8-min walk from Exit C1 , Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Located inside Hong Kong Park, L16 Cafe & Bar is a good place to relax after a walk around the park. The Thai-Japanese restaurant also has an outdoor seating area for guests to enjoy the fresh air and nature of Hong Kong Park. continue reading
Additional Information
Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Salmon and sea urchin sashimi rice Pomelo Salad Hainan Chicken Rice Black Pepper Crab Fresh Mango with glutinous rice
Review (102)
Level1 2018-11-06
間餐廳睇落環境唔差,無諗過會請啲質素咁差既員工,啲員工繼續咁服務客人,間餐廳肯定做唔住,唔明點解間餐廳仲可以存在。我未試過因為服務員既態度搞到我咁嬲,原本諗住打電話去訂座,個服務員好似唔想理你咁,似係想趕客,服務員講野勁快又勁lur,完全聽唔到佢講咩,叫佢重複一次,就好似得罪佢咁,用勁惡劣既語氣回應我,雖然好想試間餐廳啲食物,但服務員咁既態度令我卻步。其實好想知餐廳老闆有無睇過open rice啲劣評,我見好多人都遇到我咁既情況,但餐廳似乎咁耐以黎都無改善到,希望餐廳可以改善下個服務質素。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
剛剛打電話去訂座,接聽電話既服務員態度惡劣,語氣不耐煩,未食餐飯已經忍唔住要寫個劣評。之前未食過呢間餐廳,但由訂座嗰刻對呢間餐廳既印象已經超差,就算野食幾好都唔會去食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在港島想要來個樹林間的芬多精,除了行山外,另一個好選擇即是來香港公園,看到介紹牌香港公園佔地8公頃,好難想像在港島上寸土寸金竟然有這麼大的公眾公園,內有許多設施,動植物公園、茶具博物館..等,因此,逛上一天半載也不成問題。發現在這個城市綠洲中,竟然有一間餐廳,今天就來去嚐嚐鮮,餐廳座落在公園瀑布旁,餐廳的氛圍有如在原野叢林間的自然餐廳,用餐時,可以享受到360度大自然環繞的舒適感。今天點了一份午市套餐,日式蟹肉蓋飯定食,有生蝦沙拉、味增湯與蟹肉蓋飯,原來只是將蟹肉罐頭直接鋪放在蓋飯上,實在有點兒普通,如果餐廳的料理能多加用心,肯定能成為香港很有特色的餐廳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-10-01
Environment is nice in HK park, the food is rather nice even if portions are small. There are like 6-7 waiters for a smaller number of customers, but they’re incredibly ineffective : slow, busy on their cellphone, disappeared or chatting with one another. All orders must be done in Cantonese or they’ll just throw the menu, dishes and bill on your table. Don’t expect any finesse or consideration here continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-07-03
5大3小去完動植物公園就過隔離香港公園食飯叫咗一個6人餐- 沙田柚沙律(我第一次食,之前一路都係食開青木瓜沙律。佢撈埋個汁咸咸地,有啲花生同蝦米仔,幾得意)- 泰式菜脯肉碎炒蛋(蛋煎得夠香口,配飯啱啱好)- 拼盤(上菜望見覺得好醜樣,不味道係唔錯,由其係單骨雞翼,5分鐘搶曬)- 冬蔭公(香港版冬蔭公,無正宗泰版咁濃郁,男人們話偏酸,不過我自己幾鐘意)- 綠咖哩雞柳(好香椰味,唔太辣,啲汁撈飯正,不過雞肉唔夠滑)- 京都豬柳(我個人唔鐘意呢種汁,所以冇食,不過其他人就讚呢個好好味)- 豆醬炒通菜(好味,有鑊氣)- 白飯- 泰式甜品拼盤(有驚喜,唔過甜,三款都好味)另外加餸:- 天椒干炒羊肉(一啲都唔膻,微辣,幾野味)- 明太子玉子燒(好好味,最怕太甜嘅玉子,佢唔係,抵讚)- 豬,牛,雞串燒(要咗一打,一陣就比人食曬,個沙嗲醬好過好多地方)- 酸辣鳳爪沙律(我覺得可再酸啲)- 湄南肉碎包(濕濕地,我覺得撈飯正過包生菜,包生菜我自己鐘意食乾身啲)- Lemon refresh(好清新,好好飲,連小朋友都好鐘意)- 芒果糯米飯(係我鐘意嘅暖椰漿,芒果又甜,好味)*環境好舒服,我地自成一角,有小朋友都唔怕嘈親人*對鐘意食正宗泰式嘅人黎講(即係我)應該會覺得清淡咗啲,不過食開港式泰菜(即係我啲fds)佢地就覺得好味*服務態度唔錯,始終我地有小朋友論盡啲,不過侍應好好人,叫咗幾轉行黎行去都好肯幫手*Btw餐廳有聾啞人士擔任侍應,要比多少少時間去解釋你需要乜野,如果係心急嘅就搵返健全人士幫你,唔好難為人地,佢地比健全工作者更值得尊重(因為當晚我見到有人叫佢地幫手攞野,佢地表示佢地唔識聽,果位客人講咗啲好冇禮貌嘅說話) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)