Exit C2, Kowloon Tong MTR Station, Exit H, Kowloon Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (10)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
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Review (125)
🌟LadyM🌟嘅千層芝士蛋糕🍓,包裝用上圓形木盒,上面烙上🌟LadyM🌟精心設計嘅pattern,既美觀又得體😍!而女王棉花餅☁️嘅包裝係🏅熨金拉花,女孩子一定會鍾意🤩!🍓士多啤梨千層芝士蛋糕(6吋) $580千層蛋糕中間改為夾住忌廉芝士,味道更濃郁,綿化嘅口感令人欲罷不能!士多啤梨果醬帶天然嘅果酸,加埋灑喺面嘅檸檬皮,清新嘅感覺的確一流!☁️女王棉花餅 $198/8件雲朵造型嘅女王棉花餅,配搭五款馬卡龍嘅顏色,賣相超討人喜歡!五款口味分別為海鹽焦糖、藍莓、士多啤梨、開心果、芒果熱情果,入口稍脆,內裡軟綿,甜度適中!而且價錢唔貴,包裝精美,真係送禮嘅佳品! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-07
I’ve never thought of eating a piece of cake that costs $70+, not until a few months ago that one of my ex-colleagues was back from the UK. Four of us meeting here for tea. This homecoming guy ordered Egg Salad Brioche Burger, it looked yummy and he said so.This time, my other friend invited me here for birthday celebration. She ordered their Signature Mille Crêpes, she recommended this to me. As I felt like I wouldn’t want any cake that day, so I ordered the burger combo that came with a drink. I had Iced Yuzu Lemonade. The burger was unexpectedly delicious; the bun was soft and yet the outside was crispy. It was not as sweet as I thought, I really like it. The filling was smooth and tasty. For the drink, I love the taste, just not the piece of dried lemon. On the whole, it was a good dinning experience, the place is quiet, clean and decent. The food and drink were great. The staff were nice, keeping the place and tables clean, giving way when we were taking photos of the food, helping us taking photos and most of all, they would not urge you to finish. I enjoyed eating and sharing with my friends here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-23
位置方便 係溜冰場隔離店舖白雪雪 好光猛 乾淨☁️一入去就見到一櫃蛋糕嘅display點餐後好快就到🫖伯爵茶味千層蛋糕蛋糕面層cream唔會太heavy 有輕輕茶香cream好smooth 每層都有均勻嘅cream千層蛋糕皮都幾有蛋味 厚薄均勻🍵綠茶味千層蛋糕面層有滿滿嘅綠茶粉 非常香!!!綠茶一啲都唔覺得苦 配蛋糕甜甜地好夾完全食蛋糕會食唔停口🤣🤣🤣如果無叫野飲基本都會比返杯檸檬水🍋都會keep住睇下洗唔洗refill唔怕尷尬要人黎refill continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-08
話說lady M呢間千層蛋糕店由佢啱啱嚟香港俾人講到佢好誇張仲好記得頭一兩次幫襯佢舖頭排晒長龍嗰陣仲心諗有冇咁誇張呀🧐但係食過就知簡單喺出邊都有join話啲蛋糕製作工作坊啲老師都有同我哋講,其實Lady M每一層都整得咁平均其實係好難嘅手工野試過喺佢哋舖頭問,佢哋嘅員工講唔係機做個個蛋糕都係人手做,所以製作需時之前都係外賣,或者堂食咁樣買一兩件返屋企點知阿哥食過好鍾意自此佢生日我就會預先喺網上訂蛋糕先預訂再喺相關日子,同時間去返你所揀選嘅店舖取貨超方便每一層都好平均,好有口感個個cream淡淡甜味就算男仔都好鍾意食之後身邊有人生日都keep住有買超好味呀🤤佢喺唔同時間都會有啲期間限定記得之前佢有伯爵茶、有玫瑰但係屋企人都係鍾情原味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-23
點樣食推介✨⭐️士多啤梨千層芝士蛋糕⭐️⭐️創新女王的棉花餅⭐️Lady M@ladymhk🍖士多啤梨千層芝士蛋糕 $580/6‘ (8/10)係我食過最好食嘅千層蛋糕口味(可能係因為我係士多啤梨芝士控所以有bias🫢),d cream cheese好均勻咁塗係班戟度,面頭嘅新鮮士多啤梨果醬酸酸甜甜,令到成個味道都好balance,而今次最特別嘅係個餅底~係由法國Valrhona士多啤梨朱古力同自家製薄脆製作而成,非常之crunchy🫶🏻,美味程度係我一個人已經可以ko半個蛋糕嘅level🤤🍖女王的棉花餅 $198/8pcs (7.5/10)棉花餅一盒有5款口味:海鹽焦糖、開心果、藍莓、芒果熱情果同士多啤梨味,佢嘅口感非常特別,係我第一次食到個嘅texture!!因為同macaron一樣都係用杏仁粉製作,所以面頭都有糖霜的脆身嘅口感,但內裡可以好似蛋糕咁鬆軟(⊙ω⊙),超有趣❕中間仲夾左果醬增加d濕潤度,不愧係17世紀法國皇室先食到個甜點🥹回頭指數: 🍧🍧🍧🍧 (滿分:🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)