Exit B1, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
It offers all you can eat of chicken pot and hot pot. The sauce is spicy and rich. You can choose the set for your own and the price is reasonable. continue reading
Opening Hours
17:00 - 03:00
Mon - Sun
17:00 - 03:00
Public Holiday
17:00 - 03:00
Public Holiday Eve
17:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (893)
平時見大鴻輝18樓雞煲經常都排長龍,每次想食都要預早去攞定飛,今次提早去終於有位!平時食雞煲都唔係好食得辣,呢一間18樓雞煲好好,客人可以自己選擇辣度,咁就唔使好似出面雞煲咁一定要食辣,就連唔鍾意食辣嘅我都可以放心食!出面自助吧枱有好多唔同款式嘅蔬菜同飲品,食完第一轉雞煲仲可以要求加湯!變成打邊爐!簡直係又可以食到雞煲,又可以打邊爐放題😚😚落單先會叫到肉類例如平時打邊爐會食開嘅雪花肥牛,豬肉,雞肉都有好多唔同款!出面自助凍櫃仲有好多唔同丸類,例如香菇貢丸,牛筋丸,芋心貢丸呢啲特別嘅丸類!連陳皮魚蛋都可以有得食!當然唔少得台灣一口腸同埋金針菇呢啲平時都有嘅嘢!飲品方面都有好多唔同類別,例如可以冬瓜茶,羅漢果茶都可以飲到,又可以享受打邊爐又可以一邊清熱,簡直一舉兩得! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-19
價錢唔會太貴,雞肉質素一時好一時差,但雞汁好好食,唔食得辣都可以試下bb味,飲品有選擇都多,近期見到有新出棉花糖機,同朋友仔聚會推薦人數4人,大枱唔多walk in7-8人有機會分台坐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-23
Chicken Pot                              The broth, rich and flavorful, boasted a perfect balance of savory and spicy notes, leaving a lingering warmth with every spoonful.  Fat Cow                          The quality of the beef was exceptional, reflecting the restaurant's commitment to using only the finest ingredients. A true indulgence for meat lovers.  Cheese Ice Cream                            The cheese flavor was subtle yet distinct, offering a refreshing departure from traditional desserts.    Winter Melon Tea                         The natural freshness of the winter melon infused every sip, leaving a cool and invigorating sensation that was both soothing and satisfying. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-06
這麼冷的天氣又是食雞煲火鍋的時候,這家雞煲煮的肉很入味,火候控制很好,烹調好的雞肉很香好嫩滑,加了少少麻辣醬汁味道十分美味。食完雞煲店員會放已經煮好的火鍋湯底加入濃郁雞煲湯汁,讓人垂涎欲滴。而火鍋放題的選擇也相當豐富,不論是炸物、小食、蔬菜、肉類、菇類、海鮮等等,讓人可以盡情享受美食。除了食物選擇多樣外,店鋪的環境光猛也很乾淨、寬敞,而且價格也公道。此外,店內的飲品選擇也相當豐富,包括冷泡茶、罐裝汽水以及各種熱飲等,讓人可以根據喜好選擇。特別是自家制冬瓜茶可以讓人降火氣,清涼止渴,而且飲料獨立包裝,讓人感覺乾淨衛生。最後,記得食乳酪雪糕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見網上咁多正評就去試下啦, 咁性價比嚟講事實上係好值得去食嘅,食物質素亦都好好,上菜亦都好快,但認真服務就比較差少少, 好耐都冇人收嘢, 要自己收, 加湯亦都要自己出去取湯嚟加( 但嗰段時間係冇乜客的 )最搞笑係我哋四個人食夜晚十點時段, 但唔知點解張單出嚟收我哋二千七蚊, 收多咗千五😮咁大嘅錯數都可以畀個客, 呢點就真係扣左分!不過整體嚟講都係會再次幫襯嘅, 如果啲侍應積返少少, 見到啲嘢唔好當見唔到唔收咁就 perfect❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)