Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 06:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
公司潛艇堡/蜂蜜燕麥包 火雞胸肉薄餅卷 吞拿魚/白麵包 軟溶奇士/白麵包 意式特製潛艇堡/全麥包 燒雞胸肉/白麵包
Review (25)
Level4 2014-06-20
SUBWAY就係有種久唔久要幫襯下,但係成日食又好悶既心癮我次次都係食PIZZA SUB,FOOT LONG,HONEY OAT,再加上大量生洋蔥,PICKLE,墨西哥辣椒.而佢本身就好似PIZZA咁有肉腸,蕃茄醬同芝士.我仲要另加了蜜糖芥辣醬.味道就係有酸咸既蕃茄醬底,加上辛辣既配料,亦有啖啖肉既肉腸和芝士混合體,十分開胃.包底微微既脆身,增加左口感食完FOOT LONG SIZE一定夠飽.簡單又滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-17
Today I want to eat cookies like the one selling at However, I am too lazy to take the MTR to go to Mrs. Fields Cookies...Therefore, I go to Subway to buy their cookies!The cookies at Subway are cheaper than Mrs. Fields Cookies but they are both tasty!$6/1p ; $15/3ps ; $48/12psI bought 6 cookies and they only cost $30!Chocolate Chips Cookie x2-Not too sweet!-The size is quite big~Rasberry Cheese Cookie x2-Size is ok-taste like strawberry-sweet enoughWhite Chocolate Chips cookie x2-The most tasty cookie-Size is big enough-white chocolate is good! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-09-18
之前係團購用$25買左價值$60既現金劵 足足買左成年都未用醒起期限就快到 於是嗱嗱聱去換店舖不難找 就在熙來攘往的油街 樓面很細 只有三四個堂食位 看來店方的主要顧客都是外賣自取的講返圑購飛 只要砌夠$60就得 無任何限制 最抵當然係叫SUB OF THE DAY 但一個人食唔曬況且平時都成日食 所以要趁呢個機會試下其他貴價既SANDWICH最終叫左一個十二吋既roasted chicken 玥加一樽飲品 補多三蚊 麵包就揀左最愛既parmesan oregano 因為其他既平時麵包舖都有而呢個包就夠哂香 而且好鬆軟 好正SAUCE 就要左sweet onion 甜甜地有少少酸 幾開胃放落烤爐整熱會更加正 但如果唔係即刻食就唔建議每次我都會加曬所有菜洋蔥同埋瓜 夠曬健康店員動作快 三四分鐘就攪店 服務態度良好 同時又可以鍛鍊下英語會話roasted chicken 既味道一般 無咩肉味 一食就知係普通超市貨色其他配菜就維持一貫的出色 食材新鮮 分量十足 非常健康又飽滿的一餐 下次有團購飛一定會再買!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-06-10
今日成11點幾先出去搵野食…呢段時間通常都無哂早餐但午餐又食吾落喎xdsubway就吾同喇每日都有吾同既包特價而且11點半前都仲有早餐啊xddcheese and egg的早餐都只售$10咋真系去邊到搵啊$10咁大個包仲好足料充滿蛋沙律同兩塊芝士仲會幫你烘埋添@@你有得揀sause添架蜜糖芥末系我至愛xd未食過咁平但咁飽既早餐啊好滿足xd continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-05-29
朝早趕返工, 去 subway 買個 sub of the day 係一個唔錯既選擇, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四既 sub of the day 係我既首選.每次我都加菜, 青椒, 洋蔥同埋酸瓜. 再加 sweet onion 醬或者黃芥末醬. $19, 抵食夠健康.間 shop 既配料每次見都好新鮮, 青菜未見到變黃, 洋蔥, 青椒都新鮮, 食落口, 無怪味. 店員態度都唔錯, 動作夠快, 由我落 order , 選麵包再由佢地放好材料 + 芝士再放落爐整熱, 都好快手. 大約用6分鐘左右就可以拎個麵包走.店舖環境算乾淨, 雖然舖仔細細, 但佢地勝在有效率, 都唔會覺得好迫. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)