8-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Level4 2017-10-11
一直都有聽聞Patrick嘅大名,只不過係一直都冇原因去呢一間餐廳食飯。今日驅使我去試呢一間餐廳嘅原因,竟然係一個買一送一嘅優惠。餐廳環境細細,而且餐廳入口唔容易,睇Building外邊完全唔會估到入邊會有一間咁樣嘅法國餐廳,全場大概可以坐20位客人,感覺私隱度比較高啲,法國菜一直俾人個感覺都係又細碟價錢又貴,今日我哋試嘅Tasting Menu,感覺都係細細碟碟,但就好夠吃。主當日去到客人真係唔多,連埋我得兩台,隔離枱仲要係DJ李志岡同朋友一齊。一入到門口Chef Patrick即刻展示佢嘅紳士風度,禮貌地錫左我手一下,存在感立即飆升傳統西餐一般都唔提供免費水,我都開咗支起泡水,等緊朋友期間,仲比左D Salami我吃,可惜我唔好所以留返比朋友,朋友到咗之後,Chef Patrick開始serve我地嘅Tasting Menu,我哋仲選擇左Wine paring。頭盤:鵝肝三味:兩款鵝肝醬,鵝肝泡芙配朱古力醬。呢度菜好漏,因為三款鵝肝料理唔係講笑,每道都甘夠份量(我指膽固醇),最特別要數鵝肝泡芙,鹹朱古力配凍吃鵝肝,好特別,鵝肝控應該會鍾愛這度菜。當一個冰冰凍凍嘅鵝肝係你口入邊溶化嘅時候,你真係可以感覺到個種,似甜品而非甜品,似雪糕但非雪糕的特別感覺,好唔好味就見仁見智但感覺真係好特別。跟住落嚟係煎帶,嫩口無筋,係好味嘅唯獨就係得一舊咁多。或者呢啲就叫做少食多滋味。之後嘅菜式我就叫咗煙三文魚而同伴就叫咗田螺。但原來同伴都唔係好好田螺,所以我將兩個菜式都食晒,煙三文魚老實講冇乜特別嘅感覺,反而田螺肉比較軟,都幾好食。話咁快就到主菜啦,今晚提供嘅係牛扒,雖然件頭唔大,但牛扒質素係好高。同伴真係食到舔舔脷,因我本人就唔好牛,所以我將我個份都俾埋佢食佢,而佢仲KO咗一份半,仲覺得係全餐當中佢最鍾意嘅菜式。最後去到甜品,今日係朱古力蛋糕,我食咗少少就冇食囉,因為唔係我杯茶,有D嘥咗。每人連埋三杯酒(我影左兩杯)最後埋單一共14xx幾已經用咗優惠,原本 Tasting Menu連三杯酒係每人980定998,買一送一只係減咗人頭晚餐六百幾唔包wine paring嘅價錢。不過可以一試Chef Patrick手藝,呢個價錢都吃得過。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-20
Tried the tasting menu tonight and the dishes are full of subtle surprises. The mushroom cake, the foie gras trio are nicely done with dynamic texture and flavour that please the taste buds. The prawn spaghetti and beef look simple, but we can tell a lot of effort has been put to make it tastes so nice. We added a cheese platter which got some niche collection. We have a great chat with the chef and staff and can tell they are all very passionate on food. A happy night with great food ❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-09-13
Smart bunny 再訪la table de Patrick, 今次試佢tasting menu。先上Amuse bouche, 三文魚下面用chicken liver mousse 墊底,用了來點麵包吃,好滋味Foie Gras Trio 有三件,第一件是招牌,似雪糕咁的鵝肝混朱古力橙醬,第二件是混無花果鵝肝醬,第三件是一般常吃的咸鵝肝醬。三件都好吃,最驚喜係似雪糕果件,盡顯大廚超功架。北海道帶子,個帶子一般無乜驚喜,反而個配菜菠蘿煮到像豬腳薑的味道,好過癮蝦carpaccio, concept 特別,味道還可以Main course 個牛柳不過不失,始終牛是一分錢一分貨,會建議用rib eye, 平平地已得,牛柳冇番咁上下靚則好難過到牛魔王smart bunny果關。這道菜我最喜歡個薯仔批,上皮炸脆了,下面切幼條混忌廉好滋味Assorted cheese, 喜歡有smoke walnut 味道那隻cheese, 其實其他的cheese 也很特別,配葡萄、合桃、無花果乾很好,吃得開心。最後的甜品是opera, 與之前午餐的甜品一樣,建議可以做多d甜品款式😉整體來說還是不錯的,加上大廚Patrick 熱情招待,整頓飯吃得好開心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-09-09
今次應該是我第三次品嚐Chez Patrick的手勢!今次來係因為朋友卜左restaurant week. 因為間餐廳得到最佳法國餐廳係restaurant week. Restaurant Week有指定餐牌$198+10%。我哋三位都係點了Rib Eyes .頭盤我們各自點了不同的!Chez Patrick 是親自下廚,並不假手於人!無論頭盤主菜甜品完全沒有令我們失望!尤其是主菜十分有驚喜!我們提議medium rare,但是牛的質感同味道非常有牛的鮮味!連伴菜也好好美味!Chez Patrick 完成工作之後更來與我們細談,他透露另外兩間小店可能也不會長做因為營運成本上升!好希望中環這店可以繼續經營下去因為從他的食物味道,擺盤感受到大厨對食物有要求同慹情!唔希望因為香港的高企租金另這些有熱情的小店漸漸消失! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-09-01
I have tried at least 10 different restaurants in the whole RW promotion and this is definitely the worst dinner experience.Their environment is horrible. It is in an old building with simple decoration, very packed tables. It became noisy when more people arrived. Staffs were so unprofessional and impolite. One of the male staff with very strong cigarette smell which made me lost the Appetit The starter was simple, nothing surprised.Main course was okay but in small portion.Dessert was fine, the best part in the meal.After the meal, I couldn't wait to go to another place and eat again !!! I was NOT full at all I was surprised by their small portion and limited choice of menu. I've tried different RW menu, If the menu is very simple, you usually get more than what they written (like side dish, additional course or welcome snacks), at least you can be full after a meal.In La table de Patrick you only eat 3 courses (ya very small portion) so you don't feel you have really tried a lot.Overall it was an OKAY for a $450 dinner.But I wouldn't come back because other RW menu do way better than this. If you use RW menu for promotion, I'm afraid this is a big fail because you really are the worst among all restaurants. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)