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Review (6)
Level4 2014-06-23
泰昌餅家一撻成名就係因為幾多十年前,前港督彭定康對泰昌蛋撻讚不絕口而家變左香港名物咁中環店……其他分店都係,不時會出現人龍或人群去掃撻:^0細細個食過,竟然十年後再食了XDDD曲奇皮蛋撻同細個食既味道當然有出入啦不過蛋香仲係幾重,而且係幾滑嫩可口的曲奇皮係酥脆既,入口帶甜味,但慢慢嚼出牛油香整體黎講我覺得還是不錯的可惜當日唔係即刻食,錯過了最佳時段或者下次要去「立食」一下xdddd continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
仲有2日母親節啦, 考順仔女想好什麼禮物給媽媽未?JUMBO TART?想知是什麼?心急快往下看泰昌蛋撻因前港督彭定康一食就一夜成名我放工見到個勁大架蛋撻,原來內有乾坤架。蛋撻型蛋糕,是普通EGG TART 12倍SIZE有成一磅重, 見到個樣都值回票價,$58 蚊個, 母親節限定!!!!!很有趣, 賣相包裝私比85分,那麼味道如何又有內涵嗎?放張切開左解剖一下,外皮是食慣gei 油皮, 略厚身,切時會解開, 有點似曲奇。中間3層平均分佈,最底是海綿蛋糕再接一層CREAM,而最上面不是蛋漿, 是檸檬味CUSTARD,要凍食架,CUSTARD都滑YUMMY~實物直徑有我塊而大!!!!!下次節日可以出其他味回歸嗎?我想食朱古力同CARAMEL 味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
原來這裡也有泰昌餅家,酥皮和不是酥皮也買下了!買了立即吃,感覺就在口內融化了!蛋味重!超好吃擺花街的總店好吃一點!!新鮮出爐的蛋撻最美味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-14
泰昌以蛋撻聞名, 連彭定康先生都幫襯. 蛋撻分酥皮同曲奇兩款口味. 我偏向曲奇味.不過今次介紹是另一款產品, 晚上$12/4件, 單品$5/件. 每次付款加$2可以換老婆餅一件. 砵仔糕只有黃糖選擇.本人喜歡多豆, 不過隻隻都好多豆, 見到就開心.而且豆沒有煮到爛晒, 口感依然!其餘的馬蹄糕同白糖糕都被家人吃掉最後結論是: 都係蛋撻最好味~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I have not had these in ages so decided to get one from Tai Cheong at Diamond Hill.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Black eye bean mochi:The glutinous rice mochi was stuck to a piece of lotus leaf with a black eye bean stuck to the top of it.The mochi pastry was made from glutinous rice and flour, however I did not like it because it was slightly sweet, the black eye bean filling was delicious because it was in puree form and extremely silky.There was lots of five spice powder in it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)