2-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (19)
It is a famous steakhouse that serves in generous portions at reasonable prices. The steaks are fresh and imported from Australia. Besides, the shop is designed with an Australian theme and provides a casual dining environment. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Causeway Bay (2009), Best Western Restaurant (2009,2013)
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Live Sports Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (567)
有一段時間沒來吃 Outback, 去時還有點期待,但最後是失望而回。我們叫了一個探險家肉食拼盤套餐,老實說,份量是很足夠的,四至五人吃也不是問題。可惜味道卻跟不上價錢。羊排比較肥了一點,豬鞍不知是質量問題還是烹調太久,很乾很硬。牛排也是比較韌。反而是雞槌和羊排下面那些飯味道卻不錯。因為我喜歡吃芝士,所以覺得烤雞肉芝士夾餅雖然偏咸,但是還是可以的。雖然是拼盤套餐而不是單點,但以人均約400元以上的價錢和以 Outback 作為扒房來說,整體來說是失望的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-11
2家人一齊食飯,有大有細,呢度都幾啱。因為唔想煩,就叫咗個3-4人set,小朋友食得少 (嚟咗2轉黑糖麵包都清晒,其實都飽咗一半🙈),所以4位大人淨係食堆肉都飽晒😂整體唔錯,個餐有扒有意粉有沙律,我哋再另外叫飲品。羊我唔食俾唔到意見,但豬扒就好好好鞋,我哋4個大人食咗少少就放棄咗,牛扒都仲過得去,沙律好多芝士,菜都好新鮮,呢個我好鍾意。始終帶住小朋友,好欣賞佢哋喺我哋坐低後就遞上蠟筆同填色卡紙(亦係kids menu)。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
啱啱去咗Outback搞個胃。一落座,個黑糖包就快閃送上嚟,軟綿綿滲住甜蜜嘅香味,仲唔夠喉?Refill嚟再嚟,識飲識食。我哋圍住轉呢碟炸洋蔥,賣相掂過雞手指,兩個話嘢間就已經冚唪唥。炸得輕盈唔油膩,外脆內鬆,癮晒!🍖 話時話,西冷牛扒拍拖豬仔骨嘅組合真係犀利得嚟。肉質鬆化,雖則有啲偏熟,但都仲保持住啖啖肉嘅威風。嗰陣豬仔骨嘅話,咀嚼得更舒服,肉質鬆化,簡直入口即溶。🍕 雞肉薄餅就真係出奇制勝。面皮煎到剛剛好,餡料多得滯,夾雜住芝士嘅香濃,美味喎。透過疊疊層層嘅味道,每一啖都充滿驚喜!摘星級嘅甜品就係弱晒,Apple Cider配芒果底味,飲落嘅時候喉頭清新,甜而不膩,不過價錢就有點𠱁。响呢度食嘅每一啖,既係滿足,又係探險。直頭係滿載而歸嘅晚餐,下次仲要嚟!🍽️🤤👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說今次去了Outback,真係頂級享受!開胃先鋒係嗰黑糖麵包,啖啖香軟得嚟唔膩口,簡直係人間美味🥖。跟住嚟嘅燒蝦雞肉寬麵,真係驚喜連連:蝦仁爽彈,雞肉嫩滑,味道好夠鐘意呢種輕鬆但又唔失水準嘅搭配。講起個寬麵啦,彈牙得嚟又吸晒啲醬汁,啖啖都係濃郁芝士香味,夠曬滋味!呢個餐湯就更加嘆為觀止,濃到出奇,每啖都食到粟米粒嘅甜味,熱辣辣嘅喺呢個天氣中真係飲得好舒服。整體嚟講,呢餐飯食得好滿足,賣相吸引,味道又正,簡直係食得一試難忘!忍唔住仲要多讚幾句,Outback嘅質素真係穩定,每次嚟都保持得好好👍。記得下次再嚟嘗試其他款式,當然,少不了嗰必食嘅黑糖麵包啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-29
outback steakhouse 最出名就是黑糖麵包,牛扒很juicy,又好味🤤🤤,真是有人信得過。Outback steakhouse 都有不少套餐選擇, outback steakhouse 曾經三四個月前拍了廣告,但可惜有兩間 outback steakhouse 結了業,下次一定再去這間扒房吃其他美食, outback steakhouse 一定會更美味😃。outback steakhouse 真美味,又juicy。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)