2-min walk from Exit N3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (10)
With more than 1000 branches in Korea, Goobne serves healthy Korean style chicken that has been marinated for over 24 hours. No additive oils are used in their cooking process, making their chicken tender yet not greasy. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:30
*Takeaway Last Order: 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
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Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (1037)
Level3 2024-04-26
想食韓式炸雞嘅時候🐓我一定係推介去Goobne Chicken,雖然係連鎖餐廳,但佢啲雞永遠都keep 到水準👍🏻😳韓式雞蛋卷 $148雖然呢間餐廳出名食烤雞,但我個人覺得佢嘅蛋卷都係超。超。超出色😍係就算食過好多次都要再去食嘅程度🤏🏻入面有青瓜🥒醃制咗嘅紅蘿蔔🥕午餐肉🐽芝士🧀出面包咗層紫菜🍙然後最外層就係3層雞蛋皮,雞蛋皮甜甜哋,入面嘅陷料爽脆同酸酸哋,食落超夾,再加埋啲醬汁一齊食,簡直係錦上添花,熱辣辣食最正🔥🌟甜辣烤雞  +  蜜糖蒜香烤雞 $248終於到咗萬眾期待嘅烤雞,睇個賣相已經好吸引,餐廳好貼心咁有幾款半半烤雞,咁就可以試2 款味,唔洗成隻都係同一隻味咁單調🙆🏻‍♀️甜辣烤雞🍬🌶️好開胃,有少少辣味令到烤雞冇咁漏👍🏻蜜糖蒜香烤雞🧄上面有啲炸蒜,脆卜卜,好好食,加咗蜜糖令到烤雞蒜味冇咁重🍯呢間啲雞全部都係用烤焗嘅形式煮,冇炸咁熱氣同油,又可以keep 到啲肉juicy,啱哂口痕想食炸雞但又怕肥嘅女仔🤣.呢間係我其中一間好鍾意食嘅韓國餐廳,鍾意食炸雞嘅你一定唔可以錯過佢呢間嘅烤雞,更健康,更juicy,食得更放心🤣❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-15
在尖沙咀金巴利街一帶,有很多韓國餐廳今次朋友介紹,叫我必須試這一家食完之後,真的沒有介紹錯,這家唔錯的韓國餐廳,同樣在尖沙咀赫德道,位置鄰近尖沙咀站和尖東站,交通方便整體價錢唔貴,十分大眾化,食物種類都比較多,食物味道幾好味,他們的炸雞味道真係好正,我哋揀咗雙併的,另外炒粉絲也好好味,蛋捲係有估唔到的好味,芝士鍋唔怕肥就可以叫,味道真係好正整體餐廳的食物性價比高侍應服務都幾好雖然沒有甜品,但是他們歡迎你帶生日蛋糕,並沒有切餅費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間Goobne Chicken真係超級正!我每次嚟尖沙咀都要黎呢度打卡食啦!韓國老闆同職員真係好有feel,服務態度好親切就係佢地既位置好容易搵!由D1出口行5分鐘就到囉,喺The Hart商場2樓都好快就見到!就咁易搵,即使baby地理差都冇問題啦!我最鐘意佢地個雙拼烤雞!一次可以試到兩種味道,真係好過癮呀!上次我就叫咗個甜辣味同果味蒜香,滿足爆錶啫!強烈推介無骨烤雞啊,好方便唔使啜骨,直接大口啖啖啖!皮脆肉嫩,入口即化,仲唔係油炸既,安心好多添啦!啱啱,佢地芝加哥pizza都係頂級之選啊!必定要試下佢地個蜜糖BBQ款,拉絲拉到都係一個幸福感啊!底就係我最鍾意嗰種厚身款,一睇就想入口啦!務必要熱熱食啲先啊! Salad都係神級水準!地中海檸檬沙律個醬汁,絕對係灵魂之選啊!新鮮時令蔬菜配埋果肉醬汁,啱啱好滋味,吾錯啦!仲要留意兩款佢地人氣特飲啊,鯊魚之淚個造型超有質感,檸檬蜜桃味涼快清新;Somersby蘋果梳打酒味都唔太重,飲落好似果汁咁啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-08
We booked a large table on a Saturday night and was very sad to see the restaurant being so quiet.We ordered -ginseng chicken soup-Korean fried noodles -spicy rice cakes -Caesar salad-seafood pancakeLastly for the famous chicken, we ordered half half honey chicken and soy chicken, boneless. Also a cheese chicken bone-in.Firstly, the Caesar was surprisingly very nice, fresh and great portion. The Korean noodles was nicely seasoned, chewy texture, it was delicious that we ordered a second. The seafood cake also had a great chewy texture and tasted nice too! The spicy rice cake was ok. Not great but ok… and the rice cake with udon were quite disappointing, I don’t think the mixture worked… Then comes our much anticipated chicken! The half half chicken boneless was very juicy on the inside and also great flavours! I loved the pickle to ease the oiliness of the dish. But the cheese chicken was quite average, not only was the cheese so powdery, it was hard to eat - almost made me sneezed… and it was a bit dry too… We used to come here a lot before covid, now that the hype is gone, we are back to basic Korean bbq, so sad reality.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-31
好吃!UFO芝士火锅🛸给每一块炸鸡都穿上了厚重的美丽的芝士新衣🍗,炸鸡吃完还有没吃完的芝士🧀。虽然每一口是热量炸弹,但是吃的脸上洋溢起笑容韩式鸡蛋卷很懂我!🫔完全没有一粒米,纯纯是绵软厚实的鸡蛋包裹着小料,让丰富的口感在口中层层递进📌每一份菜分量都蛮大的,尤其是那一大锅芝士,一下子就能顶住 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)