Exit E/ L3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
There is nothing more quintessentially iconic of Hong Kong than experiencing the acclaimed Peninsula Classic Afternoon Tea, served daily in The Lobby. The Peninsula Lobby has long been recognised as one of the most elegant places in Hong Kong accompanied by The Lobby Strings, playing live daily. An à la carte menu showcasing authentic Continental and Southeast Asian delights is served throughout the day. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Casual Drink
Additional Information
Dress Code : Smart Casual. Please refrain from wearing sportswear (including vests and exercise pants) and beachwear (including flip-flops, beach sandals and plastic footwear or any sort) when dining in the restaurant. The Peninsula Hong Kong is committed to the highest levels of hygiene, safety and security for our guests. In light of the latest Government measures, all guests are required to check-in using the LeaveHomeSafe App, provide proof of receiving the third COVID-19 vaccine dose or the second dose (received within six months), vaccination medical exemption certificate, or recovery record upon entry to the hotel, restaurants and facilities. Each restaurant table can seat up to eight guests, and each table at The Bar can seat up to four guests. All guests visiting The Bar or participating in a banquet activity with more than eight persons at the same catering premises are required to present proof of a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result obtained within 24 hours with the guest’s name, date and time of taking the test upon arrival. The Peninsula Hong Kong is committed to the highest levels of hygiene, safety and security for our guests. In light of the latest Government social distancing measures, all guests are required to check-in using the LeaveHomeSafe App, provide proof of receiving the third COVID-19 vaccine dose or the second dose (received within five months), vaccination medical exemption certificate, or recovery record upon entry to the hotel, restaurants and facilities. With immediate effect, children aged 5 to 11 are required to provide proof of receiving the second COVID-19 vaccine dose or the first dose (received within three months). From 30 November 2022, all children will be required to provide proof of the second dose. Each restaurant table can seat up to twelve guests, and each table at The Bar can seat up to six guests. All guests visiting The Bar or participating in a banquet activity with more than twelve persons at the same catering premises are required to present proof of a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result obtained within 24 hours with the guest’s name, date and time of taking the test upon arrival.
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
*Breakfast: 7:00-11:00; Lunch: 11:30-14:30; Afternoon tea: 14:00-18:00; Dinner: 18:00-22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay Diners
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (630)
Level4 2024-01-14
之後去左半島食生日飯大堂茶座除左下午茶出名仲不嬲有做開生日優惠就係會送上原個蛋糕一個如果四個人食仲會有一人免費咁呢餐飯其實幾年前本身已經book過但係果時7婆開始興起禁晚市成餐飯就咁唔見左之後開始去staycation就無再理會直到今年先再諗番起大堂茶座呢個優惠又終於book多次但係正日果晚老婆又中左武肺最後拖到月尾過晒生日先補番呢餐生日飯收工黎到都已經八點夜晚既大堂茶座同日頭或者下午茶好唔同長期都係得幾檯客之前黎半島staycation早餐full左要上露台餐廳食所以今次真係第一次坐係大堂食野我地坐呢張檯雖然有四張凳但就一定唔係四人檯因為擺左兩套餐具已經無乜位始終係六星酒店都有鮮花擺設生日餐牌好似同平時係一樣個價錢已經由當年4百幾加到558過多半年而家23年尾仲去到628武肺呢幾年酒店加價太勁人工根本無可能追得上上次係gaddis麵包就好好食大堂茶座就好普通前菜除左湯之外其實得兩個選擇一人一個就無得爭吞拿魚他他係其實同吞拿魚蓉差唔多本身魚油充足仲要煎過我覺得係比起其他生牛肉他他好食既但係凍批我就真係從來都唔識欣賞佢檯面都有幾塊薄片可以配黎食或者用番一開始跟既麵包都得但種口感真係點都食唔慣之後上主菜我揀左羊有羊架同羊肉兩件切就幾難切但食落口又唔算太難食唔鞋唔un無咩蘇味另外果件係黃鱸魚都係普普通通無咩特別而且份量都細今次就真係食風食完主菜就到重頭戲生日蛋糕同平時慶祝果D蛋糕仔唔同係原個蛋糕拎出黎之前都淨係amber試過但價錢係呢餐飯既五倍雖然明知大堂茶座質素一定無半島其他餐廳好但老婆都係為左呢個蛋糕先想黎呢度慶祝另外兩個甜品係完全被比落去而且味道都好一般最後緊係揀番壺earl grey半島無論邊間餐廳揀番紅茶都係無得輸另外加錢要左杯凍朱古力就唔係好明要加錢既原因不過賣相都唔錯好似杯裝tiramisu咁雖然唔算話好飽但都無咩可能可以係餐廳清得晒個蛋糕所以正路都係拎番屋企食侍應本身都準備好晒個蛋糕擺上檯都係for打卡用途佢有晒原裝盒本身以為個蛋糕好似雲石面咁但切落去原來係軟既好似啫喱咁蛋糕裡面仲有餡都幾好食大勝晒果兩件甜品半島大堂係無洗手間M樓商場夜晚又鎖晒要上番一樓自助餐果層先去到大堂茶座好處係無限時附近都無咩人唯一唔好係會比入黎酒店既人眼望望仲有d會自己走埋黎開凳坐私隱度唔高咁呢三道菜晚餐都食左兩個鐘558加35蚊杯凍朱古力再加一埋單就1266平均每人六百零蚊如果淨係計食飯就緊係唔抵啦講緊之前去gaddis食lunch都係呢個價位而且呢度食物離好食都真係有一段距離咁點解唔去grand d既餐廳食比我揀就會去未去過果間瑞士餐廳不過講緊半島既蛋糕都應該值四五舊水咁計番都OK既服務就正常水準唔會好似fine dining咁多動作如果係武肺以前可能會覺得黎食餐飯踏足過半島都會覺得威威不過試暈晒唔同酒店之後就已經再無呢種諗法所以時間真係好重要如果當年黎到食飯既話感覺應該會同而家好唔一樣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-25
半島酒店🏨大堂茶座老婆生日🎂fine dining,送生日🎂蛋糕🎂,有live band music,8成滿座,4道菜$588,面包🥖籃都幾多選擇,我鐘意食脆脆。前菜點咗鮮蟹肉配雞尾酒🍸汁、茴香、牛油果🥑醬、芒果蓉,幾樣撈埋都好夾,份量唔少。主菜我叫咗意式燴海鮮,有帶子、大蝦、青口、魷魚🦑、辣肉腸、意式香草🌿包,都幾豐富,不過個包未食完就俾侍應執走咗。老婆叫咗素菜千層面,有瑞可塔芝士🧀、意大利🇮🇹青瓜🥒同迷你茄子。食完主菜就上生日蛋糕🎂,插埋蠟燭🕯️,職員🧑‍💼主動幫手影相。蛋糕🎂打包咗返屋企🏠同陳皮兩妹慶生🎉。咖啡☕️叫咗decaf latte☕️,好飲,但個杯太重,老婆叫decaf cappuccino☕️。甜品🍮我叫咗是日雪糕🍦,係雲呢拿味,好香,有雲呢拿籽同一pat cream,好食😋,老婆叫70%黑朱古力🍫慕斯、雜莓醬、馬鞭草輕忌廉、朱古力🍫蛋糕。上咗M樓搵厠所,原來live band位皓窄。呢間應該係最平既半島晚餐🥣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-21
半島大堂21/4去咗一間半島大堂餐廳慶生日,真係享受到高級用餐體驗!餐廳環境雅緻,氣氛高貴。我試咗佢哋嘅沙律配牛利,味道豐富濃郁!菜式精緻,每一口都讓人驚艷。服務員專業細心,提供一流的服務。整個晚上都充滿了奢華感,絕對是一個難忘的用餐體驗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日同friend去半島慶祝生日,半個月之前要提前book位,嗌咗個 birthday set🎈🎂1.餐包🥖餐包好硬咬到咬唔開,比想像中差唔好食又乾又柴,同埋啲餐包份量過多唔好食,搞唔掂🥲🥲搞到成餐個餐包都冇郁過2.蝦&沙律🦐🥗比想像中好最開始以為只係普通嘅蝦,點知佢啲醬汁撈埋啲蝦嘅味道都幾特別幾fresh,讚好極之推介大家試吓呢道餸,蝦肉味道都唔會話好柴,幾好食😋3.牛扒🥩牛扒嘅味道撈埋啲醬汁都OK醬汁幾濃,肉嘅質地唔會話好柴幾Juicy下,味道唔錯嘅,啲蘿蔔仔唔會話太腍,不過個人麻麻哋食蔬菜環境方面:環境唔錯,覺得張凳都幾舒服,燈光唔會話太刺眼,啱啱好小總結:如果係食佢嘅main,味道都OK,極之推介嗰個蝦🦐好fresh好好食😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
半島酒店大堂茶座位置於尖沙咀半島酒店之中,香港最標誌性下午茶地點之一。餐廳室內裝潢經典傳統,用餐環境舒適雅緻,現場弦樂演奏更是賞心悅耳👍🏻被譽為人生中總要去打卡一次的下午茶今次我與友人品嘗了半島期間限定土耳其下午茶:All Things Turkish Afternoon Tea Menu鹹點:.芝麻圈配煙燻三文魚、羅勒忌廉芝士及菠菜.小麥沙律配雞胸、布格麥、番茄及薄荷.青瓜酸乳酪牛肉卷配生菜、馬鈴薯及石榴籽.經典青瓜三文治.慢煮八爪魚、牛油果鷹嘴豆蓉、黑橄欖、菲達芝士酥餅甜點:.土耳其檸檬椰子蛋糕.焗米布甸撻、玫瑰忌廉.開心果仁蜜餅.橙花卷配香橙果醬.雜錦果味土耳其軟糖鬆餅:.英式烘葡萄乾鬆餅、奶油忌廉、草莓果醬半島精選名茶:.半島下午茶又再次來到半島酒店大堂茶座,今次品嚐了半島期間限定下午茶沒有失望!由食物品質到服務素質都是一貫的好,朋友對某一些食材有敏感,服務員特別準備了另外兩款三文治與糕點,別緻得來又好吃,朋友甚為歡喜。整個下午茶,我最欣賞開心果仁蜜餅,開心果仁味道濃郁,餅內裏餡料口感豐富,餅皮又酥脆,蜜糖比例甜度適中,作為土耳其宮廷甜點之一確實滋味。不知道何時半島再有期間限定下午茶呢,絕對會再訪! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)