7-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Apgujeong Tent Bar is a Korean restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui that is decorated in traditional South Korean style. The restaurant serves almost all of the popular traditional korean dishes including shabu shabu, cold noodles, braised beef and Korean seafood pancake. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
17:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 03:00
Mon - Sat
17:00 - 03:00
17:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday Eve
17:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (254)
Level2 2024-04-30
一間由韓國人老闆親自擔任廚師的韓式餐廳。似乎老闆總是親自在廚房裡下廚。到目前為止,我吃過的所有食物都非常好吃,而且酒菜也是最棒的。A Korean restaurant where the owner, who is Korean, personally operates as the head chef. It seems like the owner is always cooking in the kitchen. All the food I've eaten so far has been incredibly delicious, and the side dishes are also excellent. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-06
perfect place to come eat wether it be for small gatherings or a dinner date with someone! The food here stays true and authentic to korean cuisine and the staff is always the sweetest! I think everything here is reasonably priced and restaurant is located in a very convenient place too! not so far from the mtr. We have came to eaten here 3 times in total and this was my first time booking with open rice and everything went so smoothly! They even gave us free snacks! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
訂位後無confirm booking要自己打去問,入座後先知要限時90分鐘,諗住「居酒屋」可以同朋友食住野傾下計,侍應都好似好趕時間要趕你走咁。有一個講廣東話既男侍應態度最惡劣,落單時我地叫左部隊鍋、醬油蟹(加飯)、燒牛肉、牛油鮑魚,過左好耐佢地都未上部隊鍋,我地又忍唔住問果位侍應話仲差個部隊鍋,果位侍應竟然發爛渣話「你地冇叫過部隊鍋喎!」我地答佢我地有叫部隊鍋(而且第一樣就叫)然後佢再反駁「我有問你地係咪叫左4樣野,而家咪黎左4樣野囉!」當時枱面只有醬油蟹(加飯)、燒牛肉、牛油鮑魚,原來個跟醬油蟹既飯係計一樣野…….但重點係估唔到佢竟然會咁大反應去反駁客人,無禮貌都算,其實你當我地加單咪解決囉,我地又冇話你錯,又唔介意等多陣,點解要第一下就即刻去怪責客人?另外我地訂位時已曾經致電問過係咪需要開瓶費,亦同意左$100一支冇問題,落單後示意該侍應想開支酒,請佢比個冰桶我地裝酒,佢好驚訝咁話「下,你地自己帶左酒黎牙!?我地要收開瓶費架喎!」我地繼續冷靜咁回應佢話我地已查詢過並知道要開瓶費,然後佢又好無禮貌咁話「你拎支酒出黎比我睇下先」我地答佢係一支香檳,佢堅持要我地拎出黎,拎左出黎比佢睇之後佢一手拎左支酒去問另一個侍應,問完之後佢就答「呢支要$100一支,有冇問題?」我地一開始咪講左冇問題囉😅😅點解要留難人同埋大驚小怪呢?服務非常不專業整體黎講食物可以,但該侍應既服務態度真係不敢恭維,其他韓國侍應既態度不錯,唔知係咪因為佢識廣東話令佢workload太大,好大壓力,或者特登衰d等人唔會搵佢serve啦,但無論如何佢都令我地既用餐體驗好差。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-26
經過尖沙咀,搵到間韓國菜就諗住試下,間野係諾士佛台附近一棟商廈1樓的。前菜非常出色:豆芽好入味,無草腥味。泡菜非常正宗,不過辣左少少(可能本人唔係太食得辣)魚乾:鹹鹹地甜甜地,送啤酒一流。另外叫咗個半半炸雞,好大份,外皮炸得很脆,配埋啲韓式甜酸醬,非常開胃。仲有叫石頭雜錦拌飯,佢哋會幫你撈埋,服務非常好。美味指數:😋😋😋😋環境指數:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️回頭指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻地址:狎鷗亭居酒屋 (尖沙咀)尖沙咀諾士佛臺9號冠福中心1樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-04
天氣涼涼地食韓國野都唔錯丫。炸雞就一定唔少得啦,酸甜辣味好開胃涼拌豬仔腳係必食嘅,肉腍皮軟連埋蔬菜絲一齊食,好正芝士辣炒年糕 拼炸雞 ,芝士係無限添加,喜歡 芝士嘅就唔會差過海鮮蔥餅就有點失望,普普通通的啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)