancel the raw burger, because it was already passed our lunch hour and we cannot afford another 50 mins for another burger. And the chefs were really pissed. Like REALLY PISSED. They dead stared  at us with arms crossed non stop after we cancel the raw burger. We were being polite and  did not blame them for taking a decade to bring food to the table but the chefs figured they should be the one who's angry. They have charged the fee of 4 steaks instead of 3, which was wrong, and they were reluctant to cancel the bill of raw burger which my friend did't even eat. She has to get a sandwich from Seven-Eleven as a farewell lunch. This is the worst experience I've ever had in any restaurant.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-28
中環蘇豪區扒房嚟講算平啦Wed去有任食優惠....見佢啲烤肉全部都係用明爐炭火整有好多隻特色醬汁調味搞咗好耐先攞齊6款醬,有茄汁&BBQ醬&胡椒子&全麥芥末&英式芥末&法式芥末頭盤新鮮沙律,可揀凱撒沙律伴巴馬臣芝士嘢食可以喺吧枱攞有肉眼扒/紐約牛扒/BBQ烤豬肋骨扒/燒春雞/燒紅魚鍾意軟腍可以揀肉眼扒鍾意牛味可以揀紐約牛扒鍾意鹹啲可以揀豬肋骨仲有燒春雞同燒紅魚口感外脆內軟除咗肉仲有其他小食芝士烤粟米/忌廉菠菜/炸薯條我覺得炸薯仔同忌廉菠菜最正!菠菜喺食完堆肉後再食好舒服,用咗忌廉同芝士整,超滑炸薯條每條都脆卜卜~鹹香惹味,好食過M記好多倍! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-07-26
好耐無食牛扒,今次同朋友試呢間craft steak。環境坐落都幾舒服同幾高質既感覺。我叫左肋眼扒朋友就叫左另一款,我地叫左五成熟,一上菜覺得都有少驚喜因為舊肉都幾大舊,聞落去都好香。五成熟食落去啱啱好,唔會太軟唔會太硬。一開始無落汁,打算試左佢本身既肉味先,覺得唔落汁都已經好好味。食左半舊就試試下落埋佢個蘑菇汁,同個肉都幾夾但我都係始終中意唔落汁咁食多d。食完肉之後食左個甜品,味道有少少拖肥味但唔算好甜都幾特別,食完肉再食埋甜品好滿足。雖然craft steak以食扒黎講都唔平,但食物質素都幾好同埋坐得都舒服,偶爾豪一次都係值得的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)