此店以麵食為主,全店面積雖少,但卡位梳化寬敞舒適。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
食神叉燒飯 海南雞飯 雲吞麵
Review (21)
Level3 2014-01-07
今天跟友人午飯時外出又想不到在跑馬地可吃甚麼友人提議去吃「皇府」我是第一次到訪 終於揭開了皇府的真面目一直以為皇府內的裝橫很光鮮原來不是我跟友人同樣點了個食神叉燒飯($58) 相信這名字對很多人來說也不陌生叉燒飯及食神叉燒飯相差$10而當中就只是多了一隻蛋 首先主角叉燒我認為很林身 不難咀嚼不肥不瘦 而當中的蛋 蛋黃偏熟 沒有太多蛋汁個人來說不太喜歡而飯也沒有甚麼特別但有一點令我失望的就是飯沒有任何汁 令整個飯的水平降了點點了姐個飯有碗中湯送 味道還可以 起碼不是味精的味道但碗碟油膩膩 衛生不太好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-05-20
King's Palace is a medium sized restaurant with booths on the ground floor and larger seating upstairs. Overall the decor isn't remarkable but is comfortable.Service varies, depending on who waits on your table. One of the servers was very friendly and recommended dishes to us. She suggested the noodle dishes, fish congee, as well as the chef's recommendations section of the menu. Another server acted like she is being inconvenienced when we asked her for more tea even though the restaurant wasn't busy at all.Of my order, I recommend the congee with roast goose. The roasted goose in the dish was plentiful and imparted a delicious, strong flavor that went well with the mild congee and ginger. The goose's natural fattiness melted into the congee so that the whole bowl had the roasted goose flavor. The ginger balanced the heaviness of the goose very nicely. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-05-09
好一段時間在跑馬地搵食, 數月前光顧了皇府這店分上下兩層, 下層只有數個卡位, 數上則在中間多幾張方桌來這裡, 當然要一試食神叉燒飯, 也即叉燒煎蛋飯先說叉燒, 這店稱不含人造色素, 食落肉質鮮嫩, 徧瘦, 略嫌不夠"火農"飯煮得綿綿的, 很有米香, 配煎蛋一起吃, 那蛋汁跟飯混在一起, 倍加美味午餐還跟了例湯, 喝得出沒有味精, 誠意之作還額外點了一客豬潤腸粉, 皮做得很薄, 亦有米香, 只是豬潤不夠沙不過, 跑馬地的選擇太多了, 以這裡的價錢, 我未必會再回頭光顧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-01-30
那我愛粥。吃正斗,亦愛皇府。皇府的粥品比起正斗來就是要那麽有趣一點,生動幾許。什麽咸蛋蠔豉粥,夏夜就吃得清鮮又有嚼勁。還有肉丸粥,孜孜,下面的說了那麽多居然都沒有提到它。彈牙,香!還有火鴨絲粥,皮和肉藏在棉的米湯里。叉燒飯不錯,但其實最動人的是那金黃的煎蛋一只。海南雞的飯好香!!鬆弛但是有點精幹的油。(其實不是想說得這麽喧賓奪主的,但是那個蛋、那份米真的難忘) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-03-15
我是荃灣人,到跑馬地用膳絕對異常。其實光顧皇府的主因是以往有個客戶常常帶我們來,比較出名的是食神叉燒飯。食神叉燒飯簡單來說就是叉燒蛋飯吧了,只是美其名,可惜,感覺退步了。叉燒軟腍度是可以的,感覺是偏瘦的,不過比以往乾了很多,再吃不到肉汁和叉燒的香味。慶幸的是份量沒有減到,不過想到價錢加了,質素卻下降了,自然打了個大折扣。蛋方面,蛋黃default是半生熟的,沒有特別驚喜。另外,如果大家怕飯過於乾身,可直接叫待應傳來秘製的豉油,總比添加檯面的豉油好。唯有值得一讚是例湯堅持不加味精,今次是青紅蘿蔔湯,感覺很健康。自然淆製的湯最美。其實光顧期間,人客不多,理應更容易做到上乘的食品吧? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)